提交 b4f43344 编写于 作者: U Ulf Möller

Copy rather than symlink the test data.

This is needed because Windows doesn't support symlinks.

The Cygwin/MinGW build now passes "make test".
上级 c8c5cec1
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ links:
@$(TOP)/util/point.sh Makefile.ssl Makefile
@$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl ../../include/openssl $(EXHEADER)
@$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl ../../test $(TEST)
@$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl ../../test $(TESTDATA)
cp $(TESTDATA) ../../test
@$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl ../../apps $(APPS)
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