提交 91409aa5 编写于 作者: G gangliao 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #202 from reyoung/feature/remove_convert_ipynb_in_hooks

Remove convert ipynb in hooks
......@@ -36,9 +36,4 @@
entry: python pre-commit-hooks/convert_markdown_into_html.py
language: system
files: .+README(\.en)?\.md$
- id: convert-markdown-into-ipynb
name: convert-markdown-into-ipynb
description: Convert README.md into README.ipynb and README.en.md into README.en.ipynb
entry: ./pre-commit-hooks/convert_markdown_into_ipynb.sh
language: system
files: .+README(\.en)?\.md$
Markdown is supported
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