提交 fca76c3a 编写于 作者: W wuyefeilin 提交者: wuzewu

add dice loss and bce loss (#52)

* update solver_group.md
上级 3c65454c
......@@ -121,4 +121,41 @@ L2正则化系数
\ No newline at end of file
## `loss`
训练时选择的损失函数, 支持`softmax_loss(sotfmax with cross entroy loss)`,
`dice_loss(dice coefficient loss)`, `bce_loss(binary cross entroy loss)`三种损失函数。
* softmax_loss
* dice_loss
* bce_loss
### 默认值
......@@ -48,6 +48,42 @@ def softmax_with_loss(logit, label, ignore_mask=None, num_classes=2):
ignore_mask.stop_gradient = True
return avg_loss
# to change, how to appicate ignore index and ignore mask
def dice_loss(logit, label, ignore_mask=None, epsilon=0.00001):
if logit.shape[1] != 1 or label.shape[1] != 1 or ignore_mask.shape[1] != 1:
raise Exception("dice loss is only applicable to one channel classfication")
ignore_mask = fluid.layers.cast(ignore_mask, 'float32')
logit = fluid.layers.transpose(logit, [0, 2, 3, 1])
label = fluid.layers.transpose(label, [0, 2, 3, 1])
label = fluid.layers.cast(label, 'int64')
ignore_mask = fluid.layers.transpose(ignore_mask, [0, 2, 3, 1])
logit = fluid.layers.sigmoid(logit)
logit = logit * ignore_mask
label = label * ignore_mask
reduce_dim = list(range(1, len(logit.shape)))
inse = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(logit * label, dim=reduce_dim)
dice_denominator = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(
logit, dim=reduce_dim) + fluid.layers.reduce_sum(
label, dim=reduce_dim)
dice_score = 1 - inse * 2 / (dice_denominator + epsilon)
label.stop_gradient = True
ignore_mask.stop_gradient = True
return fluid.layers.reduce_mean(dice_score)
def bce_loss(logit, label, ignore_mask=None):
if logit.shape[1] != 1 or label.shape[1] != 1 or ignore_mask.shape[1] != 1:
raise Exception("bce loss is only applicable to binary classfication")
label = fluid.layers.cast(label, 'float32')
loss = fluid.layers.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
normalize=True) # or False
loss = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(loss)
label.stop_gradient = True
ignore_mask.stop_gradient = True
return loss
def multi_softmax_with_loss(logits, label, ignore_mask=None, num_classes=2):
if isinstance(logits, tuple):
......@@ -63,19 +99,28 @@ def multi_softmax_with_loss(logits, label, ignore_mask=None, num_classes=2):
avg_loss = softmax_with_loss(logits, label, ignore_mask, num_classes)
return avg_loss
def multi_dice_loss(logits, label, ignore_mask=None):
if isinstance(logits, tuple):
avg_loss = 0
for i, logit in enumerate(logits):
logit_label = fluid.layers.resize_nearest(label, logit.shape[2:])
logit_mask = (logit_label.astype('int32') !=
loss = dice_loss(logit, logit_label, logit_mask)
avg_loss += cfg.MODEL.MULTI_LOSS_WEIGHT[i] * loss
avg_loss = dice_loss(logits, label, ignore_mask)
return avg_loss
# to change, how to appicate ignore index and ignore mask
def dice_loss(logit, label, ignore_mask=None, num_classes=2):
if num_classes != 2:
raise Exception("dice loss is only applicable to binary classfication")
ignore_mask = fluid.layers.cast(ignore_mask, 'float32')
label = fluid.layers.elementwise_min(
label, fluid.layers.assign(np.array([num_classes - 1], dtype=np.int32)))
logit = fluid.layers.transpose(logit, [0, 2, 3, 1])
logit = fluid.layers.reshape(logit, [-1, num_classes])
logit = fluid.layers.softmax(logit)
label = fluid.layers.reshape(label, [-1, 1])
label = fluid.layers.cast(label, 'int64')
ignore_mask = fluid.layers.reshape(ignore_mask, [-1, 1])
loss = fluid.layers.dice_loss(logit, label)
return loss
def multi_bce_loss(logits, label, ignore_mask=None):
if isinstance(logits, tuple):
avg_loss = 0
for i, logit in enumerate(logits):
