提交 ab603c69 编写于 作者: R Richard Levitte

Code to avoid the use of non-standard strptime(). By

Jeffrey Altman <jaltman@columbia.edu>

(Really, the time that's being parsed is a GeneralizedTime, so if
ASN1_GENERALIZEDTIME_get() ever gets implemented, it should be used
上级 9c11a0e5
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE /* glibc2 needs this to declare strptime() */
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
......@@ -1568,7 +1569,7 @@ kssl_ctx_setkey(KSSL_CTX *kssl_ctx, krb5_keyblock *session)
kssl_ctx_show(KSSL_CTX *kssl_ctx)
int i;
unsigned int i;
printf("kssl_ctx: ");
if (kssl_ctx == NULL)
......@@ -1697,9 +1698,6 @@ krb5_error_code kssl_check_authent(
unsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
unsigned char *p, *unenc_authent, *tbuf = NULL;
int padl, outl, unencbufsize;
struct tm tm_time, *tm_l, *tm_g;
time_t now, tl, tg, tz_offset;
char * strptime();
*atimep = 0;
kssl_err_set(kssl_err, 0, "");
......@@ -1797,16 +1795,49 @@ krb5_error_code kssl_check_authent(
else strncpy(tbuf, auth->ctime->data, auth->ctime->length);
if ((char *)strptime(tbuf, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", &tm_time) != NULL)
if ( auth->ctime->length >= 9 && auth->ctime->length <= 14 )
/* tbuf == "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" */
struct tm tm_time, *tm_l, *tm_g;
time_t now, tl, tg, tr, tz_offset;
int i;
char *p = tbuf;
memset(&tm_time,0,sizeof(struct tm));
for ( i=0;
i<4 && isdigit(*p);
i++, p++ )
tm_time.tm_year = tm_time.tm_year*10 + (*p-'0');
for ( i=0;
i<2 && isdigit(*p) && tm_time.tm_mon <= 1;
i++, p++ )
tm_time.tm_mon = tm_time.tm_mon*10 + (*p-'0');
for ( i=0;
i<2 && isdigit(*p) && tm_time.tm_mday <= 3;
i++, p++ )
tm_time.tm_mday = tm_time.tm_mday*10 + (*p-'0');
for ( i=0;
i<2 && isdigit(*p) && tm_time.tm_hour <= 2;
i++, p++ )
tm_time.tm_hour = tm_time.tm_hour*10 + (*p-'0');
for ( i=0;
i<2 && isdigit(*p) && tm_time.tm_min <= 6;
i++, p++ )
tm_time.tm_min = tm_time.tm_min*10 + (*p-'0');
for ( i=0;
i<2 && isdigit(*p) && tm_time.tm_sec <= 6;
i++, p++ )
tm_time.tm_sec = tm_time.tm_sec*10 + (*p-'0');
now = time(&now);
tm_l = localtime(&now); tl = mktime(tm_l);
tm_g = gmtime(&now); tg = mktime(tm_g);
tz_offset = tg - tl;
tr = mktime(&tm_time);
*atimep = mktime(&tm_time) - tz_offset;
if (tr != (time_t)(-1))
*atimep = mktime(&tm_time) - tz_offset;
printf("kssl_check_authent: client time %s = %d\n", tbuf, *atimep);
#endif /* KSSL_DEBUG */
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