未验证 提交 1b5cc306 编写于 作者: I IceMimosa 提交者: GitHub

Support generic with bound (#92)

上级 88423051
......@@ -52,4 +52,20 @@ abstract class AbsProcessor extends Processor {
* get type param string
* @param returnType if it is return type
* @return
* if `returnType` is false, just return typeParamString with bound like [T <: Any, U]
* else return typeParamString without bound like [T, U]
protected def getTypeParamString(clazz: ScClass, returnType: Boolean = false): String = {
if (!returnType || clazz.typeParamString.isEmpty) {
} else {
clazz.typeParameters.map(_.name).mkString("[", ", ", "]")
......@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ class ApplyProcessor extends AbsProcessor {
val nameAndTypes = getConstructorCurryingParameters(clazz, withSecond = false)
.map(_.map(o => s"${o._1}: ${o._2}").mkString("(", ", ", ")"))
val genericTypes = clazz.typeParamString
Seq(s"def apply$genericTypes$nameAndTypes: ${clazz.getName}$genericTypes = ???")
val genericType = getTypeParamString(clazz)
val returnGenericType = getTypeParamString(clazz, returnType = true)
Seq(s"def apply$genericType$nameAndTypes: ${clazz.getName}$returnGenericType = ???")
case _ => Nil
case _ => Nil
......@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ class BuilderProcessor extends AbsProcessor {
case obj: ScObject =>
obj.fakeCompanionClassOrCompanionClass match {
case clazz: ScClass =>
val genericTypes = clazz.typeParamString
Seq(s"""def builder$genericTypes(): ${genBuilderName(clazz.getName, returnType = true)}$genericTypes = ???""")
val genericType = getTypeParamString(clazz)
val returnGenericType = getTypeParamString(clazz, returnType = true)
Seq(s"""def builder$genericType(): ${genBuilderName(clazz.getName, returnType = true)}$returnGenericType = ???""")
case _ => Nil
case _ => Nil
......@@ -40,14 +41,15 @@ class BuilderProcessor extends AbsProcessor {
val className = clazz.getName
// support constructor and second constructor
val nameAndTypes = getConstructorParameters(clazz.asInstanceOf[ScClass])
val genericTypes = clazz.typeParamString
val genericType = getTypeParamString(clazz)
val returnGenericType = getTypeParamString(clazz, returnType = true)
val assignMethods = nameAndTypes.map(term =>
s"def ${term._1}(${term._1}: ${term._2}) = this"
|class ${genBuilderName(className)}$genericTypes {
| def build(): $className$genericTypes = ???
|class ${genBuilderName(className)}$genericType {
| def build(): $className$returnGenericType = ???
| ${assignMethods.mkString("\n")}
......@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ class ApplyTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
@apply class B4[T, U](int: T, val j: U)
println(B4("helloworld", 2))
@apply class B5[T <: Any, U](int: T, val j: U)
println(B5("helloworld", 2))
"apply5" should "failed when input not invalid" in {
"""@apply(true) class C2(int: Int, val j: Int, var k: Option[String] = None, t: Option[Long] = Some(1L))(o: Int = 1)""" shouldNot compile
......@@ -119,8 +119,13 @@ class BuilderTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
class TestClass12[T, U](val i: T, var j: U)
case class TestClass12[T, U](val i: T, var j: U)
val b = TestClass12.builder().i(new AnyRef).j(List("helloworld", "generic is ok")).build()
case class TestClass13[T <: Any, U](val i: T, var j: U)
val c = TestClass13.builder().i(1).j(List("helloworld", "generic is ok")).build()
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