提交 bb65e20b 编写于 作者: B Ben Laurie

Remove the bugfix that was really a bug.

Submitted by: Arne Ansper <arne@ats.cyber.ee>
上级 b5e406f7
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
Changes between 0.9.1c and 0.9.2
*) BIO_s_socket() had a broken should_retry() on Windoze.
[Arne Ansper <arne@ats.cyber.ee>]
*) BIO_f_buffer() didn't pass on BIO_CTRL_FLUSH.
[Arne Ansper <arne@ats.cyber.ee>]
......@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ int i;
#if defined(WINDOWS) /* more microsoft stupidity */
#if defined(WINDOWS) && 0 /* more microsoft stupidity *//* perhaps not? Ben 4/1/99 */
if ((i == -1) && (err == 0))
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