未验证 提交 40440a4b 编写于 作者: T Trevor Brown 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #145 from kassio/master

Fix `bin/list-all`
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ list_versions() {
# This sed command was a quick and dirty solution to remove topaz-dev from
# the version list, since it doesn't exist
"$(ruby_build_path)" --definitions | paste -sd " " - | sed "s|topaz-dev||g"
"$(ruby_build_path)" --definitions | grep -v "topaz-dev" | paste -sd " " -
list_versions 2> /dev/null
......@@ -29,21 +29,24 @@ ensure_ruby_build_installed() {
download_ruby_build() {
# Print to stderr so asdf doesn't assume this string is a list of versions
echo "Downloading ruby-build..." >&2
local build_dir="ruby-build-source"
local build_dir="$(asdf_ruby_plugin_path)/ruby-build-source"
# Clone down and checkout the correct ruby-build version
git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git $build_dir >&2 >/dev/null
(cd $build_dir; git checkout $RUBY_BUILD_TAG >&2 >/dev/null)
# Install in the ruby-build dir
PREFIX="$(ruby_build_dir)" ./$build_dir/install.sh
PREFIX="$(ruby_build_dir)" $build_dir/install.sh
# Remove ruby-build source dir
rm -rf $build_dir
asdf_ruby_plugin_path() {
echo "$(dirname "$(dirname "$0")")"
ruby_build_dir() {
echo "$(dirname "$(dirname "$0")")/ruby-build"
echo "$(asdf_ruby_plugin_path)/ruby-build"
ruby_build_path() {
echo "$(ruby_build_dir)/bin/ruby-build"
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