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Update README.md

A very minor change of comma usage.
上级 1e5c0a78
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ the [Active Model](activemodel/README.rdoc) module.
## Controller layer
The _**Controller layer**_ is responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and
providing a suitable response. Usually this means returning HTML, but Rails controllers
providing a suitable response. Usually, this means returning HTML, but Rails controllers
can also generate XML, JSON, PDFs, mobile-specific views, and more. Controllers load and
manipulate models, and render view templates in order to generate the appropriate HTTP response.
In Rails, incoming requests are routed by Action Dispatch to an appropriate controller, and
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ are bundled together in [Action Pack](actionpack/README.rdoc).
The _**View layer**_ is composed of "templates" that are responsible for providing
appropriate representations of your application's resources. Templates can
come in a variety of formats, but most view templates are HTML with embedded
Ruby code (ERB files). Views are typically rendered to generate a controller response,
Ruby code (ERB files). Views are typically rendered to generate a controller response
or to generate the body of an email. In Rails, View generation is handled by [Action View](actionview/README.rdoc).
## Frameworks and libraries
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