提交 114a4627 编写于 作者: A Andrew Selle 提交者: Rasmus Munk Larsen

Improve upgrade script to handle list comprehensions as arguments. (#7229)

python's ast module does not return the correct location, so we
have to do our best to scan backwards to find where the [ token
that trully started the list comprehension occurs.
上级 ee770d99
......@@ -347,6 +347,62 @@ class TensorFlowCallVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
return ".".join(reversed(items))
def _find_true_position(self, node):
"""Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.
This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
the next token after the list comprehension list opening.
node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
import re
find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")
if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
# Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
# after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
# explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
line = node.lineno
col = node.col_offset
# loop over lines
while 1:
# Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
text = self._lines[line-1]
reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
# First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
# col.
m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
if m:
new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
return line, new_col_offset
if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
line = line - 1
prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
# TODO(aselle):
# this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
# cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
# ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
# ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
# node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
# literals.
comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
if comment_start == -1:
col = len(prev_line) -1
elif find_string_chars.search(prev_line[comment_start:]) is None:
col = comment_start
return None, None
return None, None
# Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
# it is not possible to use that in an argument.
return node.lineno, node.col_offset
def visit_Call(self, node): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Handle visiting a call node in the AST.
......@@ -376,13 +432,21 @@ class TensorFlowCallVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
if full_name in function_reorders:
reordered = function_reorders[full_name]
for idx, arg in enumerate(node.args):
keyword_arg = reordered[idx]
if (full_name in function_keyword_renames and
keyword_arg in function_keyword_renames[full_name]):
keyword_arg = function_keyword_renames[full_name][keyword_arg]
self._file_edit.add("Added keyword %r to reordered function %r"
% (reordered[idx], full_name), arg.lineno,
arg.col_offset, "", keyword_arg + "=")
lineno, col_offset = self._find_true_position(arg)
if lineno is None or col_offset is None:
"Failed to add keyword %r to reordered function %r"
% (reordered[idx], full_name), arg.lineno, arg.col_offset,
"", "",
error="A necessary keyword argument failed to be inserted.")
keyword_arg = reordered[idx]
if (full_name in function_keyword_renames and
keyword_arg in function_keyword_renames[full_name]):
keyword_arg = function_keyword_renames[full_name][keyword_arg]
self._file_edit.add("Added keyword %r to reordered function %r"
% (reordered[idx], full_name), lineno,
col_offset, "", keyword_arg + "=")
# Examine each keyword argument and convert it to the final renamed form
renamed_keywords = ({} if full_name not in function_keyword_renames else
......@@ -390,12 +454,31 @@ class TensorFlowCallVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
for keyword in node.keywords:
argkey = keyword.arg
argval = keyword.value
if argkey in renamed_keywords:
self._file_edit.add("Renamed keyword argument from %r to %r" %
argval_lineno, argval_col_offset = self._find_true_position(argval)
if (argval_lineno is not None and argval_col_offset is not None):
# TODO(aselle): We should scan backward to find the start of the
# keyword key. Unfortunately ast does not give you the location of
# keyword keys, so we are forced to infer it from the keyword arg
# value.
key_start = argval_col_offset - len(argkey) - 1
key_end = key_start + len(argkey) + 1
if self._lines[argval_lineno - 1][key_start:key_end] == argkey + "=":
self._file_edit.add("Renamed keyword argument from %r to %r" %
(argkey, renamed_keywords[argkey]),
argval.col_offset - len(argkey) - 1,
argval_col_offset - len(argkey) - 1,
argkey + "=", renamed_keywords[argkey] + "=")
"Failed to rename keyword argument from %r to %r" %
(argkey, renamed_keywords[argkey]),
argval.col_offset - len(argkey) - 1,
"", "",
error="Failed to find keyword lexographically. Fix manually.")
ast.NodeVisitor.generic_visit(self, node)
def visit_Attribute(self, node): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
......@@ -113,6 +113,19 @@ class TestUpgrade(test_util.TensorFlowTestCase):
self.assertEqual(new_text, new_text)
self.assertEqual(errors, ["test.py:1: tf.reverse requires manual check."])
def testListComprehension(self):
def _test(input, output):
_, unused_report, errors, new_text = self._upgrade(input)
self.assertEqual(new_text, output)
_test("tf.concat(0, \t[x for x in y])\n",
"tf.concat(axis=0, \tvalues=[x for x in y])\n")
_test("tf.concat(0,[x for x in y])\n",
"tf.concat(axis=0,values=[x for x in y])\n")
_test("tf.concat(0,[\nx for x in y])\n",
"tf.concat(axis=0,values=[\nx for x in y])\n")
_test("tf.concat(0,[\n \tx for x in y])\n",
"tf.concat(axis=0,values=[\n \tx for x in y])\n")
# TODO(aselle): Explicitly not testing command line interface and process_tree
# for now, since this is a one off utility.
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