提交 d0db73a0 编写于 作者: M Martin Wicke

Merge pull request #1116 from jendap/keep-numpy-version-in-pip.sh

keep numpy version in pip.sh
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ echo "Installing pip whl file: ${WHL_PATH}"
# Call pip install twice, first time with --upgrade and second time without it
# This addresses the sporadic test failures related to protobuf version
${PYTHON_BIN_PATH} -m pip install -v --user --upgrade ${WHL_PATH} &&
${PYTHON_BIN_PATH} -m pip install -v --user --upgrade ${WHL_PATH} numpy==1.8.2 &&
${PYTHON_BIN_PATH} -m pip install -v --user ${WHL_PATH} &&
# If NO_TEST_ON_INSTALL is set to any non-empty value, skip all Python
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