提交 f1d712ce 编写于 作者: R Richard Levitte

Make sure that generated files are labeled as such (except in dofile(), for now)

上级 cc96f6b7
......@@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ if ($version =~ /(^[0-9]*)\.([0-9\.]*)/)
open(IN,'<Makefile.org') || die "unable to read Makefile.org:$!\n";
open(OUT,">$Makefile") || die "unable to create $Makefile:$!\n";
print OUT "### Generated automatically from Makefile.org by Configure.\n\n";
my $sdirs=0;
while (<IN>)
......@@ -648,6 +649,7 @@ foreach (sort split(/\s+/,$bn_ops))
open(IN,'<crypto/opensslconf.h.in') || die "unable to read crypto/opensslconf.h.in:$!\n";
open(OUT,'>crypto/opensslconf.h') || die "unable to create crypto/opensslconf.h:$!\n";
print OUT "/* Generated automatically from opensslconf.h.in by Configure. */\n\n";
while (<IN>)
if (/^#define\s+OPENSSLDIR/)
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