提交 c80410c5 编写于 作者: R Richard Levitte

Insuline shot

上级 dc01b6b1
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
*) applies to 0.9.6a (/0.9.6b) and 0.9.7
+) applies to 0.9.7 only
+) Added the OS2-EMX target.
["Brian Havard" <brianh@kheldar.apana.org.au> and Richard Levitte]
+) Rewrite apps to use NCONF routines instead of the old CONF. New functions
to support NCONF routines in extension code. New function CONF_set_nconf()
to allow functions which take an NCONF to also handle the old LHASH
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