未验证 提交 f8681266 编写于 作者: J Jiawei Wang 提交者: GitHub

Update COMPILE.md

上级 23a8fe16
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ for example:cd server-build-cpu/python/dist && pip install -U xxxxx.whl
## Note
When running the python server, it will check the `SERVING_BIN` environment variable. If you want to use your own compiled binary file, set the environment variable to the path of the corresponding binary file, usually`export SERVING_BIN=${BUILD_DIR}/core/general-server/serving`.
BUILD_ DIR is the absolute path of server build CPU or server build GPU。
BUILD_DIR is the absolute path of server build CPU or server build GPU。
for example: cd server-build-cpu && export SERVING_BIN=${PWD}/core/general-server/serving
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