提交 5401f668 编写于 作者: G gineshidalgo99

Distance alpha edited

上级 123cb647
......@@ -664,64 +664,63 @@ namespace op
// Refined method
const auto constant = 5;
Point<T> neckPartDistRefined{0, 0};
for (auto y = intRound(rootY/scaleFactor) - constant;
y < intRound(rootY/scaleFactor) + constant+1 ; y++)
auto counterRefinements = 0;
// We must keep it inside the image size
for (auto y = fastMax(0, intRound(rootY/scaleFactor) - constant);
y < fastMin(heatMapSize.y, intRound(rootY/scaleFactor) + constant+1) ; y++)
for (auto x = intRound(rootX/scaleFactor) - constant;
x < intRound(rootX/scaleFactor) + constant+1 ; x++)
for (auto x = fastMax(0, intRound(rootX/scaleFactor) - constant);
x < fastMin(heatMapSize.x, intRound(rootX/scaleFactor) + constant+1) ; x++)
const auto index = y*heatMapSize.x + x;
neckPartDistRefined.x += mapX[index];
neckPartDistRefined.y += mapY[index];
auto sqConst = (constant*2+1);
sqConst *= sqConst;
neckPartDistRefined = Point<T>{
neckPartDistRefined *= increaseRatio/sqConst;
neckPartDistRefined *= increaseRatio/counterRefinements;
const auto partX = rootX + neckPartDistRefined.x;
const auto partY = rootY + neckPartDistRefined.y;
poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,0}] = partX;
poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,1}] = partY;
// Set (temporary) body part score
poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,2}] = T(0.0501);
// // Associate estimated keypoint with closest one
// const auto candidateNumberIndex = bpOrig*(maxPeaks+1)*3;
// const auto numberCandidates = intRound(peaksPtr[candidateNumberIndex]);
// int closestIndex = -1;
// T closetValue = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
// for (auto i = 0 ; i < numberCandidates ; i++)
// {
// const auto candidateXYSIndex = candidateNumberIndex+3*(1+i);
// const auto diffX = partX-scaleFactor*peaksPtr[candidateXYSIndex];
// const auto diffY = partY-scaleFactor*peaksPtr[candidateXYSIndex+1];
// const auto dist = (diffX*diffX + diffY*diffY);
// if (closetValue > dist)
// {
// closetValue = dist;
// closestIndex = candidateXYSIndex;
// }
// }
// if (closestIndex != -1)
// {
// const auto estimatedDist = neckPartDistRefined.x*neckPartDistRefined.x
// + neckPartDistRefined.y*neckPartDistRefined.y;
// const auto x = scaleFactor*peaksPtr[closestIndex];
// const auto y = scaleFactor*peaksPtr[closestIndex+1];
// const auto candidateDist = (rootX-x)*(rootX-x)+(rootY-y)*(rootY-y);
// if (estimatedDist/candidateDist < 1.1 && estimatedDist/candidateDist > 0.9)
// {
// poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,0}] = x;
// poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,1}] = y;
// // Set body part score
// const auto s = peaksPtr[closestIndex+2];
// // poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,2}] = s -;
// poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,2}] = s;
// }
// }
// Associate estimated keypoint with closest one
const auto xCleaned = fastMax(0, fastMin(heatMapSize.x-1, intRound(partX/scaleFactor)));
const auto yCleaned = fastMax(0, fastMin(heatMapSize.y-1, intRound(partY/scaleFactor)));
const auto partConfidence = heatMapPtr[
bpOrig * heatMapOffset + yCleaned*heatMapSize.x + xCleaned];
// If partConfidence is big enough, it means we are close to a keypoint
if (partConfidence > T(0.05))
const auto candidateNumberIndex = bpOrig*(maxPeaks+1)*3;
const auto numberCandidates = intRound(peaksPtr[candidateNumberIndex]);
int closestIndex = -1;
T closetValue = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
for (auto i = 0 ; i < numberCandidates ; i++)
const auto candidateXYSIndex = candidateNumberIndex+3*(1+i);
const auto diffX = partX-scaleFactor*peaksPtr[candidateXYSIndex];
const auto diffY = partY-scaleFactor*peaksPtr[candidateXYSIndex+1];
const auto dist = (diffX*diffX + diffY*diffY);
if (closetValue > dist)
closetValue = dist;
closestIndex = candidateXYSIndex;
if (closestIndex != -1)
poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,0}] = scaleFactor*peaksPtr[closestIndex];
poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,1}] = scaleFactor*peaksPtr[closestIndex+1];
// Set body part score
poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,2}] = peaksPtr[closestIndex+2];
// Set poseScore
poseScores[p] += poseKeypoints[{p,bpOrig,2}];
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