提交 cba5068d 编写于 作者: B Ben Laurie

Always make links.

上级 f2595f54
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
Changes between 0.9.1c and 0.9.2
*) Make links whenever Configure is run.
[Ben Laurie]
*) Permit extensions to be added to CRLs using crl_section in openssl.cnf.
Currently only issuerAltName and AuthorityKeyIdentifier make any sense
in CRLs.
......@@ -666,6 +666,9 @@ print "IDEA uses u$type[$idea_int]\n" if $idea_int != $def_int;
print "RC2 uses u$type[$rc2_int]\n" if $rc2_int != $def_int;
print "BF_PTR used\n" if $bf_ptr == 1;
print "BF_PTR2 used\n" if $bf_ptr == 2;
system 'make links';
sub bad_target
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