提交 fb0b844a 编写于 作者: R Richard Levitte

Document the change in req.

上级 ac57d15b
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
Changes between 0.9.5a and 0.9.6 [xx XXX 2000]
*) Addition of the command line parameter '-rand file' to 'openssl req'.
The given file takes precedence over the RANDFILE option in the
configuration file.
[Richard Levitte]
*) mkstack.pl now sorts each macro group into lexical order.
Previously the output order depended on the order the files
appeared in the directory, resulting in needless rewriting
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ B<openssl> B<req>
[B<-rand file(s)>]
[B<-newkey rsa:bits>]
[B<-newkey dsa:file>]
......@@ -104,6 +105,14 @@ in the configuration file and any requested extensions.
If the B<-key> option is not used it will generate a new RSA private
key using information specified in the configuration file.
=item B<-rand file(s)>
a file or files containing random data used to seed the random number
generator, or an EGD socket (see L<RAND_egd(3)|RAND_egd(3)>).
Multiple files can be specified separated by a OS-dependent character.
The separator is B<;> for MS-Windows, B<,> for OpenVMS, and B<:> for
all others.
=item B<-newkey arg>
this option creates a new certificate request and a new private
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