提交 c13d36c9 编写于 作者: M Mark Rushakoff

More using <tt>x</tt> instead of +x+ when the latter renders improperly.

上级 43af34c0
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module ActionController
# method attribute_names.
# If you're going to pass the parameters to an +ActiveModel+ object (such as
# +User.new(params[:user])+), you might consider passing the model class to
# <tt>User.new(params[:user])</tt>), you might consider passing the model class to
# the method instead. The +ParamsWrapper+ will actually try to determine the
# list of attribute names from the model and only wrap those attributes:
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ module ActionDispatch
# By default, ActionDispatch::Reloader is included in the middleware stack
# only in the development environment; specifically, when config.cache_classes
# is false. Callbacks may be registered even when it is not included in the
# middleware stack, but are executed only when +ActionDispatch::Reloader.prepare!+
# or +ActionDispatch::Reloader.cleanup!+ are called manually.
# middleware stack, but are executed only when <tt>ActionDispatch::Reloader.prepare!</tt>
# or <tt>ActionDispatch::Reloader.cleanup!</tt> are called manually.
class Reloader
include ActiveSupport::Callbacks
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ def exec_explain(queries) # :nodoc:
# the threshold is set to 0.
# As the name of the method suggests this only applies to automatic
# EXPLAINs, manual calls to +ActiveRecord::Relation#explain+ run.
# EXPLAINs, manual calls to <tt>ActiveRecord::Relation#explain</tt> run.
def silence_auto_explain
current = Thread.current
original, current[:available_queries_for_explain] = current[:available_queries_for_explain], false
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