未验证 提交 eb7df1c8 编写于 作者: M mapingshuo 提交者: GitHub

add Recompute and Gradient Merge API Document. (#2652)

* test=develop
上级 12402c30
......@@ -6,5 +6,53 @@ DistributedStrategy
.. py:class:: paddle.distributed.fleet.DistributedStrategy
.. py:attribute:: recompute
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet
strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy()
strategy.recompute = True
# suppose x and y are names of checkpoint tensors for recomputation
strategy.recompute_configs = {"checkpoints": ["x", "y"]}
.. py:attribute:: recompute_configs
设置Recompute策略的配置。目前来讲,用户使用Recompute策略时,必须配置 checkpoints 参数。
**checkpoints(int):** Recompute策略的检查点,默认为空列表,也即不启用Recompute。
.. py:attribute:: gradient_merge
梯度累加,是一种大Batch训练的策略。添加这一策略后,模型的参数每过 **k_steps** 步更新一次,
**k_steps** 是用户定义的步数。在不更新参数的步数里,Paddle只进行前向、反向网络的计算;
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.distributed.fleet as fleet
strategy = fleet.DistributedStrategy()
strategy.gradient_merge = True
strategy.gradient_merge_configs = {"k_steps": 4, "avg": True}
.. py:attribute:: gradient_merge_configs
设置 **distribute_strategy** 策略的配置。
**k_steps(int):** 参数更新的周期,默认为1
**avg(bool):** 梯度的融合方式,有两种选择:
- **sum**: 梯度求和
- **avg**: 梯度求平均
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