22.4 KB
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xiongxinlei 已提交
1 2 3 4 5

# Speech Server

## Introduction
xiongxinlei 已提交
This demo is an implementation of starting the streaming speech service and accessing the service. It can be achieved with a single command using `paddlespeech_server` and `paddlespeech_client` or a few lines of code in python.
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## Usage
### 1. Installation
see [installation](

It is recommended to use **paddlepaddle 2.2.1** or above.
You can choose one way from meduim and hard to install paddlespeech.

### 2. Prepare config File
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17 18 19
The configuration file can be found in `conf/ws_application.yaml``conf/ws_conformer_application.yaml`.

At present, the speech tasks integrated by the model include: DeepSpeech2 and conformer.
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The input of  ASR client demo should be a WAV file(`.wav`), and the sample rate must be the same as the model.

Here are sample files for thisASR client demo that can be downloaded:
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wget -c
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27 28 29 30 31 32 33

### 3. Server Usage
- Command Line (Recommended)

  # start the service
xiongxinlei 已提交
   paddlespeech_server start --config_file ./conf/ws_conformer_application.yaml
xiongxinlei 已提交
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

  paddlespeech_server start --help
xiongxinlei 已提交
  - `config_file`: yaml file of the app, defalut: ./conf/ws_conformer_application.yaml
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44 45 46 47
  - `log_file`: log file. Default: ./log/paddlespeech.log

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    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,126] [    INFO] - create the online asr engine instance
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,127] [    INFO] - paddlespeech_server set the device: cpu
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - Load the pretrained model, tag = conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - File /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/asr1_chunk_conformer_multi_cn_ckpt_0.2.3.model.tar.gz md5 checking...
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - Use pretrained model stored in: /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/model.yaml
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
    [2022-04-21 15:52:19,446] [    INFO] - start to create the stream conformer asr engine
    [2022-04-21 15:52:19,473] [    INFO] - model name: conformer_online
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21,731] [    INFO] - create the transformer like model success
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21,733] [    INFO] - Initialize ASR server engine successfully.
    INFO:     Started server process [11173]
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Started server process [11173]
    INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Waiting for application startup.
    INFO:     Application startup complete.
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Application startup complete.
    /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
    infos = await tasks.gather(*fs, loop=self)
    /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
    await tasks.sleep(0, loop=self)
    INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
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109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116

- Python API
  from paddlespeech.server.bin.paddlespeech_server import ServerExecutor

  server_executor = ServerExecutor()
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    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,126] [    INFO] - create the online asr engine instance
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,127] [    INFO] - paddlespeech_server set the device: cpu
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - Load the pretrained model, tag = conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,128] [    INFO] - File /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/asr1_chunk_conformer_multi_cn_ckpt_0.2.3.model.tar.gz md5 checking...
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - Use pretrained model stored in: /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/model.yaml
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
    [2022-04-21 15:52:18,727] [    INFO] - /home/users/xiongxinlei/.paddlespeech/models/conformer_online_multicn-zh-16k/exp/chunk_conformer/checkpoints/multi_cn.pdparams
    [2022-04-21 15:52:19,446] [    INFO] - start to create the stream conformer asr engine
    [2022-04-21 15:52:19,473] [    INFO] - model name: conformer_online
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    set kaiming_uniform
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21,731] [    INFO] - create the transformer like model success
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21,733] [    INFO] - Initialize ASR server engine successfully.
    INFO:     Started server process [11173]
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Started server process [11173]
    INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Waiting for application startup.
    INFO:     Application startup complete.
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Application startup complete.
    /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
    infos = await tasks.gather(*fs, loop=self)
    /home/users/xiongxinlei/.conda/envs/paddlespeech/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
    await tasks.sleep(0, loop=self)
    INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    [2022-04-21 15:52:21] [INFO] [] Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
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### 4. ASR Client Usage
**Note:** The response time will be slightly longer when using the client for the first time
- Command Line (Recommended)
xiongxinlei 已提交
   paddlespeech_client asr_online --server_ip --port 8090 --input ./zh.wav
xiongxinlei 已提交
192 193 194 195 196

xiongxinlei 已提交
  paddlespeech_client asr_online --help
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198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
  - `server_ip`: server ip. Default:
  - `port`: server port. Default: 8090
  - `input`(required): Audio file to be recognized.
  - `sample_rate`: Audio ampling rate, default: 16000.
  - `lang`: Language. Default: "zh_cn".
  - `audio_format`: Audio format. Default: "wav".

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209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,904] [    INFO] - receive msg={"status": "ok", "signal": "server_ready"}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,960] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,973] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,987] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,000] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,012] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,036] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,047] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,607] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,620] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,633] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,645] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,657] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,669] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,680] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,176] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,185] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,192] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,200] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,208] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,216] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,224] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,232] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,724] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,732] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,740] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,747] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,755] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,763] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,770] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,271] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,279] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,287] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,294] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,302] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,310] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,318] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,326] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,833] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,842] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,850] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,858] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,866] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,874] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,882] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,400] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,408] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,416] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,424] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,432] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,440] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,447] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,455] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,984] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,992] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,001] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,008] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,016] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,883] [    INFO] - final receive msg={'status': 'ok', 'signal': 'finished', 'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - 我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - Response time 9.051567 s.
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- Python API
  from paddlespeech.server.bin.paddlespeech_client import ASRClientExecutor
  import json

  asrclient_executor = ASRClientExecutor()
  res = asrclient_executor(

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        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,904] [    INFO] - receive msg={"status": "ok", "signal": "server_ready"}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,960] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,973] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:03,987] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,000] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,012] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,036] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,047] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,607] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,620] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,633] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,645] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,657] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,669] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:04,680] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': ''}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,176] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,185] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,192] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,200] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,208] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,216] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,224] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,232] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,724] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,732] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,740] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,747] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,755] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,763] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:05,770] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,271] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,279] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,287] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,294] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,302] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,310] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,318] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,326] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,833] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,842] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,850] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,858] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,866] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,874] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:06,882] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,400] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,408] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,416] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,424] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,432] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,440] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,447] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,455] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,984] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:07,992] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,001] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,008] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,016] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:08,024] [    INFO] - receive msg={'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,883] [    INFO] - final receive msg={'status': 'ok', 'signal': 'finished', 'asr_results': '我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康'}
        [2022-04-21 15:59:12,884] [    INFO] - 我认为跑步最重要的就是给我带来了身体健康
Hui Zhang 已提交