提交 e1f7ea25 编写于 作者: L Lutz Jänicke

Make change uniqueIdentifier -> x500UniqueIdentifier clearly visible.

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PR: 82
上级 8586df1e
......@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
form for "surname", serialNumber has no short form.
Use "mail" as the short name for "rfc822Mailbox" according to RFC2798;
therefore remove "mail" short name for "internet 7".
The OID for unique identifiers in X509 certificates is
x500UniqueIdentifier, not uniqueIdentifier.
Some more OID additions. (Michael Bell <michael.bell@rz.hu-berlin.de>)
[Lutz Jaenicke]
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ OpenSSL - Frequently Asked Questions
* Why can't the OpenSSH configure script detect OpenSSL?
* Can I use OpenSSL's SSL library with non-blocking I/O?
* Why doesn't my server application receive a client certificate?
* Why does compilation fail due to an undefined symbol NID_uniqueIdentifier?
......@@ -624,5 +625,13 @@ if explicitly asked by the server. Use the SSL_VERIFY_PEER flag of the
SSL_CTX_set_verify() function to enable the use of client certificates.
* Why does compilation fail due to an undefined symbol NID_uniqueIdentifier?
For OpenSSL 0.9.7 the OID table was extended and corrected. uniqueIdentifier
was incorrectly used for X.509 certificates. The correct name according to
RFC2256 (LDAP) is x500UniqueIdentifier. Change your code to use the new
name when compiling against OpenSSL 0.9.7.
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
o Reworked parts of the BIGNUM code.
o Support for new engines: Broadcom ubsec, Accelerated Encryption
Processing, IBM 4758.
o Extended and corrected OID (object identifier) table.
o PRNG: query at more locations for a random device, automatic query for
EGD style random sources at several locations.
o SSL/TLS: allow optional cipher choice according to server's preference.
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