提交 f1277ffb 编写于 作者: C Casey Grun

Reformatted docs to add method anchors

上级 e6686eb6
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ scene.add( camera );</code>
<h3>[method:null updateProjectionMatrix]()</h3>
Updates the camera projection matrix. Must be called after change of parameters.
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ scene.add( camera );</code>
<h3>.setLens( [page:Float focalLength], [page:Float frameSize] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null setLens]( [page:Float focalLength], [page:Float frameSize] )</h3>
focalLength — focal length<br />
frameSize — frame size
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ scene.add( camera );</code>
Formula based on [link:http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/technical/field_of_view.html]
<h3>.setViewOffset( [page:Float fullWidth], [page:Float fullHeight], [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float width], [page:Float height] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null setViewOffset]( [page:Float fullWidth], [page:Float fullHeight], [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float width], [page:Float height] )</h3>
fullWidth — full width of multiview setup<br />
fullHeight — full height of multiview setup<br />
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ camera.setViewOffset( fullWidth, fullHeight, w * 2, h * 1, w, h );
Note there is no reason monitors have to be the same size or in a grid.
<h3>[method:null updateProjectionMatrix]()</h3>
Updates the camera projection matrix. Must be called after change of parameters.
......@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@
<h3>[method:null start]()</h3>
Starts clock.
<h3>[method:null stop]()</h3>
Stops clock.
<h3>.getElapsedTime() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float getElapsedTime]()</h3>
Get the seconds passed since the clock started.
<h3>.getDelta() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float getDelta]()</h3>
Get the seconds passed since the last call to this method.
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<h3>.addEventListener( [page:String type], [page:Function listener] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null addEventListener]( [page:String type], [page:Function listener] )</h3>
type - The type of event to listen to.<br />
listener - The function that gets called when the event is fired.
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
Adds a listener to an event type.
<h3>.hasEventListener( [page:String type], [page:Function listener] )</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean hasEventListener]( [page:String type], [page:Function listener] )</h3>
type - The type of event to listen to.<br />
listener - The function that gets called when the event is fired.
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
Checks if listener is added to an event type.
<h3>.removeEventListener( [page:String type], [page:Function listener] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null removeEventListener]( [page:String type], [page:Function listener] )</h3>
type - The type of the listener that gets removed.<br />
listener - The listener function that gets removed.
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
Removes a listener from an event type.
<h3>.dispatchEvent( [page:String type] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null dispatchEvent]( [page:String type] )</h3>
type - The type of event that gets fired.
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<h3>[method:Face3 clone]()</h3>
Creates a new clone of the Face3 object.
......@@ -180,67 +180,67 @@
<h3>[page:EventDispatcher EventDispatcher] methods are available on this class.</h3>
<h3>.applyMatrix( [page:Matrix4 matrix] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null applyMatrix]( [page:Matrix4 matrix] )</h3>
Bakes matrix transform directly into vertex coordinates.
<h3>[method:null computeFaceNormals]()</h3>
Computes face normals.
<h3>[method:null computeVertexNormals]()</h3>
Computes vertex normals by averaging face normals.<br />
Face normals must be existing / computed beforehand.
<h3>[method:null computeMorphNormals]()</h3>
Computes morph normals.
<h3>[method:null computeTangents]()</h3>
Computes vertex tangents.<br />
Based on [link:http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html]<br />
Geometry must have vertex [page:UV UVs] (layer 0 will be used).
<h3>[method:null computeBoundingBox]()</h3>
Computes bounding box of the geometry, updating [page:Geometry Geometry.boundingBox] attribute.
<h3>[method:null computeBoundingSphere]()</h3>
Computes bounding sphere of the geometry, updating [page:Geometry Geometry.boundingSphere] attribute.
<div>Neither bounding boxes or bounding spheres are computed by default. They need to be explicitly computed, otherwise they are *null*.</div>
<h3>.merge( [page:Geometry geometry], [page:Matrix4 matrix], [page:Integer materialIndexOffset] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null merge]( [page:Geometry geometry], [page:Matrix4 matrix], [page:Integer materialIndexOffset] )</h3>
<div>Merge two geometries or geometry and geometry from object (using object's transform)</div>
<h3>[method:null mergeVertices]()</h3>
Checks for duplicate vertices using hashmap.<br />
Duplicated vertices are removed and faces' vertices are updated.
<h3>[method:Geometry clone]()</h3>
Creates a new clone of the Geometry.
<h3>[method:null dispose]()</h3>
Removes The object from memory. <br />
Don't forget to call this method when you remove a geometry because it can cause memory leaks.
<h3>[method:null computeLineDistances]()</h3>
Compute distances between vertices for Line geometries.
