提交 c1082a90 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

Non-copying interface to BIO pairs.

It's still totally untested ...
上级 b7d7440c
......@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
Changes between 0.9.4 and 0.9.5 [xx XXX 1999]
*) Non-copying interface to BIO pairs.
(still totally untested)
[Bodo Moeller]
*) New function ANS1_tag2str() to convert an ASN1 tag to a descriptive
ASCII string. This was handled independently in various places before.
[Steve Henson]
......@@ -517,12 +517,10 @@ BIO * BIO_get_retry_BIO(BIO *bio, int *reason);
int BIO_get_retry_reason(BIO *bio);
BIO * BIO_dup_chain(BIO *in);
#if 0 /* not yet */
int BIO_nread0(BIO *bio, char **buf);
int BIO_nread(BIO *bio, char **buf, int num);
int BIO_nwrite0(BIO *bio, char **buf);
int BIO_nwrite(BIO *bio, char **buf, int num);
#ifndef WIN16
long BIO_debug_callback(BIO *bio,int cmd,const char *argp,int argi,
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
......@@ -195,6 +196,82 @@ static int bio_read(BIO *bio, char *buf, int size_)
return size;
/* non-copying interface: provide pointer to available data in buffer
* bio_nread0: return number of available bytes
* bio_nread: also advance index
* (example usage: bio_nread0(), read from buffer, bio_nread()
* or just bio_nread(), read from buffer)
/* WARNING: The non-copying interface is totally untested as of yet --
* I wrote it, but have not yet read it; and surely it still is full
* of bugs. */
static size_t bio_nread0(BIO *bio, char **buf)
struct bio_bio_st *b, *peer_b;
size_t num;
if (!bio->init)
return 0;
b = bio->ptr;
assert(b != NULL);
assert(b->peer != NULL);
peer_b = b->peer->ptr;
assert(peer_b != NULL);
assert(peer_b->buf != NULL);
peer_b->request = 0;
if (peer_b->len == 0)
char dummy;
/* avoid code duplication -- nothing available for reading */
return bio_read(bio, &dummy, num); /* returns 0 or -1 */
num = peer_b->len;
if (peer_b->size < peer_b->offset + num)
/* no ring buffer wrap-around for non-copying interface */
num = peer_b->size - peer_b->offset;
assert(num > 0);
if (buf != NULL)
*buf = peer_b->buf + peer_b->offset;
return num;
static size_t bio_nread(BIO *bio, char **buf, size_t num)
struct bio_bio_st *b, *peer_b;
size_t available;
available = bio_nread0(bio, buf);
if (num > available)
num = available;
if (num <= 0)
return num;
b = bio->ptr;
peer_b = b->peer->ptr;
peer_b->len -= num;
if (peer_b->len)
peer_b->offset += num;
assert(peer_b->offset <= peer_b->size);
if (peer_b->offset == peer_b->size)
peer_b->offset = 0;
peer_b->offset = 0;
return num;
static int bio_write(BIO *bio, char *buf, int num_)
size_t num = num_;
......@@ -268,6 +345,76 @@ static int bio_write(BIO *bio, char *buf, int num_)
return num;
/* non-copying interface: provide pointer to region to write to
* bio_nwrite0: check how much space is available
* bio_nwrite: also increase length
* (example usage: bio_nwrite0(), write to buffer, bio_nwrite()
* or just bio_nwrite(), write to buffer)
static size_t bio_nwrite0(BIO *bio, char **buf)
struct bio_bio_st *b;
size_t num;
size_t write_offset;
if (!bio->init)
return 0;
b = bio->ptr;
assert(b != NULL);
assert(b->peer != NULL);
assert(b->buf != NULL);
b->request = 0;
if (b->closed)
return -1;
assert(b->len <= b->size);
if (b->len == b->size)
return -1;
num = b->size - b->len;
write_offset = b->offset + b->len;
if (write_offset >= b->size)
write_offset -= b->size;
if (write_offset + num > b->size)
/* no ring buffer wrap-around for non-copying interface
* (to fulfil the promise by BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee,
* BIO_nwrite may have to be called twice) */
num = b->size - write_offset;
if (buf != NULL)
*buf = b->buf + write_offset;
assert(write_offset + num <= b->size);
return num;
static size_t bio_nwrite(BIO *bio, char **buf, size_t num)
struct bio_bio_st *b;
size_t space;
space = bio_nwrite0(bio, buf);
if (num > space)
num = space;
if (num <= 0)
return num;
b->len += num;
assert(b->len <= b->size);
return num;
static long bio_ctrl(BIO *bio, int cmd, long num, void *ptr)
......@@ -351,6 +498,21 @@ static long bio_ctrl(BIO *bio, int cmd, long num, void *ptr)
ret = 1;
/* non-copying read */
ret = (long) bio_nread(bio, ptr, (size_t) num);
/* prepare for non-copying write */
ret = (long) bio_nwrite0(bio, ptr);
/* non-copying write */
ret = (long) bio_nwrite(bio, ptr, (size_t) num);
/* standard CTRL codes follow */
......@@ -586,3 +748,73 @@ size_t BIO_ctrl_get_read_request(BIO *bio)
return BIO_ctrl(bio, BIO_C_GET_READ_REQUEST, 0, NULL);
/* BIO_nread0/nread/nwrite0/nwrite are availabe only for BIO pairs for now
* (conceivably some other BIOs could allow non-copying reads and writes too.)
int BIO_nread0(BIO *bio, char **buf)
long ret;
if (!bio->init)
return -2;
ret = BIO_ctrl(bio, BIO_C_NREAD0, 0, buf);
if (ret > INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return (int) ret;
int BIO_nread(BIO *bio, char **buf, int num)
int ret;
if (!bio->init)
return -2;
ret = (int) BIO_ctrl(bio, BIO_C_NREAD, num, buf);
if (ret > 0)
bio->num_read += ret;
return ret;
int BIO_nwrite0(BIO *bio, char **buf)
long ret;
if (!bio->init)
return -2;
ret = BIO_ctrl(bio, BIO_C_NWRITE0, 0, buf);
if (ret > INT_MAX)
return INT_MAX;
return (int) ret;
int BIO_nwrite(BIO *bio, char **buf, int num)
int ret;
if (!bio->init)
return -2;
ret = BIO_ctrl(bio, BIO_C_NWRITE, num, buf);
if (ret > 0)
bio->num_read += ret;
return ret;
......@@ -653,6 +653,9 @@ int doit_biopair(SSL *s_ssl, SSL *c_ssl, long count)
/* TODO: use non-blocking BIO interface for (say) the client
* to illustrate its use and to test it. */
#define RELAYBUFSIZ 200
static char buf[RELAYBUFSIZ];
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