提交 9d849127 编写于 作者: D Dennis Lambe Jr

Ensured unity_fixture tests pass

上级 c6c4c43e
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ module RakefileHelpers
return {:command => command, :options => options, :includes => includes}
def link(exe_name, obj_list)
def link_it(exe_name, obj_list)
linker = build_linker_fields
cmd_str = "#{linker[:command]}#{linker[:options]}#{linker[:includes]} " +
(obj_list.map{|obj|"#{$cfg['linker']['object_files']['path']}#{obj} "}).join +
......@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ module RakefileHelpers
# Get a list of all source files needed
src_files = Dir[HERE+'src/*.c']
src_files += Dir[HERE+'test/*.c']
src_files << '../../src/Unity.c'
src_files += Dir[HERE+'test/main/*.c']
src_files << '../../src/unity.c'
# Build object files
src_files.each { |f| compile(f, test_defines) }
......@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ module RakefileHelpers
# Link the test executable
test_base = "framework_test"
link(test_base, obj_list)
link_it(test_base, obj_list)
# Execute unit test and generate results file
simulator = build_simulator_fields
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