提交 837ddddf 编写于 作者: B barrierye

fix doc

上级 82b0a7f4
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Currently, the following types of Monitors are supported:
| Monitor Type | Description | Specific options |
| :----------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| general | Without authentication, you can directly access the download file by `wget` (such as FTP and BOS which do not need authentication) | `general_host` General remote host. |
| hdfs/afs | The remote is HDFS or AFS, and relevant commands are executed through Hadoop-client | `hadoop_bin` Path of Hadoop binary file.<br/>`fs_name` Hadoop fs_name. Not used if set in Hadoop-client.<br/>`fs_ugi` Hadoop fs_ugi, Not used if set in Hadoop-client. |
| hdfs/afs(HadoopMonitor) | The remote is HDFS or AFS, and relevant commands are executed through Hadoop-client | `hadoop_bin` Path of Hadoop binary file.<br/>`fs_name` Hadoop fs_name. Not used if set in Hadoop-client.<br/>`fs_ugi` Hadoop fs_ugi, Not used if set in Hadoop-client. |
| ftp | The remote is FTP, and relevant commands are executed through `ftplib`(Using this monitor, you need to install `ftplib` with command `pip install ftplib`) | `ftp_host` FTP remote host.<br>`ftp_port` FTP remote port.<br>`ftp_username` FTP username. Not used if anonymous access.<br>`ftp_password` FTP password. Not used if anonymous access. |
| Monitor Shared options | Description | Default |
......@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ Currently, the following types of Monitors are supported:
| `local_tmp_path` | Specify the path of the folder where temporary files are stored locally. If it does not exist, it will be created automatically. | `_serving_monitor_tmp` |
| `interval` | Specify the polling interval in seconds. | `10` |
| `unpacked_filename` | Monitor supports the `tarfile` packaged remote model file. If the remote model is in a packaged format, you need to set this option to tell monitor the name of the extracted file. | `None` |
| `debug` | If the `-- debug` option is added, more detailed intermediate information will be output. | This option is not added by default. |
| `debug` | If the `--debug` option is added, more detailed intermediate information will be output. | This option is not added by default. |
The following is an example of HDFSMonitor to show the model hot loading of Paddle Serving.
The following is an example of HadoopMonitor to show the model hot loading of Paddle Serving.
## HDFSMonitor example
## HadoopMonitor example
In this example, the production model is uploaded to HDFS in `product_path` folder, and the server hot loads the model in `server_path` folder:
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Paddle Serving提供了一个自动监控脚本,远端地址更新模型后会
| Monitor类型 | 描述 | 特殊选项 |
| :---------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: |
| general | 远端无认证,可以通过`wget`直接访问下载文件(如无需认证的FTP,BOS等) | `general_host` 通用远端host |
| hdfs/afs | 远端为HDFS或AFS,通过Hadoop-Client执行相关命令 | `hadoop_bin` Hadoop二进制的路径<br/>`fs_name` Hadoop fs_name,默认为空<br/>`fs_ugi` Hadoop fs_ugi,默认为空 |
| hdfs/afs(HadoopMonitor) | 远端为HDFS或AFS,通过Hadoop-Client执行相关命令 | `hadoop_bin` Hadoop二进制的路径<br/>`fs_name` Hadoop fs_name,默认为空<br/>`fs_ugi` Hadoop fs_ugi,默认为空 |
| ftp | 远端为FTP,通过`ftplib`进行相关访问(使用该Monitor,您可能需要执行`pip install ftplib`下载`ftplib`) | `ftp_host` FTP host<br>`ftp_port` FTP port<br>`ftp_username` FTP username,默认为空<br>`ftp_password` FTP password,默认为空 |
| Monitor通用选项 | 描述 | 默认值 |
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