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<h3>[page:EventDispatcher EventDispatcher] methods are available on this class.</h3>
<h3>.applyMatrix( [page:Matrix4 matrix])</h3>
<h3>[method:null applyMatrix]( [page:Matrix4 matrix])</h3>
matrix - matrix
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
This updates the position, rotation and scale with the matrix.
<h3>.translateX( [page:Float distance] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null translateX]( [page:Float distance] )</h3>
distance - Distance.<br />
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
Translates object along x axis by distance.
<h3>.translateY( [page:Float distance] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null translateY]( [page:Float distance] )</h3>
distance - Distance.<br />
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
Translates object along y axis by distance.
<h3>.translateZ( [page:Float distance] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null translateZ]( [page:Float distance] )</h3>
distance - Distance.<br />
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
Translates object along z axis by distance.
<h3>.localToWorld( [page:Vector3 vector] )</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 localToWorld]( [page:Vector3 vector] )</h3>
vector - A local vector.<br />
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
Updates the vector from local space to world space.
<h3>.worldToLocal( [page:Vector3 vector] )</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 worldToLocal]( [page:Vector3 vector] )</h3>
vector - A world vector.<br />
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
Updates the vector from world space to local space.
<h3>.lookAt( [page:Vector3 vector] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null lookAt]( [page:Vector3 vector] )</h3>
vector - A world vector to look at.<br />
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
Rotates object to face point in space.
<h3>.add( [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null add]( [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
object - An object.<br />
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
Adds *object* as child of this object.
<h3>.remove( [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null remove]( [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
object - An object.<br />
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
Removes *object* as child of this object.
<h3>.traverse( [page:Function callback] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null traverse]( [page:Function callback] )</h3>
callback - An Function with as first argument an object3D object.<br />
......@@ -224,23 +224,23 @@
Executes the callback on this object and all descendants.
<h3>[method:null updateMatrix]()</h3>
Updates local transform.
<h3>.updateMatrixWorld( [page:Boolean force] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null updateMatrixWorld]( [page:Boolean force] )</h3>
Updates global transform of the object and its children.
<h3>[method:Object3D clone]()</h3>
Creates a new clone of this object and all descendants.
<h3>.getObjectByName([page:String name], [page:Boolean recursive]) [page:Object3d Object3d]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object3D getObjectByName]([page:String name], [page:Boolean recursive])</h3>
name -- String to match to the children's Object3d.name property. <br />
recursive -- Boolean whether to search through the children's children. Default is false.
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching name, optionally recursive.
<h3>.getObjectById([page:Integer id], [page:Boolean recursive]) [page:Object3D]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object3D getObjectById]([page:Integer id], [page:Boolean recursive])</h3>
id -- Unique number of the object instance<br />
recursive -- Boolean whether to search through the children's children. Default is false.
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching id, optionally recursive.
<h3>.translateOnAxis([page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float distance]) [page:Object3D]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object3D translateOnAxis]([page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float distance])</h3>
axis -- A normalized vector in object space.<br />
distance -- The distance to translate.
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
Translate an object by distance along an axis in object space. The axis is assumed to be normalized.
<h3>.rotateOnAxis([page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float angle]) [page:Object3D]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object3D rotateOnAxis]([page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float angle])</h3>
axis -- A normalized vector in object space. <br />
angle -- The angle in radians.
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<h3>.set( [page:Vector3 origin], [page:Vector3 direction] )</h3>
<h3>[method:null set]( [page:Vector3 origin], [page:Vector3 direction] )</h3>
[page:Vector3 origin] — The origin vector where the ray casts from.<br />
[page:Vector3 direction] — The direction vector that gives direction to the ray.
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
Updates the ray with a new origin and direction.
<h3>.intersectObject( [page:Object3D object], [page:Boolean recursive] )</h3>
<h3>[method:Array intersectObject]( [page:Object3D object], [page:Boolean recursive] )</h3>
[page:Object3D object] — The object to check for intersection with the ray.<br />
[page:Boolean recursive] — If set, it also checks all descendants. Otherwise it only checks intersecton with the object.
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<h3>.intersectObjects( [page:Array objects], [page:Boolean recursive] )</h3>
<h3>[method:Array intersectObjects]( [page:Array objects], [page:Boolean recursive] )</h3>
[page:Array objects] — The objects to check for intersection with the ray.<br />
[page:Boolean recursive] — If set, it also checks all descendants of the objects. Otherwise it only checks intersecton with the objects.
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<h3>.copy( [page:Lut lut] ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
<h3>[method:null copy]( [page:Lut lut] ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
color — Lut to copy.
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
Sets the labels of the legend of this Lut.
<h3>.setminV( [page:Float minV] ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Lut setminV]( [page:Float minV] )</h3>
minV — The minimum value to be represented with the lookup table.<br />
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
Sets this Lut with the minimum value to be represented.
<h3>.setmaxV( [page:Float maxV] ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Lut setmaxV]( [page:Float maxV] )</h3>
maxV — The maximum value to be represented with the lookup table.<br />
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
Sets this Lut with the maximum value to be represented.
