未验证 提交 65c41591 编写于 作者: S Stefan F 提交者: GitHub

Generate nullable properties in C# object-based API for optional scalars....

Generate nullable properties in C# object-based API for optional scalars. (without -gen-mutable) (#6273)

* Added missing EndTable() call to VerifyObject()

VerifyObject called VerifyTableStart() but not EndTable(). This made Verifier::VerifyComplexity() increase depth_ with each table, not with the depth of tables.


* Added Check to VerifyAlignment


* Add GetStringView (Convenience function to get string_view from a String returning an empty string_view on null pointer) like GetString, GetCstring

* flatc should warn, when an attribute is attached more than once.

flatc.exe -b duplicate.fbs
warning: duplicate.fbs(5, 36): warning: attribute already found: priority


namespace MyGame;

attribute "priority";

table Monster (priority:1, priority:2) {

root_type Monster;

* flatc should support --binary --schema with optional scalar fields.

This fixes 'error: Optional scalars are not yet supported in at least one the of the specified programming languages.' when calling flatc.exe --binary --schema with a schema containing optional scalars.

* Generate nullable properties in C# object-based API for optional scalars.
tests\generate_code.bat extended to test this.

Ran tests\generate_code.bat
Ran tests\Flatbuffers.Test\NetTest.bat

* %TEST_BASE_FLAGS% replaced with --gen-object-api in generate_code.bat, because only this is part of this PR. Added this same flag to generate_code.sh

