提交 aa66eba7 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

BN_mod_sqrt documentation/comment

上级 f27b45d2
......@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
[Richard Levitte]
*) New function BN_mod_sqrt for computing square roots modulo a prime
(Tonelli-Shanks algorithm unless p == 3 (mod 4) or p == 5 (mod 8)).
(using the probabilistic Tonelli-Shanks algorithm unless
p == 3 (mod 4) or p == 5 (mod 8), which are cases that can
be handled deterministically).
[Lenka Fibikova <fibikova@exp-math.uni-essen.de>, Bodo Moeller]
*) Store verify_result within SSL_SESSION also for client side to
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ BIGNUM *BN_mod_sqrt(BIGNUM *in, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, BN_CTX *ctx)
/* t := (2*a)*b^2 - 1*/
if (!BN_mod_mul(t, t, y, p, ctx)) goto end;
if (!BN_sub_word(t, 1)) goto end; /* cannot become negative */
if (!BN_sub_word(t, 1)) goto end;
/* x = a*b*t */
if (!BN_mod_mul(x, a, b, p, ctx)) goto end;
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