提交 1002bf61 编写于 作者: A amitkumarsuroliya

Add missing punctuation mark in `ActiveSupport` docs [ci skip]

It improves readability of docs
上级 05c610df
......@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ module Dependencies #:nodoc:
# :doc:
# Execute the supplied block without interference from any
# concurrent loads
# concurrent loads.
def self.run_interlock
Dependencies.interlock.running { yield }
# Execute the supplied block while holding an exclusive lock,
# preventing any other thread from being inside a #run_interlock
# block at the same time
# block at the same time.
def self.load_interlock
Dependencies.interlock.loading { yield }
# Execute the supplied block while holding an exclusive lock,
# preventing any other thread from being inside a #run_interlock
# block at the same time
# block at the same time.
def self.unload_interlock
Dependencies.interlock.unloading { yield }
module ActiveSupport
# Returns the version of the currently loaded Active Support as a <tt>Gem::Version</tt>
# Returns the version of the currently loaded Active Support as a <tt>Gem::Version</tt>.
def self.gem_version
Gem::Version.new VERSION::STRING
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
require 'openssl'
module ActiveSupport
# KeyGenerator is a simple wrapper around OpenSSL's implementation of PBKDF2
# KeyGenerator is a simple wrapper around OpenSSL's implementation of PBKDF2.
# It can be used to derive a number of keys for various purposes from a given secret.
# This lets Rails applications have a single secure secret, but avoid reusing that
# key in multiple incompatible contexts.
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def generate_key(salt, key_size=64)
# CachingKeyGenerator is a wrapper around KeyGenerator which allows users to avoid
# re-executing the key generation process when it's called using the same salt and
# key_size
# key_size.
class CachingKeyGenerator
def initialize(key_generator)
@key_generator = key_generator
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
require 'active_support/subscriber'
module ActiveSupport
# ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber is an object set to consume
# ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber is an object set to consume.
# ActiveSupport::Notifications with the sole purpose of logging them.
# The log subscriber dispatches notifications to a registered object based
# on its given namespace.
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