提交 2a70c969 编写于 作者: D Dirkjan Bussink

We shouldn't try to rescue every type of exception here

上级 a141d9de
......@@ -214,13 +214,7 @@ def log(sql, name)
log_info(sql, name, 0)
rescue SystemExit, SignalException, NoMemoryError => e
# Don't re-wrap these exceptions. They are probably not being caused by invalid
# sql, but rather some external stimulus beyond the responsibilty of this code.
# Additionaly, wrapping these exceptions with StatementInvalid would lead to
# meaningful loss of data, such as losing SystemExit#status.
raise e
rescue Exception => e
rescue => e
# Log message and raise exception.
# Set last_verification to 0, so that connection gets verified
# upon reentering the request loop
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