未验证 提交 adca05f2 编写于 作者: zhouweiwei2014's avatar zhouweiwei2014 提交者: GitHub

[cherry-pick2.1]polish avx/no_avx install error message (#33818) (#33905)

cherry-pick #33818
上级 aa12737b
......@@ -298,17 +298,13 @@ if avx_supported():
from .. import compat as cpt
"WARNING: AVX is supported on local machine, but you have installed "
"paddlepaddle without avx core. Hence, no_avx core which has worse "
"preformance will be imported.\nYou could reinstall paddlepaddle by "
"'python -m pip install --force-reinstall paddlepaddle-gpu[==version]' or rebuild "
"paddlepaddle WITH_AVX=ON to get better performance.\n"
"The original error is: %s\n" % cpt.get_exception_message(e))
"Hint: Your machine support AVX, but the installed paddlepaddle doesn't have avx core. "
"Hence, no-avx core with worse preformance will be imported.\nIf you like, you could "
"reinstall paddlepaddle by 'python -m pip install --force-reinstall paddlepaddle-gpu[==version]' "
"to get better performance.\nThe original error is: %s\n" %
load_noavx = True
"WARNING: AVX is not support on your machine. Hence, no_avx core will be imported, "
"It has much worse preformance than avx core.\n")
load_noavx = True
if load_noavx:
......@@ -355,17 +351,14 @@ if load_noavx:
current_path + os.sep + 'core_noavx.' + core_suffix + '\n')
elif avx_supported():
"Error: AVX is support on your machine, but you have installed "
"paddlepaddle without avx core, you should reinstall paddlepaddle by "
"'python -m pip install --force-reinstall paddlepaddle-gpu[==version]\n"
"Error: The installed PaddlePaddle is incorrect. You should reinstall it by "
"'python -m pip install --force-reinstall paddlepaddle-gpu[==version]'\n"
"Error: AVX is not support on your machine, but you have installed "
"paddlepaddle without no_avx core, you should reinstall paddlepaddle by "
"'python -m pip install --force-reinstall paddlepaddle-gpu[==version] -f "
"https://paddlepaddle.org.cn/whl/mkl/stable/noavx.html or "
"Error: Your machine doesn't support AVX, but the installed PaddlePaddle is avx core, "
"you should reinstall paddlepaddle with no-avx core.\n")
raise e
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