提交 2c81e32a 编写于 作者: R Ryuta Kamizono

Merge pull request #38929 from kamipo/fix_unscoping_association_scope

Fix unscoping association scope on joins not to raise an error
上级 f2f7bcc0
......@@ -183,20 +183,22 @@ def join_scope(table, foreign_table, foreign_klass)
scope_chain_items = join_scopes(table, predicate_builder)
klass_scope = klass_join_scope(table, predicate_builder)
if type
klass_scope.where!(type => foreign_klass.polymorphic_name)
scope_chain_items.inject(klass_scope, &:merge!)
key = join_keys.key
foreign_key = join_keys.foreign_key
if type
klass_scope.where!(type => foreign_klass.polymorphic_name)
if klass.finder_needs_type_condition?
klass_scope.where!(klass.send(:type_condition, table))
scope_chain_items.inject(klass_scope, &:merge!)
def join_scopes(table, predicate_builder) # :nodoc:
......@@ -2657,10 +2657,11 @@ def test_association_with_rewhere_doesnt_set_inverse_instance_key
assert_equal [bulb1], car.bulbs
assert_equal [bulb1, bulb2], car.all_bulbs.sort_by(&:id)
assert_equal [bulb1, bulb2], Car.includes(:all_bulbs).find(car.id).all_bulbs.sort_by(&:id)
assert_equal [bulb1, bulb2], Car.eager_load(:all_bulbs).find(car.id).all_bulbs.sort_by(&:id)
test "can unscope and where the default scope of the associated model" do
Car.has_many :other_bulbs, -> { unscope(where: [:name]).where(name: "other") }, class_name: "Bulb"
car = Car.create!
bulb1 = Bulb.create! name: "defaulty", car: car
bulb2 = Bulb.create! name: "other", car: car
......@@ -2670,7 +2671,6 @@ def test_association_with_rewhere_doesnt_set_inverse_instance_key
test "can rewhere the default scope of the associated model" do
Car.has_many :old_bulbs, -> { rewhere(name: "old") }, class_name: "Bulb"
car = Car.create!
bulb1 = Bulb.create! name: "defaulty", car: car
bulb2 = Bulb.create! name: "old", car: car
......@@ -2681,11 +2681,11 @@ def test_association_with_rewhere_doesnt_set_inverse_instance_key
test "unscopes the default scope of associated model when used with include" do
car = Car.create!
bulb = Bulb.create! name: "other", car: car
bulb1 = Bulb.create! name: "defaulty", car: car
bulb2 = Bulb.create! name: "other", car: car
assert_equal [bulb], Car.find(car.id).all_bulbs
assert_equal [bulb], Car.includes(:all_bulbs).find(car.id).all_bulbs
assert_equal [bulb], Car.eager_load(:all_bulbs).find(car.id).all_bulbs
assert_equal [bulb1, bulb2], Car.includes(:all_bulbs2).find(car.id).all_bulbs2.sort_by(&:id)
assert_equal [bulb1, bulb2], Car.eager_load(:all_bulbs2).find(car.id).all_bulbs2.sort_by(&:id)
test "raises RecordNotDestroyed when replaced child can't be destroyed" do
......@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bulbs
has_many :all_bulbs, -> { unscope where: :name }, class_name: "Bulb"
has_many :all_bulbs, -> { unscope(where: :name) }, class_name: "Bulb"
has_many :all_bulbs2, -> { unscope(:where) }, class_name: "Bulb"
has_many :other_bulbs, -> { unscope(where: :name).where(name: "other") }, class_name: "Bulb"
has_many :old_bulbs, -> { rewhere(name: "old") }, class_name: "Bulb"
has_many :funky_bulbs, class_name: "FunkyBulb", dependent: :destroy
has_many :failed_bulbs, class_name: "FailedBulb", dependent: :destroy
has_many :foo_bulbs, -> { where(name: "foo") }, class_name: "Bulb"
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