未验证 提交 e0fadd82 编写于 作者: N niuliling123 提交者: GitHub

Delete invalid comment in layout autotune (#46881)

上级 34c7e3e3
......@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ class DygraphForwardFunctionGenerator(DygraphFunctionGeneratorBase):
tensors_vector_list_str = "{ " + ",".join(
amp_tensors_vector_list) + " }"
if len(amp_tensors_vector_list) == 0: # or forward_api_name == "shape":
if len(amp_tensors_vector_list) == 0:
layout_logic_str = ""
after_call_str = f"{returns_type_str} {result_name} = {forward_function_name}({layout_inputs_call_args_str});\n"
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