提交 dfbaf956 编写于 作者: R Ralf S. Engelschall

Install libRSAglue.a when OpenSSL is build with RSAref.

This should now finally make the RSAref users happy...
上级 204cf1ab
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
Changes between 0.9.3a and 0.9.4 [xx Aug 1999]
*) Install libRSAglue.a when OpenSSL is build with RSAref.
[Ralf S. Engelschall]
*) A few more ``#ifndef NO_FP_API / #endif'' pairs for consistency.
[Andrija Antonijevic <TheAntony2@bigfoot.com>]
......@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ links:
@$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl ../apps $(APPS)
-@if [ "x`echo x $(EX_LIBS) | grep RSAglue`" != x ]; then \
echo "installing libRSAglue.a"; \
cp $(LIB) $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(INSTALLTOP)/lib/libRSAglue.a; \
chmod 644 $(INSTALL_PREFIX)$(INSTALLTOP)/lib/libRSAglue.a; \
# @for i in $(EXHEADER) ; \
# do \
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