<h3>.changeNumberOfColors( [page:Float numberOfColors] ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Lut changeNumberOfColors]( [page:Float numberOfColors] )</h3>
numberOfColors — The number of colors to be used to represent the data array.<br />
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
Sets this Lut with the number of colors to be used.
<h3>.changeColorMap( [page:Float colorMap] ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Lut changeColorMap]( [page:Float colorMap] )</h3>
colorMap — The name of the color map to be used to represent the data array.<br />
......@@ -122,12 +122,12 @@
Sets this Lut with the colormap to be used.
<h3>.addColorMap( colorMapName, arrayOfColors ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Lut addColorMap]( colorMapName, arrayOfColors )</h3>
Insert a new color map into the set of available color maps.
<h3>.getColor( value ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Lut getColor]( value ) [page:Lut this]</h3>
value -- the data value to be displayed as a color.
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<h3>.drawText([page:string text]) [page:Object]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object drawText]([page:string text])</h3>
text -- The text to draw.
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Calculates the path and offset of the text in the used font. It returns an object like { paths : fontPaths, offset : width }.
<h3>.Triangulate([page:Array contour], [page:Boolean indices]) [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array Triangulate]([page:Array contour], [page:Boolean indices])</h3>
contour -- Array of vector2 to define an contour <br />
indices -- A boolean indicating if you need to return indices.
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
Triangulates a contour into an array of faces.
<h3>.extractGlyphPoints([page:string c], [page:string face], [page:number scale], [page:number offset], [page:Path path]) [page:Object]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object extractGlyphPoints]([page:string c], [page:string face], [page:number scale], [page:number offset], [page:Path path])</h3>
c -- The character to extract. <br />
face -- The face to use. <br />
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
This ectracts the glyphPoints of the character of the face and returns an object containing the path and the new offset.
<h3>.generateShapes([page:string text], [page:Object parameters]) [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array generateShapes]([page:string text], [page:Object parameters])</h3>
text -- The text to generate the shapes from.<br />
parameters -- The parameter containing <br />
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
Generates shapes from the text and return them as an Array of [page:Shape].
<h3>.loadFace([page:Object data]) [page:Object]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object loadFace]([page:Object data])</h3>
data -- The data of the face.
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
This loads and saves the data of the face and return the data. When you add the font Data as javascriptfile, then this automatically get called. So there is no need to do this yourself.
<h3>.getFace() [page:Object]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object getFace]()</h3>
Returns the used font its data based on its style and weight.
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<h3>.generateDataTexture([page:Number width], [page:Number height], [page:Number color]) [page:DataTexture]</h3>
<h3>[method:DataTexture generateDataTexture]([page:Number width], [page:Number height], [page:Number color])</h3>
width -- The width of the texture. <br />
height -- The width of the texture. <br />
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
Generates a texture of a single color. It is a DataTexture with format, RGBFormat.
<h3>.parseDDS([page:String buffer], [page:boolean loadMipmaps]) [page:CompressedTexture]</h3>
<h3>[method:CompressedTexture parseDDS]([page:String buffer], [page:boolean loadMipmaps])</h3>
buffer -- A string containing the data of the dds. <br />
loadMipmaps -- A boolean to indicate if you need to load the mipmaps. Default is True.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
Parses a DDS Image from the string into a CompressedTexture.
<h3>.loadCompressedTexture([page:todo url], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo loadCompressedTexture]([page:todo url], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError])</h3>
url -- todo <br />
mapping -- todo <br />
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
<h3>.loadTexture([page:String url], [page:UVMapping mapping], [page:Function onLoad], [page:Function onError]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo loadTexture]([page:String url], [page:UVMapping mapping], [page:Function onLoad], [page:Function onError])</h3>
url -- the url of the texture<br />
mapping -- Can be an instance of [page:UVMapping THREE.UVMapping], [page:CubeReflectionMapping THREE.CubeReflectionMapping], [page:SphericalReflectionMapping THREE.SphericalReflectionMapping] or [page:SphericalRefractionMapping THREE.SphericalRefractionMapping]. Describes how the image is applied to the object.<br />Use undefined instead of null as a default value. See mapping property of [page:Texture texture] for more details.
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<h3>.getNormalMap([page:todo image], [page:todo depth]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getNormalMap]([page:todo image], [page:todo depth])</h3>
image -- todo <br />
depth -- todo
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
<h3>.loadCompressedTextureCube([page:todo array], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo loadCompressedTextureCube]([page:todo array], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError])</h3>
array -- todo <br />
mapping -- todo <br />
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<h3>.loadTextureCube([page:todo array], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo loadTextureCube]([page:todo array], [page:todo mapping], [page:todo onLoad], [page:todo onError])</h3>
array -- todo <br />
mapping -- todo <br />
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<h3>.createMultiMaterialObject([page:Geometry geometry], [page:Array materials]) [page:Object3D]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object3D createMultiMaterialObject]([page:Geometry geometry], [page:Array materials])</h3>
geometry -- The geometry for the Object. <br />
materials -- The materials for the object.
