1. 17 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  2. 13 9月, 2020 1 次提交
  3. 02 9月, 2020 1 次提交
    • G
      Override ActiveStorage.signed_id_verifier instead of assigning · 90551566
      George Claghorn 提交于
      Guard against the case where ActiveStorage.verifier isn't yet initialized at load time.
      Yes, you're not supposed to load AR models in initializers, but it's easy to do accidentally as long as we don't prevent it. We should be resilient against it wherever practical.
  4. 31 8月, 2020 2 次提交
  5. 13 8月, 2020 1 次提交
  6. 12 8月, 2020 1 次提交
    • J
      Identify directly-uploaded blobs before saving the associated record · 6aa26c30
      Jonathan Hefner 提交于
      An Active Storage `Blob` must be identified before it can be reliably
      validated.  For direct uploads, a `Blob` is identified when it is
      attached, rather than when it is created.
      Before this commit, the sequence of events when attaching a `Blob` was:
      1. Find the `Blob`.
      2. Assign the `Blob` to an `Attachment`.
      3. Save the owner record.
      4. Save the `Attachment`.
      5. Identify the `Blob`'s true `content_type` from its file.
      6. Save the `Blob`.
      This meant that the owner record's validations might not see the
      `Blob`'s true `content_type`.
      After this commit, the sequence of events will be:
      1. Find the `Blob`.
      2. Identify the `Blob`'s true `content_type` from its file.
      3. Assign the `Blob` to an `Attachment`.
      4. Save the owner record.
      5. Save the `Attachment`.
      6. Save the `Blob`.
      Thus the `Blob`'s true `content_type` will be available when running the
      owner record's validations.
  7. 04 8月, 2020 1 次提交
  8. 30 7月, 2020 1 次提交
    • V
      fix misleading variant test · 3eb48a21
      Victor Perez Rodriguez 提交于
      This commit fixes the "resized variation of BMP blob" test.
      By default `create_file_blob` use "image/jpeg" as content type,
      since this test does not specify the correct `content_type` for
      a `*.bmp` image ("image/bmp") the `ActiveStorage::Variant#specification`
      consider the blob as a web image which causes the variant to return a
      `*.bmp` URL and a "BMP" type, this is an incorrect behavior since if you
      upload a `*.bmp` image the variant will have a PNG format with "image/png"
      as content type.
      After this change the test will cover the current activestorage behavior.
      * Specify correct `content_type` on "resized variation of BMP blob" test.
      * Change asserts to cover the current activestorage behavior.
  9. 27 7月, 2020 1 次提交
    • V
      touch parent model when an attachment is purged · 396b43a9
      Victor Perez Rodriguez 提交于
      Currently `delete` is used on the `purge` and `purge_later` methods,
      that prevent any callbacks to be triggered which causes the parent
      model to not be updated when an attachment is purged. This behaviour
      cause issues on some caching strategies as reported here: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/39858
      * Add `record&.touch` on `attachment#purge`
      * Add `record&.touch` on `attachment#purge_later`
      * Remove extra blank line on attachment.rb
      * Add tests which are failing before this change and pass after the change
  10. 05 7月, 2020 2 次提交
    • E
      Disable template digesting for Active Storage controllers · 6af56621
      Evgeniy Rashchepkin 提交于
      Error entries appear in the log when we request ActiveStorage
      controllers (`ActiveStorage::Representations::ProxyController#show`,
      These entries look like: "Couldn't find template for digesting:
      These controllers use the method
      and therefore `ActionController::ConditionalGet#combine_etags` method,
      and therefore `ActionController::EtagWithTemplateDigest` module via
      `etaggers` array.
      `ActionController::EtagWithTemplateDigest` module requires a template
      We have no views in ActiveStorage, so `EtagWithTemplateDigest` is
      now turned off in ActiveStorage controllers by
      `etag_with_template_digest` class attribute.
    • S
  11. 17 6月, 2020 1 次提交
    • R
      Use ES module syntax for application.js.tt and docs · 04cbaa14
      Ross Kaffenberger 提交于
      This change swaps the CommonJS require() syntax in the Webpacker
      application.js pack template file and in documentation examples with ES
      module import syntax.
      Benefits of this change include:
      Provides continuity with the larger frontend community: Arguably, one of
      the main draws in adopting Webpacker is its integration with Babel to
      support ES module syntax. For a fresh Rails install with Webpacker, the
      application.js file will be the first impression most Rails developers
      have with webpack and Webpacker.  Most of the recent documentation and
      examples they will find online for using other libraries will be based
      on ES module syntax.
      Reduces confusion: Developers commonly add ES imports to their
      application.js pack, typically by following online examples, which means
      mixing require() and import statements in a single file. This leads to
      confusion and unnecessary friction about differences between require()
      and import.
