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Add CHANGELOG.md (#853)

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# Change Log
This is the Changelog for the VisualDL 2.0 project.
## v2.0.5 - 2020-11-24
- 问题修复
- **FE**: 修复histogram页面图表坐标轴名称会重复渲染的问题 (#824)
- **FE**: 修复图表提示窗中表格内容过长的问题 (#829)
- **BE**: 修复Windows下注册表配置不正确时页面无法打开的问题 (#832)
- **FE**: 修复Scalar图表提示窗中表格数据无法按照选择的X轴指标进行展示的问题 (#851)
- **FE**: 修复Scalar图表Y轴范围不正确的问题 (#851)
- 功能新增
- **FE**: Sample页面支持使用键盘快速修改step (#829)
- **FE**: Sample页面中的Image可以放大查看原图 (#829)
- **FE**: 增加主题切换功能 (#830)
- **BE**: 增加`LogReader`模块 (#827)
- 其他改进
- **FE**: 改进Scalar图表提示窗中relative的可读性 (#851)
- Bug Fixes
- **FE**: Remove unnecessary render of histogram chart axis label (#824)
- **FE**: Limit max length of runs in chart tooltip table (#829)
- **BE**: Fix mime type error when registry settings are broken on Windows (#832)
- **FE**: Get nearest points listed in tooltip of scalar page by selected x-axis (#851)
- **FE**: fix y axis range error in scalar chart (#851)
- Features
- **FE**: Add keyboard shortcuts in sample page (#829)
- **FE**: Add image preview in image sample page (#829)
- **FE**: Add theme toggle (#830)
- **BE**: Add `LogReader` (#827)
- Enhancement
- **FE**: humanize relative time display in tooltip of scalar chart (#851)
## v2.0.4 - 2020-09-21
- 问题修复
- **BE**: 修复add_pr_curve不支持list的问题 (#810)
- **FE**: 修复tooltip图标间距错乱的问题 (#815)
- **FE**: 修复index载入中未居中 (#815)
- **FE**: 修复图表载入中消失的问题 (#815)
- **FE**: 时间日期无法被正确的格式化的问题 (#813, #815)
- **BE**: 修复PR Curve中display_name显示的问题 (#816)
- 功能新增
- 推出 VisualDL Service
- **FE**: 支持深色模式
- Bug Fixes
- **BE**: Fix list not support add_pr_curve (#810)
- **FE**: Fix chart toolbox icons gap chaos (#815)
- **FE**: Index loading not centered (#815)
- **FE**: Get missing echarts loading back (#815)
- **FE**: Date & time cannot be formatted to correct locale string (#813, #815)
- **BE**: Fix pr display_name bug (#816)
- Features
- Introduce VisualDL Service
- **FE**: Dark mode support
## v2.0.3 - 2020-09-14
- 问题修复
- **BE**: 修复BOS文件系统追加问题 (#778)
- **FE**: PR 曲线图表 Y 轴自适应数值 (#756) (#773)
- **BE**: 修复Win10下命令行颜色不正常的问题 (#784)
- **FE**: 修复跳转到index时参数丢失的问题 (#804)
- **FE**: 修复只有step 0时直方图无法正常渲染的问题 (#807)
- **FE**: 修复切换到访问过的页面时载入消失的问题 (#809)
- **FE**: 修复标量和PR曲线的图表详情超长无法滚动的问题 (#809)
- **BE**: 修复删除BOS文件后卡住的问题 (#805)
- 功能新增
- 标量增加最值显示 (#779, #808)
- **BE**: `LogWriter()`增加`file_name`以支持续写 (#764)
- **FE**: 网络结构支持子图 (#787)
- **FE**: 切换页面时记住选中的数据流 (#788, #809, #800)
- **FE**: 标量页面增加只显示平滑后数据选项 (#795)
- **FE**: 平滑度可以从页面参数中获取 (#797)
- **FE**: 标量页面记住之前选择的平滑度 (#797)
- **FE**: 网络结构记住用户上次选中的模型文件 (#789)
- 其他改进
- 使用毫秒增加数据精度 (#781, #783)
- **BE**: 增加文件队列超时 (#772, #776)
- **BE**: 去除对cv2的依赖 (#769)
- **FE**: 使用es module以去除对webpack和nextjs的依赖 (#786)
- **FE**: 更友好的错误提示 (#797, #804)
- Bug Fixes
- **BE**: Fix append to bos (#778)
- **FE**: PR Curve chart Y axis will adaptive values now (#756) (#773)
- **BE**: Fix command color bug on win10 (#784)
- **FE**: Query string missing when redirect from root to index (#804)
- **FE**: Histogram cannot be rendered properly when data only has step 0 (#807)
- **FE**: Bring loading back when switching to a visited page (#809)
- **FE**: Scroll tooltips in scalar & pr-curve to prevent content overflow (#809)
- **BE**: Fix bugs when delete bos file (#805)
- Features
- Add global extrema in scalar (#779, #808)
- **BE**: Add `file_name` in `LogWriter()` for rewriting (#764)
- **FE**: Subgraph support for graph page (#787)
- **FE**: Remember selected runs between pages (#788, #809, #800)
- **FE**: Add smoothed data only option in scalar page (#795)
- **FE**: Set smoothing from query string (#797)
- **FE**: Remember smoothing in scalar page (#797)
- **FE**: Restore selected model when navigating back to graph page (#789)
- Enhancement
- Use milliseconds to increase accuracy of data (#781, #783)
- **BE**: Add timeout for file queue (#772, #776)
- **BE**: Remove requirement of cv2 (#769)
- **FE**: Get rid of webpack & nextjs while introducing es module (#786)
- **FE**: Better error tip (#797, #804)
## v2.0.1 - 2020-08-19
- 优化audio组件数据输入格式
- Improve input format of audio component
## v2.0.0 - 2020-08-12
- API全面升级,设计简洁易用。
- 优化日志采集策略,极大提升可视化性能。
- 七大可视化功能全面覆盖:Scalar、Image、Audio、Graph、Histogram、PR Curve、High Dimensional