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
This is mostly useful for object that need a material and a wireframe implementation.
<h3>.attach([page:Object3D child], [page:Object3D scene], [page:Object3D parent])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo attach]([page:Object3D child], [page:Object3D scene], [page:Object3D parent])</h3>
child -- The object to add to the parent <br />
scene -- The scene to detach the object on. <br />
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
Attaches the object to the parent without the moving the object in the worldspace.
<h3>.detach([page:Object3D child], [page:Object3D parent], [page:Object3D scene])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo detach]([page:Object3D child], [page:Object3D parent], [page:Object3D scene])</h3>
child -- The object to remove from the parent <br />
scene -- The scene to attach the object on. <br />
......@@ -83,22 +83,22 @@
<h3>.play([page:Number startTime])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo play]([page:Number startTime])</h3>
Starts the animation from a moment startTime in the animation.
<h3>.pause() </h3>
<h3>[method:todo pause]()</h3>
Pauses the animation or restarts the animation after pausing it.
<h3>[method:todo stop]()</h3>
Stops the animation.
<h3>.update([page:Number deltaTimeMS]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:Number deltaTimeMS])</h3>
deltaTimeMS -- The time of the between the previous frame and this frame in miliseconds.
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
Updates the animation in time. This shouldn't be called by user code. The animationHandler calls this method.
<h3>.interpolateCatmullRom([page:Array points], [page:Number scale]) [page:array]</h3>
<h3>[method:array interpolateCatmullRom]([page:Array points], [page:Number scale])</h3>
points -- The 4 control point to calculate CatMullRom <br />
scale -- The scale between the previous key and the nex key
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
Interpolates the point based on the key. Is used in update.
<h3>.getNextKeyWith([page:String type], [page:Object h], [page:Number key]) [page:Object]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object getNextKeyWith]([page:String type], [page:Object h], [page:Number key])</h3>
type -- The animationtype for the key. Can be "pos", "rot" and "scl".<br />
h -- The object of the hierarchy that catins the key <br />
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
Gets the next key. Is used in Update.
<h3>.getPrevKeyWith([page:String type], [page:Object h], [page:Number key]) [page:Object]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object getPrevKeyWith]([page:String type], [page:Object h], [page:Number key])</h3>
type -- The animationtype for the key. Can be "pos", "rot" and "scl".<br />
h -- The object of the hierarchy that contains the key. <br />
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<h3>.removeFromUpdate([page:Animation animation])</h3>
<h3>[method:null removeFromUpdate]([page:Animation animation])</h3>
animation -- The Animation to remove from the update.
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Removes the animation from the update cycle. This gets called when the animation stops. This shouldn't be called by usercode.
<h3>.get([page:String name]) [page:Object]</h3>
<h3>[method:Object get]([page:String name])</h3>
name -- The name of the animationData
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
Gets the animationData from its library.
<h3>.update([page:Number deltaTimeMS]) </h3>
<h3>[method:null update]([page:Number deltaTimeMS]) </h3>
deltaTimeMS -- Time elapsed since last update in milliseconds.
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
Updates all active animations with deltaTime.
<h3>.parse([page:Object root])</h3>
<h3>[method:null parse]([page:Object root])</h3>
root -- object
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
Parses the object to get the hierachy.
<h3>.add([page:object data])</h3>
<h3>[method:null add]([page:object data])</h3>
data -- The animationData
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
Adds the animationData from its library.
<h3>.addToUpdate([page:Animation animation]) </h3>
<h3>[method:null addToUpdate]([page:Animation animation]) </h3>
animation -- The Animation to add from the update.
......@@ -74,22 +74,22 @@
<h3>.play() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo play]()</h3>
<h3>.pause() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo pause]()</h3>
<h3>.stop() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo stop]()</h3>
<h3>.update([page:todo deltaTimeMS]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:todo deltaTimeMS])</h3>
deltaTimeMS -- todo
......@@ -75,22 +75,22 @@
<h3>.play() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo play]()</h3>
<h3>.pause() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo pause]()</h3>
<h3>.stop() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo stop]()</h3>
<h3>.update([page:todo deltaTimeMS]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:todo deltaTimeMS])</h3>
deltaTimeMS -- todo
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
<h3>.interpolateCatmullRom([page:todo points], [page:todo scale]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo interpolateCatmullRom]([page:todo points], [page:todo scale])</h3>
points -- todo <br />
scale -- todo
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
<h3>.getNextKeyWith([page:todo sid], [page:todo h], [page:todo key]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getNextKeyWith]([page:todo sid], [page:todo h], [page:todo key])</h3>
sid -- todo <br />
h -- todo <br />
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
<h3>.getPrevKeyWith([page:todo sid], [page:todo h], [page:todo key]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getPrevKeyWith]([page:todo sid], [page:todo h], [page:todo key])</h3>
sid -- todo <br />
h -- todo <br />
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
<h3>.setFov([page:Number fov])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setFov]([page:Number fov])</h3>
fov -- Camera frustum vertical field of view in perspective view.
