提交 deb76e9e 编写于 作者: 沉默王二's avatar 沉默王二 💬


上级 f587e05e
......@@ -353,13 +353,7 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "3.1.1 Nginx",
children: [
text: "3.1.2 IDE",
text: "3.1.1 IDE",
collapsible: true,
children: [
......@@ -368,39 +362,95 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
text: "3.1.3 Maven",
text: "3.1.2 Maven",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "3.1.4 Git",
text: "3.1.3 Git",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "3.1.4 Nginx",
children: [
text: "3.3 Spring",
text: "3.2 辅助工具",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "3.3 开源轮子",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "Spring AOP扫盲",
link: "springboot/aop-log",
text: "HTTP调用框架Forest",
link: "gongju/forest",
text: "Spring IoC扫盲",
link: "springboot/ioc",
text: "单元测试Junit",
link: "gongju/junit",
text: "阿里开源的fastjson",
link: "gongju/fastjson",
text: "谷歌开源的Gson",
link: "gongju/gson",
text: "SpringBoot内置的Jackson",
link: "gongju/jackson",
text: "日志框架的鼻祖Log4j",
link: "gongju/log4j",
text: "高性能日志框架Log4j2",
link: "gongju/log4j2",
text: "Spring Boot内置的Logback",
link: "gongju/logback",
text: "日志门面SLF4J",
link: "gongju/slf4j",
text: "3.4 SpringBoot",
text: "3.4 Spring全家桶",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "Spring AOP扫盲",
link: "springboot/aop-log",
text: "Spring IoC扫盲",
link: "springboot/ioc",
text: "搭建第一个Spring Boot项目",
link: "springboot/initializr",
......@@ -466,63 +516,29 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
text: "3.6 辅助工具",
text: "3.6 MongoDB",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "3.7 开源轮子",
text: "3.7 消息队列",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "HTTP调用框架Forest",
link: "gongju/forest",
text: "单元测试Junit",
link: "gongju/junit",
text: "阿里开源的fastjson",
link: "gongju/fastjson",
text: "谷歌开源的Gson",
link: "gongju/gson",
text: "SpringBoot内置的Jackson",
link: "gongju/jackson",
text: "日志框架的鼻祖Log4j",
link: "gongju/log4j",
text: "高性能日志框架Log4j2",
link: "gongju/log4j2",
text: "Spring Boot内置的Logback",
link: "gongju/logback",
text: "RabbitMQ入门",
link: "mq/rabbitmq-rumen"
text: "日志门面SLF4J",
link: "gongju/slf4j",
text: "如何保障消息不丢失",
link: "mq/100-budiushi"
text: "3.8 分布式",
text: "3.8 微服务/分布式",
collapsible: true,
children: [
......@@ -539,62 +555,34 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
text: "3.9 消息队列",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "RabbitMQ入门",
link: "mq/rabbitmq-rumen"
text: "如何保障消息不丢失",
link: "mq/100-budiushi"
text: "四、数据库",
text: "四、MySQL",
collapsible: true,
prefix: "mysql/",
children: [
text: "五、Redis",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "MySQL",
collapsible: true,
prefix: "mysql/",
children: [
text: "Redis",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "Redis入门",
link: "redis/rumen"
text: "缓存雪崩、穿透、击穿",
link: "redis/xuebeng-chuantou-jichuan"
text: "Redis入门",
link: "redis/rumen"
text: "MongoDB",
collapsible: true,
children: [
text: "缓存雪崩、穿透、击穿",
link: "redis/xuebeng-chuantou-jichuan"
text: "、计算机基础",
text: "、计算机基础",
collapsible: true,
prefix: "cs/",
children: [
......@@ -609,7 +597,7 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
text: "、求职面试",
text: "、求职面试",
collapsible: true,
children: [
......@@ -679,7 +667,7 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
text: "、学习建议",
text: "、学习建议",
collapsible: true,
prefix: "xuexijianyi/",
children: [
......@@ -700,7 +688,7 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
text: "、知识库搭建",
text: "、知识库搭建",
collapsible: true,
prefix: "szjy/",
children: [
......@@ -712,7 +700,7 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
text: "、联系作者",
text: "、联系作者",
collapsible: true,
prefix: "about-the-author/",
children: [
......@@ -720,7 +708,6 @@ export const sidebarConfig = sidebar({
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