提交 cc7e85c6 编写于 作者: L limeng151


Signed-off-by: Nlimeng151 <limeng151@huawei.com>
Change-Id: I30242715e31bc99734c40eace4766432a001f991
上级 8b6ec014
......@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ HWTEST_F(UidGidTest, testSetgroups2, Function | MediumTest | Level1)
EXPECT_EQ(rt, n);
LOG("add 2 groups");
int rt = setgroups(2, gidListIn);
rt = setgroups(2, gidListIn);
EXPECT_EQ(rt, 0);
n = getgroups(4, gidListOut);
EXPECT_EQ(n, 3);
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