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
sets the camera frustum vertical field of view in perspective view.
<h3>.setZoom([page:Number zoom]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setZoom]([page:Number zoom])</h3>
zoom -- The zoom factor.
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
Sets the zoomfactor.
<h3>.setLens([page:number focalLength], [page:Number frameHeight]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setLens]([page:number focalLength], [page:Number frameHeight])</h3>
focalLength -- The focal length of a lens is defined as the distance from the optical center of a lens (or, the secondary principal point for a complex lens like a camera lens) to the focal point (sensor) when the lens is focused on an object at infinity. <br />
frameHeight -- the size of the frame in mm. (default is *35*)
......@@ -126,37 +126,37 @@
Sets the fov based on lens data.
<h3>[method:todo toFrontView]()</h3>
Sets the camera to view the front of the target.
<h3>.toBackView() </h3>
<h3>[method:todo toBackView]()</h3>
Sets the camera to view the back of the target.
<h3>.toLeftView() </h3>
<h3>[method:todo toLeftView]()</h3>
Sets the camera to view the left of the target.
<h3>[method:todo toRightView]()</h3>
Sets the camera to view the right of the target.
<h3>[method:todo toTopView]()</h3>
Sets the camera to view the top.
<h3>[method:todo toBottomView]()</h3>
Sets the camera to view the bottom.
<h3>.setSize([page:Number width], [page:Number height]) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo setSize]([page:Number width], [page:Number height])</h3>
width -- The width of the orthographic view.<br />
height -- The height of the orthographic view.
......@@ -165,17 +165,17 @@
Sets the size of the orthographic view.
<h3>[method:todo toOrthographic]()</h3>
Change the camera to orthographic view.
<h3>[method:todo toPerspective]()</h3>
Change the camera to Perspective view.
<h3>[method:todo updateProjectionMatrix]()</h3>
Updates the ProjectionMatrix.
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<h3>.updateCubeMap([page:todo renderer], [page:todo scene]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo updateCubeMap]([page:todo renderer], [page:todo scene])</h3>
renderer -- todo <br />
scene -- todo
......@@ -23,34 +23,34 @@
<h3>.getPoint ( t )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getPoint]( t )</h3>
<div>Returns a vector for point t of the curve where t is between 0 and 1</div>
<h3>.getPointAt ( u )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getPointAt]( u )</h3>
<div>Returns a vector for point at relative position in curve according to arc length</div>
<h3>.getPoints ( divisions )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getPoints]( divisions )</h3>
<div>Get sequence of points using getPoint( t ) </div>
<h3>.getSpacedPoints ( divisions )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getSpacedPoints]( divisions )</h3>
<div>Get sequence of equi-spaced points using getPointAt( u )</div>
<h3>.getLength ()</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getLength]()</h3>
<div>Get total curve arc length</div>
<h3>.getLengths ( divisions )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getLengths]( divisions )</h3>
<div>Get list of cumulative segment lengths</div>
<h3>.updateArcLengths ()</h3>
<h3>[method:todo updateArcLengths]()</h3>
<div>Update the cumlative segment distance cache</div>
<h3>.getUtoTmapping ( u, distance )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getUtoTmapping]( u, distance )</h3>
<div>Given u ( 0 .. 1 ), get a t to find p. This gives you points which are equidistant</div>
<h3>.getTangent ( t )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getTangent]( t )</h3>
<div>Returns a unit vector tangent at t. If the subclassed curve do not implement its tangent derivation, 2 points a small delta apart will be used to find its gradient which seems to give a reasonable approximation</div>
<h3>.getTangentAt ( u )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getTangentAt]( u )</h3>
<div>Returns tangent at equidistant point u on the curve</div>
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<h3>.getWrapPoints([page:todo oldPts], [page:todo path]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getWrapPoints]([page:todo oldPts], [page:todo path])</h3>
oldPts -- todo <br />
path -- todo
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<h3>.createPointsGeometry([page:todo divisions]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo createPointsGeometry]([page:todo divisions])</h3>
divisions -- todo
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<h3>.addWrapPath([page:todo bendpath]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addWrapPath]([page:todo bendpath])</h3>
bendpath -- todo
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
<h3>.createGeometry([page:todo points]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo createGeometry]([page:todo points])</h3>
points -- todo
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<h3>.add([page:todo curve]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo add]([page:todo curve])</h3>
curve -- todo
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
<h3>.getTransformedSpacedPoints([page:todo segments], [page:todo bends]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getTransformedSpacedPoints]([page:todo segments], [page:todo bends])</h3>
segments -- todo <br />
bends -- todo
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
<h3>.createSpacedPointsGeometry([page:todo divisions]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo createSpacedPointsGeometry]([page:todo divisions])</h3>
divisions -- todo
......@@ -102,22 +102,22 @@
<h3>.closePath() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo closePath]()</h3>
<h3>.getBoundingBox() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getBoundingBox]()</h3>
<h3>.getCurveLengths() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getCurveLengths]()</h3>
<h3>.getTransformedPoints([page:todo segments], [page:todo bends]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getTransformedPoints]([page:todo segments], [page:todo bends])</h3>
segments -- todo <br />
bends -- todo
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
<h3>.checkConnection() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo checkConnection]()</h3>
......@@ -36,39 +36,39 @@
<h3>.fromPoints ( vectors ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo fromPoints]( vectors )</h3>
Adds to the Path from the points. The first vector defines the offset. After that the lines get defined.
