提交 6fc98e35 编写于 作者: 梦境迷离's avatar 梦境迷离

revert commit `STM`

上级 4563612f
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ object Implicits {
Utils.debug(s"Caffeine ZStream getIfPresent: identity:[$key],field:[$field],cacheValue:[$cv]")
ret <- ZStream.fromEffect(if (chunk.isEmpty) ZCaffeine.hSet(key, field, result).map(_ => result) else ZIO.succeed(chunk))
ret <- ZStream.fromEffect(if (chunk.isEmpty) ZCaffeine.hSet(key, field, result).as(result) else ZIO.succeed(chunk))
.tap(result => Utils.debug(s"Caffeine ZStream getIfPresent: identity:[$key],field:[$field],result:[$result]")
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