提交 a53bb4d1 编写于 作者: M Mark VanderVoord

cleanup command line arguments of runner generator

上级 376480a4
......@@ -290,30 +290,35 @@ if ($0 == __FILE__)
options = { :includes => [] }
yaml_file = nil
#parse out all the options first
#parse out all the options first (these will all be removed as we go)
ARGV.reject! do |arg|
when '-cexception'
options[:plugins] = [:cexception]; true
when /\.*\.yml/
when /\.*\.ya?ml/
options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(arg); true
when /\.*\.h/
options[:includes] << arg; true
else false
#make sure there is at least one parameter left (the input file)
if !ARGV[0]
puts ["usage: ruby #{__FILE__} (yaml) (options) input_test_file output_test_runner (includes)",
" blah.yml - will use config options in the yml file (see docs)",
" -cexception - include cexception support"].join("\n")
puts ["usage: ruby #{__FILE__} (yaml) (options) input_test_file (output_test_runner) (includes)",
" blah.yml - will use config options in the yml file. detected by .yml/.yaml",
" input_test_file - this is the C file you want to create a runner for",
" output_test_runner - this is the name of the runner file to generate",
" includes - all header files are added as #includes in runner. detected by .h",
" options:",
" -cexception - include cexception support",
exit 1
#create the default test runner name if not specified
ARGV[1] = ARGV[0].gsub(".c","_Runner.c") if (!ARGV[1])
#everything else is an include file
options[:includes] ||= (ARGV.slice(2..-1).flatten.compact) if (ARGV.size > 2)
UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new(options).run(ARGV[0], ARGV[1])
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