<h3>.moveTo ( x, y ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo moveTo]( x, y )</h3>
<div>This moves the offset to x and y</div>
<h3>.lineTo ( x, y ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo lineTo]( x, y )</h3>
<div>This creates a line from the offset to X and Y and updates the offset to X and Y.</div>
<h3>.quadraticCurveTo ( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo quadraticCurveTo]( aCPx, aCPy, aX, aY )</h3>
<div>This creates a quadratic curve from the offset to aX and aY with aCPx and aCPy as control point and updates the offset to aX and aY.</div>
<h3>.bezierCurveTo ( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo bezierCurveTo]( aCP1x, aCP1y, aCP2x, aCP2y, aX, aY )</h3>
<div>This creates a bezier curve from the offset to aX and aY with aCP1x, aCP1y and aCP1x, aCP1y as control points and updates the offset to aX and aY.</div>
<h3>.splineThru ( pts /*Array of Vector*/ ) </h3>
<h3>.arc ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo arc]( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )</h3>
<h3>.absarc ( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo absarc]( aX, aY, aRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )</h3>
<h3>.ellipse ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo ellipse]( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )</h3>
<h3>.absellipse ( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise ) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo absellipse]( aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise )</h3>
<h3>.toShapes () </h3>
<h3>[method:todo toShapes]()</h3>
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<h3>.makeGeometry([page:todo options]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo makeGeometry]([page:todo options])</h3>
options -- The options passed as the second argument to [page:ShapeGeometry ShapeGeometry]
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
Convenience method to return ShapeGeometry
<h3>.extractAllPoints([page:todo divisions]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo extractAllPoints]([page:todo divisions])</h3>
divisions -- todo
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
Get points of shape and holes (keypoints based on segments parameter)
<h3>.extrude([page:todo options]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo extrude]([page:todo options])</h3>
options -- The options passed as the second argument to [page:ExtrudeGeometry ExtrudeGeometry]
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Convenience method to return ExtrudeGeometry
<h3>.extractPoints([page:todo divisions]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo extractPoints]([page:todo divisions])</h3>
divisions -- todo
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<h3>.extractAllSpacedPoints([page:todo divisions]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo extractAllSpacedPoints]([page:todo divisions])</h3>
divisions -- todo
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
<h3>.getPointsHoles([page:todo divisions]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getPointsHoles]([page:todo divisions])</h3>
divisions -- todo
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
Get points of holes
<h3>.getSpacedPointsHoles([page:todo divisions]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getSpacedPointsHoles]([page:todo divisions])</h3>
divisions -- todo
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<h3>.addShapeList ([page:Array shapes], [page:Object options])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addShapeList]([page:Array shapes], [page:Object options])</h3>
shapes — An Array of shapes to add. <br />
options — Object that can contain the following parameters.
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
<div>Adds the shapes to the list to extrude.</div>
<h3>.addShape ([page:Shape shape], [page:Object options])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addShape]([page:Shape shape], [page:Object options])</h3>
shape — A shape to add. <br />
options — Object that can contain the following parameters.
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Adds a list of shapes to the geometry.
<h3>.addShape([page:Shape shape], [page:Object options])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addShape]([page:Shape shape], [page:Object options])</h3>
shape — [page:Shape] <br />
options — See options in constructor
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<h3>.setColor([page:Number hex])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setColor]([page:Number hex])</h3>
hex -- The hexadicmal value of the color
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
Sets the color of the arrowHelper.
<h3>.setLength([page:Number length], [page:Number headLength], [page:Number headWidth])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setLength]([page:Number length], [page:Number headLength], [page:Number headWidth])</h3>
length -- The desired length<br />
headLength -- The length of the head of the arrow<br />
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
Sets the length of the arrowhelper.
