提交 f76a8084 编写于 作者: B Bodo Möller

Perl variable names are case-sensitive ...

上级 10cea23b
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
Changes between 0.9.3a and 0.9.4
*) mk1mf.pl (used by Windows builds) did not properly read the
options set by Configure in the top level Makefile; typo fixed,
now "no-idea" etc. works as intended.
[Bodo Moeller]
*) New functions CONF_load_bio() and CONF_load_fp() to allow a config
file to be loaded from a BIO or FILE pointer. The BIO version will
for example allow memory BIOs to contain config info.
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ $ssl_version="";
open(IN,"<Makefile.ssl") || die "unable to open Makefile.ssl!\n";
while(<IN>) {
$ssl_version=$1 if (/^VERSION=(.*)$/);
$options=$1 if (/^OPTIONS=(.*)$/);
$OPTIONS=$1 if (/^OPTIONS=(.*)$/);
$INSTALLTOP=$1 if (/^INSTALLTOP=(.*$)/);
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