未验证 提交 a138b6cd 编写于 作者: W wanghuancoder 提交者: GitHub

fix import paddle error in windows for python3.8 and python3.9, test=develop (#33617)

上级 67bec55c
......@@ -984,12 +984,11 @@ void InitOpsAttrTypeMap() {
PyObject* EOFExceptionException =
PyErr_NewException("paddle.EOFException", PyExc_Exception, NULL);
PyObject* EnforceNotMetException =
PyErr_NewException("paddle.EnforceNotMet", PyExc_Exception, NULL);
void ThrowExceptionToPython(std::exception_ptr p) {
static PyObject* EOFExceptionException =
PyErr_NewException("paddle.EOFException", PyExc_Exception, NULL);
static PyObject* EnforceNotMetException =
PyErr_NewException("paddle.EnforceNotMet", PyExc_Exception, NULL);
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (const platform::EOFException& e) {
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