<h3>.setDirection([page:vector3 dir])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setDirection]([page:vector3 dir])</h3>
dir -- The desired direction in euler format.
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
<h3>[method:todo update]()</h3>
Updates the BoundingBoxHelper based on the object property.
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<h3>[method:todo update]()</h3>
Updates the helper based on the projectionMatrix of the camera.
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<h3>.setColors([page:number colorCenterLine], [page:Number colorGrid])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setColors]([page:number colorCenterLine], [page:Number colorGrid])</h3>
colorCenterLine -- The color of the centerline. This can be a [page:Color], a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name. <br />
colorGrid -- The color of the lines of the grid. This can be a [page:Color], a hexadecimal value and an CSS-Color name.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<h3>.update() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]()</h3>
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<h3>.update() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]()</h3>
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<h3>.update() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]()</h3>
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<h3>.render([page:Function renderCallback])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo render]([page:Function renderCallback])</h3>
renderCallback -- A function to render the generated object.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<h3>.updateLensFlares() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo updateLensFlares]()</h3>
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
<h3>.setAnimationWeight([page:todo name], [page:todo weight]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setAnimationWeight]([page:todo name], [page:todo weight])</h3>
name -- todo <br />
weight -- todo
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<h3>.setAnimationFPS([page:todo name], [page:todo fps]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setAnimationFPS]([page:todo name], [page:todo fps])</h3>
name -- todo <br />
fps -- todo
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<h3>.createAnimation([page:todo name], [page:todo start], [page:todo end], [page:todo fps]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo createAnimation]([page:todo name], [page:todo start], [page:todo end], [page:todo fps])</h3>
name -- todo <br />
start -- todo <br />
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
<h3>.playAnimation([page:todo name]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo playAnimation]([page:todo name])</h3>
name -- todo
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
<h3>.update([page:todo delta]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:todo delta])</h3>
delta -- todo
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
<h3>.autoCreateAnimations([page:todo fps]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo autoCreateAnimations]([page:todo fps])</h3>
fps -- todo
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<h3>.setAnimationDuration([page:todo name], [page:todo duration]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setAnimationDuration]([page:todo name], [page:todo duration])</h3>
name -- todo <br />
duration -- todo
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
<h3>.setAnimationDirectionForward([page:todo name]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setAnimationDirectionForward]([page:todo name])</h3>
name -- todo
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
<h3>.getAnimationDuration([page:todo name]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getAnimationDuration]([page:todo name])</h3>
name -- todo
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
<h3>.getAnimationTime([page:todo name]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getAnimationTime]([page:todo name])</h3>
name -- todo
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
<h3>.setAnimationDirectionBackward([page:todo name]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setAnimationDirectionBackward]([page:todo name])</h3>
name -- todo
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
<h3>.setAnimationTime([page:todo name], [page:todo time]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setAnimationTime]([page:todo name], [page:todo time])</h3>
name -- todo <br />
time -- todo
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
<h3>.stopAnimation([page:todo name]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo stopAnimation]([page:todo name])</h3>
name -- todo
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<h3>.init([page:todo renderer]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo init]([page:todo renderer])</h3>
renderer -- todo
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<h3>.update([page:todo scene], [page:todo camera]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:todo scene], [page:todo camera])</h3>
scene -- todo <br />
camera -- todo
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<h3>.render([page:todo scene], [page:todo camera]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo render]([page:todo scene], [page:todo camera])</h3>
scene -- todo <br />
camera -- todo
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<h3>.init([page:WebglRenderer renderer])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo init]([page:WebglRenderer renderer])</h3>
renderer -- The WebglRenderer that uses the plugin.
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
Initializes the plugin to work with the renderer. This gets called when the plugin gets added as a plugin to the renderer.
<h3>.render([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera], [page:Number viewportWidth], [page:Number viewportHeight])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo render]([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera], [page:Number viewportWidth], [page:Number viewportHeight])</h3>
scene -- The scene to render. <br />
camera -- The camera to render. <br />
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<h3>.init([page:WebGLRenderer renderer])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo init]([page:WebGLRenderer renderer])</h3>
renderer -- The WebglRenderer that uses the plugin.
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
Initializes the plugin to work with the renderer. This gets called when the plugin gets added as a plugin to the renderer.
<h3>.update([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera]) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera])</h3>
scene -- The scene to render. <br />
camera -- The camera to render.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
Updates the textures nessecary for the shadowmaps. This gets called by updateShadowMap in [page:WebGLRenderer].
<h3>.render([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo render]([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera])</h3>
scene -- The scene to render. <br />
camera -- The camera to render.
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<h3>.init([page:WebglRenderer renderer])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo init]([page:WebglRenderer renderer])</h3>
renderer -- The WebglRenderer that uses the plugin.
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
Initializes the plugin to work with the renderer. This gets called when the plugin gets added as a plugin to the renderer.
