提交 ec8edeca 编写于 作者: X Xavier Noria

edits in the release notes for 4.2

上级 b2351bea
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ Ruby on Rails 4.2 Release Notes
Highlights in Rails 4.2:
* Active Job, Action Mailer's `deliver_later`
* Active Job
* Asynchronous Mails
* Adequate Record
* Web Console
* Foreign key support
......@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ Rails](upgrading_ruby_on_rails.html#upgrading-from-rails-4-1-to-rails-4-2).
Major Features
### Active Job, Action Mailer's `deliver_later`
### Active Job
Active Job is a new framework in Rails 4.2. It is a common interface on top of
queuing systems like [Resque](https://github.com/resque/resque), [Delayed
......@@ -40,20 +41,25 @@ Jobs written with the Active Job API run on any of the supported queues thanks
to their respective adapters. Active Job comes pre-configured with an inline
runner that executes jobs right away.
Building on top of Active Job, Action Mailer now comes with a `deliver_later`
method that sends the email asynchronously via a job in a queue, so it doesn't
block the controller or model.
The new [Global ID](https://github.com/rails/globalid) library makes it easy
to pass Active Record objects to jobs. The library stores a global URI that
uniquely represents the model without serializing its state. This means you no
longer have to manually pack and unpack your Active Records by passing ids.
Just give the job the Active Record object, its global ID will be stored, and
then the object transparently loaded for you from it.
Jobs often need to take Active Record objects as arguments, but we can't pass
fully-marshaled Ruby objects through many queueing systems. Active Job passes
object references as URIs (uniform resource identifiers) instead of marshaling
the object itself. The new [Global ID](https://github.com/rails/globalid)
library builds URIs and looks up the objects they reference. Passing Active
Record objects as job arguments "just works:" Active Job passes a reference to
the object, then looks up the object from its reference.
See the [Active Job Basics](active_job_basics.html) guide for more
### Asynchronous Mails
Building on top of Active Job, Action Mailer now comes with a `deliver_later`
method that sends emails via the queue, so it doesn't block the controller or
model if the queue is asynchronous (the default inline queue blocks).
Sending emails right away is still possible with `deliver_now`.
### Adequate Record
Adequate Record is a set of performance improvements in Active Record that makes
......@@ -554,6 +560,10 @@ Please refer to the [Changelog][action-mailer] for detailed changes.
to deliver emails asynchronously.
([Pull Request](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/16485))
* Introduced `deliver_now` to send emails right away, without going through
the application's queue.
* Added the `show_previews` configuration option for enabling mailer previews
outside of the development environment.
([Pull Request](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/15970))
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