datum.hpp 8.5 KB
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#include <string> // std::string
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> // cv::Mat
#include "array.hpp"

namespace op
     * Datum: The OpenPose Basic Piece of Information Between Threads
     * Datum is one the main OpenPose classes/structs. The workers and threads share by default a std::shared_ptr<std::vector<Datum>>. It contains
     * all the parameters that the different workers and threads need to exchange.
    struct Datum
        // -------------------------------------------------- ID parameters -------------------------------------------------- //
        unsigned long long id; /**< Datum ID. Internally used to sort the Datums if multi-threading is used. */

        std::string name;      /**< Name used when saving the data to disk (e.g. `write_images` or `write_pose` flags in the demo). */

        // -------------------------------------------------- Input image and rendered version parameters -------------------------------------------------- //
         * Original image to be processed in cv::Mat uchar format.
         * Size: (input_width x input_height) x 3 channels
        cv::Mat cvInputData;

         * Original image to be processed in Array<float> format.
         * It has been resized to the net input resolution, as well as reformatted Array<float> format to be compatible with the net.
         * In case of >1 scales, then each scale is right- and bottom-padded to fill the greatest resolution. The scales are sorted from bigger to smaller.
         * Size: #scales x 3 x input_net_height x input_net_width
        Array<float> inputNetData;

         * Rendered image in Array<float> format.
         * It consists of a blending of the inputNetData and the pose/body part(s) heatmap/PAF(s).
         * If rendering is disabled (e.g. `no_render_output` flag in the demo), then outputData will be empty.
         * Size: 3 x output_net_height x output_net_width
        Array<float> outputData;

         * Rendered image in cv::Mat uchar format.
         * It has been resized to the desired output resolution (e.g. `resolution` flag in the demo).
         * If outputData is empty, then cvOutputData will also be empty.
         * Size: (output_height x output_width) x 3 channels
        cv::Mat cvOutputData;

        // -------------------------------------------------- Resulting Array<float> data parameters -------------------------------------------------- //
         * Pose (x,y,score) locations for each person in the image.
         * It has been resized to the desired output resolution (e.g. `resolution` flag in the demo).
         * If outputData is empty, then cvOutputData will also be empty.
         * Size: #people x #body parts (e.g. 18 for COCO or 15 for MPI) x 3 ((x,y) coordinates + score)

        Array<float> pose;
         * Pose heatmaps (body parts, background and PAFs) for the whole image.
         * This parameters is by default empty and disabled for performance. Each group (body parts, background and PAFs) can be individually enabled.
         * #heatmaps = #body parts (if enabled) + 1 (if background enabled) + 2 x #PAFs (if enabled). Each PAF has 2 consecutive channels, one for x- and one for y-coordinates.
         * Order heatmaps: body parts + background (as appears in POSE_BODY_PART_MAPPING) + (x,y) channel of each PAF (sorted as appears in POSE_BODY_PART_PAIRS). See `pose/poseParameters.hpp`.
         * The user can choose the heatmaps normalization: ranges [0, 1], [-1, 1] or [0, 255]. Check the `heatmaps_scale_mode` flag in the examples/tutorial_wrapper/ for more details.
         * Size: #heatmaps x output_net_height x output_net_width
        Array<float> poseHeatMaps;

         * Experimental (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
         * Hands code is in development phase. Not included in this version.
         * Size: 2 (right and left hand) x #hand parts (21) x 3 ((x,y) coordinates + score)
        Array<float> hands;

        // -------------------------------------------------- Other parameters -------------------------------------------------- //
        double scaleInputToOutput; /**< Scale ratio between the input Datum::cvInputData and the output Datum::cvOutputData. */

        double scaleNetToOutput; /**< Scale ratio between the net output and the final output Datum::cvOutputData. */

        std::pair<int, std::string> elementRendered; /**< Pair with the element key id POSE_BODY_PART_MAPPING on `pose/poseParameters.hpp` and its mapped value (e.g. 1 and "Neck"). */

        // -------------------------------------------------- Functions -------------------------------------------------- //
         * Default constructor struct.
         * It simply initializes the struct, id is temporary set to 0 and each other variable is assigned to its default value.
        explicit Datum();

         * Copy constructor.
         * It performs `fast copy`: For performance purpose, copying a Datum or Array<T> or cv::Mat just copies the reference, it still shares the same internal data.
         * Modifying the copied element will modify the original one.
         * Use clone() for a slower but real copy, similarly to cv::Mat and Array<T>.
         * @param datum Datum to be copied.
        Datum(const Datum& datum);

         * Copy assignment.
         * Similar to Datum::Datum(const Datum& datum).
         * @param datum Datum to be copied.
         * @return The resulting Datum.
        Datum& operator=(const Datum& datum);

         * Move constructor.
         * It destroys the original Datum to be moved.
         * @param datum Datum to be moved.
        Datum(Datum&& datum);

         * Move assignment.
         * Similar to Datum::Datum(Datum&& datum).
         * @param datum Datum to be moved.
         * @return The resulting Datum.
        Datum& operator=(Datum&& datum);

         * Destructor class.
         * Declared virtual so that Datum can be inherited.
        virtual ~Datum();

         * Clone function.
         * Similar to cv::Mat::clone and Array<T>::clone.
         * It performs a real but slow copy of the data, i.e., even if the copied element is modified, the original one is not.
         * @return The resulting Datum.
        Datum clone() const;

        // -------------------------------------------------- Comparison operators -------------------------------------------------- //
         * Less comparison operator.
         * @param datum Datum to be compared.
         * @result Whether the instance satisfies the condition with respect to datum.
        inline bool operator <(const Datum& datum) const
            return id < datum.id;
         * Greater comparison operator.
         * @param datum Datum to be compared.
         * @result Whether the instance satisfies the condition with respect to datum.
        inline bool operator >(const Datum& datum) const
            return id > datum.id;
         * Less or equal comparison operator.
         * @param datum Datum to be compared.
         * @result Whether the instance satisfies the condition with respect to datum.
        inline bool operator <=(const Datum& datum) const
            return id <= datum.id;
         * Greater or equal comparison operator.
         * @param datum Datum to be compared.
         * @result Whether the instance satisfies the condition with respect to datum.
        inline bool operator >=(const Datum& datum) const
            return id >= datum.id;
         * Equal comparison operator.
         * @param datum Datum to be compared.
         * @result Whether the instance satisfies the condition with respect to datum.
        inline bool operator ==(const Datum& datum) const
            return id == datum.id;
         * Not equal comparison operator.
         * @param datum Datum to be compared.
         * @result Whether the instance satisfies the condition with respect to datum.
        inline bool operator !=(const Datum& datum) const
            return id != datum.id;