提交 6094a0d8 编写于 作者: L Luca Spiller

Add migration instructions to readme

上级 012afc76
......@@ -16,3 +16,35 @@ When installing Ruby using `asdf install`, you can pass custom configure options
* `RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS` - use only your configure options
* `RUBY_EXTRA_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS` - append these configure options along with ones that this plugin already uses
## Migrating from another Ruby version manager
### `.ruby-version` file
asdf uses the `.tool-versions` for auto-switching between software versions.
To ease migration, you can you have it read an existing `.ruby-version` file to
find out what version of Ruby should be used. To do this, add the following to
legacy_version_file = yes
### Rubies
asdf installs Rubies to `$HOME/.asdf/installs/ruby`, the directory structure is
the same as other version managers, so you can just move the Rubies to this
#### RVM
mkdir ~/.asdf/installs/
mv ~/.rvm/rubies ~/.asdf/installs/ruby/
#### rbenv
mkdir ~/.asdf/installs/
mv ~/.rbenv/versions ~/.asdf/installs/ruby/
#### chruby
mkdir ~/.asdf/installs/
mv ~/.rubies ~/.asdf/installs/ruby/
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