Remove old files, add some information to docs and improve test suite.

上级 1b3cb54e
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ the email.
This can be as simple as:
class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
delivers_from ''
def welcome(recipient)
......@@ -30,7 +29,6 @@ This can be as simple as:
mail(:to => recipient,
:subject => "[Signed up] Welcome #{recipient}")
The body of the email is created by using an Action View template (regular
......@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# def welcome(recipient)
# @account = recipient
# mail { :to => recipient.email_address_with_name,
# :bcc => ["", "Order Watcher <>"],
# :subject => "New account information" }
# mail(:to => recipient.email_address_with_name,
# :bcc => ["", "Order Watcher <>"])
# end
# end
......@@ -37,13 +36,15 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# * <tt>attachments[]=</tt> - Allows you to add attachments to your email in an intuitive
# manner; <tt>attachments['filename.png'] ='path/to/filename.png')</tt>
# * <tt>headers[]=</tt> - Allows you to specify non standard headers in your email such
# as <tt>headers['X-No-Spam'] = 'True'</tt>
# * <tt>mail</tt> - Allows you to specify your email to send.
# The hash passed to the mail method allows you to specify the most used headers in an email
# message, such as <tt>Subject</tt>, <tt>To</tt>, <tt>From</tt>, <tt>Cc</tt>, <tt>Bcc</tt>,
# <tt>Reply-To</tt> and <tt>Date</tt>. See the <tt>ActionMailer#mail</tt> method for more details.
# <tt>Reply-To</tt> and <tt>Date</tt>. See the <tt>ActionMailer#mail</tt> method for more details.
# If you need other headers not listed above, use the <tt>headers['name'] = value</tt> method.
......@@ -58,6 +59,20 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# format.html
# end
# The block syntax is useful if also need to specify information specific to a part:
# mail(:to => user.emai) do |format|
# format.text(:content_transfer_encoding => "base64")
# format.html
# end
# Or even to renderize a special view:
# mail(:to => user.emai) do |format|
# format.text
# format.html { render "some_other_template" }
# end
# = Mailer views
# Like Action Controller, each mailer class has a corresponding view directory in which each
......@@ -79,9 +94,9 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# You got a new note!
# <%= truncate(@note.body, 25) %>
# If you need to access the subject, from or the recipients in the view, you can do that through mailer object:
# If you need to access the subject, from or the recipients in the view, you can do that through message object:
# You got a new note from <%= mailer.from %>!
# You got a new note from <%= message.from %>!
# <%= truncate(@note.body, 25) %>
......@@ -137,7 +152,7 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# * signup_notification.text.plain.erb
# * signup_notification.text.html.erb
# * signup_notification.text.xml.builder
# * signup_notification.text.x-yaml.erb
# * signup_notification.text.yaml.erb
# Each would be rendered and added as a separate part to the message, with the corresponding content
# type. The content type for the entire message is automatically set to <tt>multipart/alternative</tt>,
......@@ -174,8 +189,6 @@ module ActionMailer #:nodoc:
# * <tt>delivers_from</tt> - Pass this the address that then defaults as the +from+ address on all the
# emails sent. Can be overridden on a per mail basis by passing <tt>:from => 'another@address'</tt> in
# the +mail+ method.
# * <tt>template_root</tt> - Determines the base from which template references will be made.
# * <tt>logger</tt> - the logger is used for generating information on the mailing run if available.
# Can be set to nil for no logging. Compatible with both Ruby's own Logger and Log4r loggers.
......@@ -300,9 +313,7 @@ def receive(raw_mail)
def deliver_mail(mail) #:nodoc:
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("action_mailer.deliver") do |payload|
self.set_payload_for_mail(payload, mail)
yield # Let Mail do the delivery actions
......@@ -399,7 +410,7 @@ def attachments
# The main method that creates the message and renders the email templates. There are
# two ways to call this method, with a block, or without a block.
# Both methods accept a headers hash. This hash allows you to specify the most used headers
# Both methods accept a headers hash. This hash allows you to specify the most used headers
# in an email message, these are:
# * <tt>:subject</tt> - The subject of the message, if this is omitted, ActionMailer will
......@@ -419,7 +430,7 @@ def attachments
# If you need other headers not listed above, use the <tt>headers['name'] = value</tt> method.
# When a <tt>:return_path</tt> is specified, that value will be used as the 'envelope from'
# When a <tt>:return_path</tt> is specified as header, that value will be used as the 'envelope from'
# address for the Mail message. Setting this is useful when you want delivery notifications
# sent to a different address than the one in <tt>:from</tt>. Mail will actually use the
# <tt>:return_path</tt> in preference to the <tt>:sender</tt> in preference to the <tt>:from</tt>
......@@ -447,6 +458,14 @@ def attachments
# Which will render a <tt>multipart/alternate</tt> email with <tt>text/plain</tt> and
# <tt>text/html</tt> parts.
# The block syntax also allows you to customize the part headers if desired:
# mail(:to => '') do |format|
# format.text(:content_transfer_encoding => "base64")
# format.html
# end
def mail(headers={}, &block)
# Guard flag to prevent both the old and the new API from firing
# Should be removed when old API is removed
......@@ -541,7 +560,8 @@ def each_template(&block) #:nodoc:
def create_parts_from_responses(m, responses, charset) #:nodoc:
if responses.size == 1 && !m.has_attachments?
m.body = responses[0][:body]
headers = responses[0]
headers.each { |k,v| m[k] = v }
return responses[0][:content_type]
elsif responses.size > 1 && m.has_attachments?
container =
......@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ def explicit_multipart_with_any(hash = {})
format.any(:text, :html){ render :text => "Format with any!" }
def custom_block(include_html=false)
mail(DEFAULT_HEADERS) do |format|
format.text(:content_transfer_encoding => "base64"){ render "welcome" }
format.html{ render "welcome" } if include_html
test "method call to mail does not raise error" do
......@@ -337,6 +344,23 @@ def explicit_multipart_with_any(hash = {})
assert_equal("Format with any!",[1].body.encoded)
test "explicit multipart with options" do
email = BaseMailer.custom_block(true).deliver
assert_equal("multipart/alternate", email.mime_type)
test "explicit multipart with one part is rendered as body" do
email = BaseMailer.custom_block.deliver
assert_equal("text/plain", email.mime_type)
assert_equal("base64", email.content_transfer_encoding)
# Class level API with method missing
test "should respond to action methods" do
assert BaseMailer.respond_to?(:welcome)
require 'abstract_unit'
class MailTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_body
m =
expected = 'something_with_underscores'
m.content_transfer_encoding = 'quoted-printable'
quoted_body = [expected].pack('*M')
m.body = quoted_body
assert_equal "something_with_underscores=\r\n", m.body.encoded
assert_equal expected, m.body.to_s
def test_nested_attachments_are_recognized_correctly
fixture ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/raw_email_with_nested_attachment")
mail =
assert_equal 2, mail.attachments.length
assert_equal "image/png", mail.attachments.first.mime_type
assert_equal 1902, mail.attachments.first.decoded.length
assert_equal "application/pkcs7-signature", mail.attachments.last.mime_type
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