提交 6900b35d 编写于 作者: N Naoto Inoue 提交者: Gines

Fix doc typo (#16)

上级 2a07aa59
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Please, in order to check all the real time pose demo options and their details,
`--no_display`: Display window not opened. Useful if there is no X server and/or to slightly speed up the processing if visual output is not required.
`--num_gpu 2 --start_gpu 0`: Parallelize over this number of GPUs starting by the desired device id. Default is 1 and 0, respectively.
`--num_gpu 2 --num_gpu_start 0`: Parallelize over this number of GPUs starting by the desired device id. Default is 1 and 0, respectively.
`--num_scales 3 --scale_gap 0.15`: Use 3 scales, 1, (1-0.15), (1-0.15*2). Default is one scale. If you want to change the initial scale, you actually want to multiply your desired initial scale by the `net_resolution`.
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