提交 dff2922a 编写于 作者: A Andy Polyakov

Add option for "compact" rounds to aes_x86core.c. "Compact" rounds are

those referencing compact, 256-byte, S-boxes.
上级 f253a058
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ aes_cbc.o: ../../include/openssl/opensslconf.h aes_cbc.c aes_locl.h
aes_cfb.o: ../../e_os.h ../../include/openssl/aes.h
aes_cfb.o: ../../include/openssl/e_os2.h ../../include/openssl/opensslconf.h
aes_cfb.o: aes_cfb.c aes_locl.h
aes_x86core.o: ../../include/openssl/aes.h aes_locl.h
aes_core.o: ../../include/openssl/aes.h ../../include/openssl/e_os2.h
aes_core.o: ../../include/openssl/opensslconf.h aes_core.c aes_locl.h
aes_ctr.o: ../../include/openssl/aes.h ../../include/openssl/e_os2.h
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