      Embraces browser-friendliness: The ES module syntax forward-looking and
      is meant to be supported in browsers. On the other hand, require()
      syntax is synchronous by design and not browser-supported as CommonJS
      originally was adopted in Node.js for server-side JavaScript. That
      webpack supports require() syntax is merely a convenience.
      Encourages best practices regarding optimization: webpack can statically
      analyze ES modules and "tree-shake", i.e., strip out unused exports from
      the final build (given certain conditions are met, including
      `sideEffects: false` designation in package.json).
  12. 28 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • G
      ActiveStorage::Attachment#signed_id must return a signed *blob* ID · fd61bae0
      George Claghorn 提交于
      Fixes that calling e.g. `url_for @user.avatar` would return an incorrect URL resulting in a 404. The Active Storage URL helper ends up calling ActiveStorage::Attachment#signed_id, which previously delegated to ActiveStorage::Blob#signed_id but changed to return a signed *attachment* ID in 1a3dc42c.
      The Active Storage controllers pass signed IDs to ActiveStorage::Blob.find_signed, so we need signed blob IDs.
  13. 26 5月, 2020 1 次提交
    • J
      Fix Active Storage behavior on record dup · d02d259b
      Jonathan Hefner 提交于
      Prior to this commit, a `dup`ed record and its originating record would
      share the same `Attached` proxy objects.  Those proxy objects, in turn,
      would point to the same `Attachment` associations, causing changes made
      through the proxy interface to affect both records.
  14. 23 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  15. 21 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  16. 20 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  17. 19 5月, 2020 3 次提交
  18. 16 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  19. 14 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  20. 12 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  21. 08 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  22. 05 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  23. 04 5月, 2020 1 次提交
  24. 30 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  25. 29 4月, 2020 3 次提交
  26. 27 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  27. 25 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  28. 23 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • G
      Fix typos [ci skip] · 1064c516
      Godfrey Chan 提交于
      I wrote this shell script to find words from the Rails repo,
      so I can paste them into https://www.horsepaste.com/ for
      the [codenames game](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codenames_(board_game)).
      git grep -Il '' | \
        grep -v -E "CHANGELOG|Gemfile|gemspec|package\.json|yarn\.lock" | \
        xargs cat | \
        sed '/[^ ]\{10,\}/d' | \
        sed 's/\([A-Z]\)/ \1/g' | \
        tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | \
        tr -c -s 'a-z' '\n' | \
        sed '/^.\{0,3\}$/d' | \
        sort | \
        uniq | \
        tr '\n' ',' | \
      You can see the result in https://www.horsepaste.com/rails-fixed.
      Click "Next game" to cycle the words.
      Found some typos in the codebase from this 😂
      This is how I generated the list of possible typos:
      git grep -Il '' | \
        grep -v -E "CHANGELOG|Gemfile|gemspec|package\.json|yarn\.lock" | \
        xargs cat | \
        sed '/[^ ]\{10,\}/d' | \
        sed 's/\([A-Z]\)/ \1/g' | \
        tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | \
        tr -c -s 'a-z' '\n' | \
        sed '/^.\{0,3\}$/d' | \
        sort | \
        uniq | \
        aspell --ignore-case list
      I manually reviewed the list and made the corrections
      in this commit. The rest on the list are either:
      * Bugs in my script: it split things like "doesn't" into
        "doesn" and "t", if find things like `#ffffff` and
        extracts "ffffff" as a word, etc
      * British spelling: honour, optimised
      * Foreign words: bonjour, espanol
      * Names: nginx, hanekawa
      * Technical words: mutex, xhtml
      * Portmanteau words: autosave, nodelist
      * Invented words: camelize, coachee
      * Shortened words: attrs, repo
      * Deliberate typos: hllo, hillo (used in code examples, etc)
      * Lorem ipsum words: arcu, euismod
      This is the [output](https://gist.github.com/chancancode/eb0b573d667dc31906f33f1fb0b22313)
      of the script *after* fixing the typos included in this
      commit. In theory, someone can run that command again in
      the future and compare the output to catch new typos (i.e.
      using my list to filter out known typos).
      Limitations: the aspell dictionary could be wrong, I
      could have miss things, and my script ignores words that
      are less than 3 characters or longer than 10 characters.
  29. 22 4月, 2020 1 次提交
    • J
      Add web_image_content_types config option for ActiveStorage · 2a12b723
      JvH 提交于
      Add `config.active_storage.web_image_content_types` to allow applications
      to add content types (like `image/webp`) in which variants can be processed,
      instead of letting those images be converted to the fallback PNG format.
  30. 15 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  31. 06 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  32. 03 4月, 2020 1 次提交
  33. 31 3月, 2020 1 次提交
  34. 30 3月, 2020 1 次提交