未验证 提交 934e5d09 编写于 作者: L Leo Chen 提交者: GitHub

add vlog to auto_growth_best_fit_allocator (#37601)

上级 44def66a
......@@ -100,11 +100,13 @@ Allocation *AutoGrowthBestFitAllocator::AllocateImpl(size_t unaligned_size) {
VLOG(2) << "Not found and reallocate " << realloc_size << "("
<< static_cast<void *>(p) << "), and remaining " << remaining_size;
VLOG(10) << "Alloc " << block_it->size_ << " bytes, ptr = " << block_it->ptr_;
return new BlockAllocation(block_it);
void AutoGrowthBestFitAllocator::FreeImpl(Allocation *allocation) {
VLOG(10) << "Free " << allocation->size() << " bytes";
VLOG(10) << "Free " << allocation->size()
<< " bytes, ptr = " << allocation->ptr();
std::lock_guard<SpinLock> guard(spinlock_);
auto block_it = static_cast<BlockAllocation *>(allocation)->block_it_;
auto &blocks = block_it->chunk_->blocks_;
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