未验证 提交 79d22d7a 编写于 作者: J Jianwei Yang 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #455 from EMCP/patch-2

typo fixed
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ cd faster-rcnn.pytorch && mkdir data
### Data Preparation
* **PASCAL_VOC 07+12**: Please follow the instructions in [py-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn#beyond-the-demo-installation-for-training-and-testing-models) to prepare VOC datasets. Actually, you can refer to any others. After downloading the data, creat softlinks in the folder data/.
* **PASCAL_VOC 07+12**: Please follow the instructions in [py-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn#beyond-the-demo-installation-for-training-and-testing-models) to prepare VOC datasets. Actually, you can refer to any others. After downloading the data, create softlinks in the folder data/.
* **COCO**: Please also follow the instructions in [py-faster-rcnn](https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn#beyond-the-demo-installation-for-training-and-testing-models) to prepare the data.
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