提交 28977631 编写于 作者: P poorguy-tech

temporarily saved (not finish)

上级 803a7fb9
package io.github.poorguy
import io.github.poorguy.`trait`.{Bfs_, Queue_}
import scala.collection.mutable
object OpenTheLock extends App with Queue_ with Bfs_ {
def openLock(deadends: Array[String], target: String): Int = {
val origin = "0000"
if (origin.equals(target)) {
return 0
val deadSet = deadends.toSet
val directions = List.range(0, 8)
var depth = 0
var sameDepthCount = 0
val queue = mutable.Queue[String]("0000")
while (queue.nonEmpty) {
if (sameDepthCount == 0) depth = depth + 1
else sameDepthCount -= 1
val value = queue.dequeue()
for (direct <- directions) {
val newVal = tune(value, deadSet, direct)
if (deadSet.contains(newVal)) {
} else if (newVal.equals(target)) {
return depth
} else {
sameDepthCount = sameDepthCount + 1
def tune(origin: String, deadSet: Set[String], direction: Int): String = {
val upDown = if (direction % 2 == 0) 1 else -1
val index = origin.length() - 1 - direction / 2
val value = origin.charAt(index).toString.toInt
val originChars = origin.toCharArray
if (upDown > 0 && value == 9) {
originChars(index) = '0'
} else if (upDown < 0 && value == 0) {
originChars(index) = '9'
} else {
originChars(index) = (value + upDown).toString.charAt(0)
val list = Array("0201", "0101", "0102", "1212", "2002")
print(openLock(list, "0202"))
package io.github.poorguy.`trait`
* solution with BFS algorithm
trait Bfs_ {
package io.github.poorguy.`trait`
* Solution with Queue
trait Queue_ {
package io.github.poorguy.`trait`
* Solution with Stack
trait Stack_ {
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