未验证 提交 d9c019f3 编写于 作者: A adaxiadaxi 提交者: GitHub

Revert update advanced guide (#1876)

* update_fluiddoc_1.7_0303,test=develop

* update_advanced_guide_0304,test=develop

* revert_update_advanced_guide,test=develop
上级 c2f44fe6
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- `二次开发 <../advanced_guide/addon_development/index_cn.html>`_ :介绍如何新增Operator和如何向飞桨开源社区贡献代码
- `环境变量FLAGS <../advanced_guide/flags/index_cn.html>`_
- `环境变量FLAGS <../advanced_guide/flags/flags_cn.html>`_
.. toctree::
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ So far you have already been familiar with PaddlePaddle. And the next expectatio
- `Addon Development <addon_development/index_en.html>`_ :How to contribute codes and documentation to our communities
- `FLAGS <flasgs/flags_en.html>`_
- `FLAGS <flags/flags_en.html>`_
.. toctree::
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