* generate_code.bat and generate_code.sh changed to only test c# with object based api.
上级 a9e91116
......@@ -1959,6 +1959,7 @@ class CSharpGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) continue;
if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) continue;
auto type_name = GenTypeGet_ObjectAPI(field.value.type, opts);
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) type_name += "?";
auto camel_name = MakeCamel(field.name, true);
if (opts.cs_gen_json_serializer) {
if (IsUnion(field.value.type)) {
......@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ set TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS=%TEST_BASE_FLAGS% --no-includes --no-fb-import
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --cpp %TEST_BASE_FLAGS% --cpp-ptr-type flatbuffers::unique_ptr native_type_test.fbs || goto FAIL
@rem Generate the optional scalar code for tests.
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --csharp --java --kotlin --rust --lobster --ts --js optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --java --kotlin --rust --lobster --ts --js optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe --csharp --gen-object-api optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
..\%buildtype%\flatc.exe %TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS% %TEST_CPP_FLAGS% --cpp optional_scalars.fbs || goto FAIL
@rem Generate the schema evolution tests
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ $TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS $TEST_CPP_FLAGS $TEST_CS_FLAGS $TEST_JS_TS_FLAGS -o namespace
../flatc --dart monster_extra.fbs
# Generate optional scalar code for tests.
../flatc --csharp --java --kotlin --rust --lobster --ts --js optional_scalars.fbs
../flatc --java --kotlin --rust --lobster --ts --js optional_scalars.fbs
../flatc --csharp --gen-object-api optional_scalars.fbs
../flatc $TEST_NOINCL_FLAGS $TEST_CPP_FLAGS --cpp optional_scalars.fbs
# Generate the schema evolution tests
......@@ -177,7 +177,178 @@ public struct ScalarStuff : IFlatbufferObject
public static void FinishScalarStuffBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, Offset<optional_scalars.ScalarStuff> offset) { builder.Finish(offset.Value, "NULL"); }
public static void FinishSizePrefixedScalarStuffBuffer(FlatBufferBuilder builder, Offset<optional_scalars.ScalarStuff> offset) { builder.FinishSizePrefixed(offset.Value, "NULL"); }
public ScalarStuffT UnPack() {
var _o = new ScalarStuffT();
return _o;
public void UnPackTo(ScalarStuffT _o) {
_o.JustI8 = this.JustI8;
_o.MaybeI8 = this.MaybeI8;
_o.DefaultI8 = this.DefaultI8;
_o.JustU8 = this.JustU8;
_o.MaybeU8 = this.MaybeU8;
_o.DefaultU8 = this.DefaultU8;
_o.JustI16 = this.JustI16;
_o.MaybeI16 = this.MaybeI16;
_o.DefaultI16 = this.DefaultI16;
_o.JustU16 = this.JustU16;
_o.MaybeU16 = this.MaybeU16;
_o.DefaultU16 = this.DefaultU16;
_o.JustI32 = this.JustI32;
_o.MaybeI32 = this.MaybeI32;
_o.DefaultI32 = this.DefaultI32;
_o.JustU32 = this.JustU32;
_o.MaybeU32 = this.MaybeU32;
_o.DefaultU32 = this.DefaultU32;
_o.JustI64 = this.JustI64;
_o.MaybeI64 = this.MaybeI64;
_o.DefaultI64 = this.DefaultI64;
_o.JustU64 = this.JustU64;
_o.MaybeU64 = this.MaybeU64;
_o.DefaultU64 = this.DefaultU64;
_o.JustF32 = this.JustF32;
_o.MaybeF32 = this.MaybeF32;
_o.DefaultF32 = this.DefaultF32;
_o.JustF64 = this.JustF64;
_o.MaybeF64 = this.MaybeF64;
_o.DefaultF64 = this.DefaultF64;
_o.JustBool = this.JustBool;
_o.MaybeBool = this.MaybeBool;
_o.DefaultBool = this.DefaultBool;
_o.JustEnum = this.JustEnum;
_o.MaybeEnum = this.MaybeEnum;
_o.DefaultEnum = this.DefaultEnum;
public static Offset<optional_scalars.ScalarStuff> Pack(FlatBufferBuilder builder, ScalarStuffT _o) {
if (_o == null) return default(Offset<optional_scalars.ScalarStuff>);
return CreateScalarStuff(
public class ScalarStuffT
public sbyte JustI8 { get; set; }
public sbyte? MaybeI8 { get; set; }
public sbyte DefaultI8 { get; set; }
public byte JustU8 { get; set; }
public byte? MaybeU8 { get; set; }
public byte DefaultU8 { get; set; }
public short JustI16 { get; set; }
public short? MaybeI16 { get; set; }
public short DefaultI16 { get; set; }
public ushort JustU16 { get; set; }
public ushort? MaybeU16 { get; set; }
public ushort DefaultU16 { get; set; }
public int JustI32 { get; set; }
public int? MaybeI32 { get; set; }
public int DefaultI32 { get; set; }
public uint JustU32 { get; set; }
public uint? MaybeU32 { get; set; }
public uint DefaultU32 { get; set; }
public long JustI64 { get; set; }
public long? MaybeI64 { get; set; }
public long DefaultI64 { get; set; }
public ulong JustU64 { get; set; }
public ulong? MaybeU64 { get; set; }
public ulong DefaultU64 { get; set; }
public float JustF32 { get; set; }
public float? MaybeF32 { get; set; }
public float DefaultF32 { get; set; }
public double JustF64 { get; set; }
public double? MaybeF64 { get; set; }
public double DefaultF64 { get; set; }
public bool JustBool { get; set; }
public bool? MaybeBool { get; set; }
public bool DefaultBool { get; set; }
public optional_scalars.OptionalByte JustEnum { get; set; }
public optional_scalars.OptionalByte? MaybeEnum { get; set; }
public optional_scalars.OptionalByte DefaultEnum { get; set; }
public ScalarStuffT() {
this.JustI8 = 0;
this.MaybeI8 = null;
this.DefaultI8 = 42;
this.JustU8 = 0;
this.MaybeU8 = null;
this.DefaultU8 = 42;
this.JustI16 = 0;
this.MaybeI16 = null;
this.DefaultI16 = 42;
this.JustU16 = 0;
this.MaybeU16 = null;
this.DefaultU16 = 42;
this.JustI32 = 0;
this.MaybeI32 = null;
this.DefaultI32 = 42;
this.JustU32 = 0;
this.MaybeU32 = null;
this.DefaultU32 = 42;
this.JustI64 = 0;
this.MaybeI64 = null;
this.DefaultI64 = 42;
this.JustU64 = 0;
this.MaybeU64 = null;
this.DefaultU64 = 42;
this.JustF32 = 0.0f;
this.MaybeF32 = null;
this.DefaultF32 = 42.0f;
this.JustF64 = 0.0;
this.MaybeF64 = null;
this.DefaultF64 = 42.0;
this.JustBool = false;
this.MaybeBool = null;
this.DefaultBool = true;
this.JustEnum = optional_scalars.OptionalByte.None;
this.MaybeEnum = null;
this.DefaultEnum = optional_scalars.OptionalByte.One;
public static ScalarStuffT DeserializeFromBinary(byte[] fbBuffer) {
return ScalarStuff.GetRootAsScalarStuff(new ByteBuffer(fbBuffer)).UnPack();
public byte[] SerializeToBinary() {
var fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder(0x10000);
ScalarStuff.FinishScalarStuffBuffer(fbb, ScalarStuff.Pack(fbb, this));
return fbb.DataBuffer.ToSizedArray();
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