- 新增支持BOS、HDFS等多种文件系统。
- The design of API is fully upgraded to make it easy to understand and use
- Optimizing the strategy of collecting logs tremendously enhances the overall performance
- Seven functions are provided, including Scalar, Image, Audio, Graph, Histogram, PR Curve and High Dimensional
- Besides the support of domestic file system, additional file systems are also supported, such as BOS and HDFS
......@@ -42,18 +42,6 @@ VisualDL原生支持python的使用, 通过在模型的Python配置中添加
* [更多细节](#更多细节)
## **[HOT]活动公告**
9月21日晚19:00, 有颜有才的百度小姐姐依依将于[飞桨B 站直播间](https://live.bilibili.com/21689802) 举办**深度学习可视化调优**主题直播。
将会在 B 站开启一场直播,通过实际案例,教你从数据收集、数据半自动标注、模型训练及调优到模型手机部署,实现一个目标检计数方案,并深入介绍如何应用 VisualDL 可视化分析工具对训练参数、网络结构等进行分析,从而指导开发者快速理解训练过程、进行算法优化。由此项目,可延伸泛化到「工业零件检测计数」『人流量统计』等领域应用。
实践项目请查看[AI Studio螺丝螺母计数项目](https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/954530)
## 核心亮点
### 简单易用
# 2.0.0-alpha.0
**This is a PRE-RELEASE version of VisualDL 2.0. Please DO NOT use it in production environment.**
## Improvements
- **backend:** improve performance of plugin scalar and image by uploading logs incrementally
## Features
- **frontend:** completely newly-designed web user interface (for more information, please refer to [Frontend Readme](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/VisualDL/blob/develop/frontend/README.md))
- `Histogram` is not available in this version.
- Audio and text samples are not available in this version.
- Plugin image displays 10pcs sampled images in this version.
# RELEASE 1.3.0
## New Features
- Support show paddle model,user can use **paddle.fluid.io.save_inference_model()** to save their model to <SAVE_MODEL_PATH>, and then use **visualdl --model_pb <SAVE_MODEL_PATH>** to load the model
- Change the dependent version of protobuf to 3.1.0
# RELEASE 1.2.1
## New Features
- Add language Selection options. Users can use -L or --language option to select the language show in the webpage(1.2.1 only support {zh, en}, and default is en)
# RELEASE 1.2.0
## New design
- Cleaner and more organized interface
- Show / select runs in global bar instead of individual tab
- Merge Scalar and Histogram into Metrics
- Merge Image, Audio and Text into Samples
- New Config design, add filter types in config
- New tags bar design instead of expand panel, easier to filter by tags
- New search bar integrated on tags bar
- Improve performance by showing less duplicate charts with tabs bar design
# RELEASE 1.1.0
## New Features
- Add new `High Dimensional / embeddings` recording visualization. Users can visualize data embeddings by projecting high-dimensional data into 2D / 3D
- Add Caffe2 Demo and tutorial
- Update `vdl_create_log`, add embeddings data and ONNX model in scratch_log
- Windows support
## Bug Fixes and improvements
- Fix issues where different Python libraries conflicted in Mac
- Update Visual DL new logo
# RELEASE 1.0.0
## New Features
- Improve the Graph feature to include interactive response. Users can now click on a node to inspect its details such as parameters, input, output, dimensions, etc. They can also zoom in/out and move around if the graph is too large, restore to its original size and download it as PNG. - Add new `High Dimensional / embeddings` recording visualization. Users can visualize data embeddings by projecting high-dimensional data into 2D / 3D
- Add new `Audio` recording visualization. Users can recording audio and inspect to help fine tuning the audio training. - Add Caffe2 Demo and tutorial
- Add new `Text` recording visualization. Users can record strings during training and inspect later. - Update `vdl_create_log`, add embeddings data and ONNX model in scratch_log
- User can manually `save` to sync the recordings to the disk.
## Bug Fixes and improvements
- Fix Scalar incorrect wall time display - Fix issues where different Python libraries conflicted in Mac
- Fix incorrect timestamp label display - Update Visual DL new logo
- Fix the Travis-CI not failing issue
- Fix the last recording not showing
- Update and clarify ImageWriter API docs for input params.
- VisualDL will call `SyncToDisk` before exiting.
- Adjust the interval between each `SyncToDisk` to improve performance.
- Enforce ESLint coding standard.
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