logit_label = fluid.layers.resize_nearest(label, logit.shape[2:])
logit_mask = (logit_label.astype('int32') !=
loss = bce_loss(logit, logit_label, logit_mask)
avg_loss += cfg.MODEL.MULTI_LOSS_WEIGHT[i] * loss
avg_loss = bce_loss(logits, label, ignore_mask)
return avg_loss
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ from paddle.fluid.proto.framework_pb2 import VarType
import solver
from utils.config import cfg
from loss import multi_softmax_with_loss
from loss import multi_dice_loss
from loss import multi_bce_loss
class ModelPhase(object):
......@@ -109,6 +111,17 @@ def softmax(logit):
logit = fluid.layers.transpose(logit, [0, 3, 1, 2])
return logit
def sigmoid_to_softmax(logit):
one channel to two channel
logit = fluid.layers.transpose(logit, [0, 2, 3, 1])
logit = fluid.layers.sigmoid(logit)
logit_back = 1 - logit
logit = fluid.layers.concat([logit_back, logit], axis=-1)
logit = fluid.layers.transpose(logit, [0, 3, 1, 2])
return logit
def build_model(main_prog, start_prog, phase=ModelPhase.TRAIN):
if not ModelPhase.is_valid_phase(phase):
......@@ -144,11 +157,35 @@ def build_model(main_prog, start_prog, phase=ModelPhase.TRAIN):
image = fluid.layers.cast(image, "float16")
model_name = map_model_name(cfg.MODEL.MODEL_NAME)
model_func = get_func("modeling." + model_name)
loss_type = cfg.SOLVER.LOSS
if ("dice_loss" in loss_type) or ("bce_loss" in loss_type):
class_num = 1
if "softmax_loss" in loss_type:
raise Exception("softmax loss can not combine with dice loss or bce loss")
logits = model_func(image, class_num)
if ModelPhase.is_train(phase) or ModelPhase.is_eval(phase):
avg_loss = multi_softmax_with_loss(logits, label, mask,
loss_valid = False
avg_loss_list = []
if "softmax_loss" in loss_type:
label, mask,class_num))
loss_valid = True
if "dice_loss" in loss_type:
avg_loss_list.append(multi_dice_loss(logits, label, mask))
loss_valid = True
if "bce_loss" in loss_type:
avg_loss_list.append(multi_bce_loss(logits, label, mask))
loss_valid = True
if not loss_valid:
raise Exception("SOLVER.LOSS: {} is set wrong. it should "
"include one of (softmax_loss, bce_loss, dice_loss) at least"
" example: ['softmax_loss'], ['dice_loss'], ['bce_loss', 'dice_loss']".format(cfg.SOLVER.LOSS))
avg_loss = 0
for i in range(0, len(avg_loss_list)):
avg_loss += avg_loss_list[i]
#get pred result in original size
if isinstance(logits, tuple):
......@@ -161,17 +198,25 @@ def build_model(main_prog, start_prog, phase=ModelPhase.TRAIN):
# return image input and logit output for inference graph prune
if ModelPhase.is_predict(phase):
logit = softmax(logit)
if class_num == 1:
logit = sigmoid_to_softmax(logit)
logit = softmax(logit)
return image, logit
out = fluid.layers.transpose(x=logit, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
if class_num == 1:
out = sigmoid_to_softmax(logit)
out = fluid.layers.transpose(out, [0, 2, 3, 1])
out = fluid.layers.transpose(logit, [0, 2, 3, 1])
if cfg.MODEL.FP16:
out = fluid.layers.cast(out, 'float32')
pred = fluid.layers.argmax(out, axis=3)
pred = fluid.layers.unsqueeze(pred, axes=[3])
if ModelPhase.is_visual(phase):
logit = softmax(logit)
if class_num == 1:
logit = sigmoid_to_softmax(logit)
logit = softmax(logit)
return pred, logit
if ModelPhase.is_eval(phase):
......@@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ cfg.SOLVER.WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.00004
# 训练epoch数,正整数
# loss的选择,支持softmax_loss, bce_loss, dice_loss
cfg.SOLVER.LOSS = ["softmax_loss"]
########################## 测试配置 ###########################################
# 测试模型路径
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