<h3>.render([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera], [page:Number viewportWidth], [page:Number viewportHeight])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo render]([page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera], [page:Number viewportWidth], [page:Number viewportHeight])</h3>
scene -- The scene to render. <br />
camera -- The camera to render. <br />
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<h3>.load( [page:String url], [page:Function onLoad], [page:Function onProgress], [page:Function onError] ) [page:Image]</h3>
<h3>[method:Image load]( [page:String url], [page:Function onLoad], [page:Function onProgress], [page:Function onError] )</h3>
onLoad -- Will be called when load completes. The argument will be the loaded Imageloader.
onProgress -- Will be called while load progresses. The argument will be the progress event.
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
Begin loading from url and return the [page:Image image] object that will contain the data.
<h3>.setCrossOrigin([page:String value])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setCrossOrigin]([page:String value])</h3>
value -- The crossOrigin string.
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
<h3>.load( [page:String url], [page:Function callback], [page:String texturePath] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo load]( [page:String url], [page:Function callback], [page:String texturePath] )</h3>
url — required<br />
callback — required. This function will be called with the loaded model as an instance of [page:Geometry geometry] when the load is completed.<br />
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<h3>.parse([page:todo json], [page:todo texturePath]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo parse]([page:todo json], [page:todo texturePath])</h3>
json -- todo <br />
texturePath -- todo
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<h3>.loadAjaxJSON([page:todo context], [page:todo url], [page:todo callback], [page:todo texturePath], [page:todo callbackProgress]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo loadAjaxJSON]([page:todo context], [page:todo url], [page:todo callback], [page:todo texturePath], [page:todo callbackProgress])</h3>
context -- todo <br />
url -- todo <br />
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<h3>.needsTangents([page:Array materials]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean needsTangents]([page:Array materials])</h3>
materials -- an array of [page:Material]
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Checks if the loaded object needs tangents based on its materials.
<h3>.updateProgress([page:object progress])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo updateProgress]([page:object progress])</h3>
progress -- an object containing loaded(contains the amount of bytes loaded) and optionally total (containing the total amount of bytes).
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
Updates the DOM object with the progress made.
<h3>.createMaterial([page:object m], [page:string texturePath]) [page:Material]</h3>
<h3>[method:Material createMaterial]([page:object m], [page:string texturePath])</h3>
m -- The parameters to create the material. <br />
texturePath -- The base path of the textures.
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
Creates the Material based on the parameters m.
<h3>.initMaterials([page:Array materials], [page:string texturePath]) [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array initMaterials]([page:Array materials], [page:string texturePath])</h3>
materials -- an array of parameters to create materials. <br />
texturePath -- The base path of the textures.
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
Creates an array of [page:Material] based on the array of parameters m. The index of the parameters decide the correct index of the materials.
<h3>.extractUrlBase([page:string url])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo extractUrlBase]([page:string url])</h3>
url -- The url to extract the base url from.
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
Extract the base from the URL.
<h3>.addStatusElement() [page:DOMElement]</h3>
<h3>[method:DOMElement addStatusElement]()</h3>
Add a DOM element to indicate the progress and returns the DOMElement
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ loader.load( 'file.obj', function ( object ) {
<h3>.itemStart( [page:String url] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo itemStart]( [page:String url] )</h3>
url — the url to load
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ loader.load( 'file.obj', function ( object ) {
This should be called by any loader used by the manager when the loader starts loading an url. These shouldn't be called outside a loader.
<h3>.itemEnd( [page:String url] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo itemEnd]( [page:String url] )</h3>
url — the url to load
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<h3>.load( [page:String url], [page:Function onLoad], [page:Function onProgress], [page:Function onError] ) [page:Image]</h3>
<h3>[method:Image load]( [page:String url], [page:Function onLoad], [page:Function onProgress], [page:Function onError] )</h3>
onLoad -- Will be called when load completes. The argument will be the loaded Imageloader.
onProgress -- Will be called while load progresses. The argument will be the progress event.
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
Begin loading from url and return the [page:Material material] object that will contain the data.
<h3>.setCrossOrigin([page:String value])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setCrossOrigin]([page:String value])</h3>
value -- The crossOrigin string.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
The crossOrigin string to implement CORS for loading the url from a different domain that allows CORS.
<h3>.parse([page:Object json])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo parse]([page:Object json])</h3>
json -- The json object containing the parameters of the Material.
......@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@
<h3>.load( [page:String url] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo load]( [page:String url] )</h3>
url — required
<div class="desc">Begin loading from <em>url</em></div>
<h3>.dispatchEvent([page:todo event]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo dispatchEvent]([page:todo event])</h3>
event -- todo
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<h3>.hasEventListener([page:todo type], [page:todo listener]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo hasEventListener]([page:todo type], [page:todo listener])</h3>
type -- todo <br />
listener -- todo
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
<h3>.removeEventListener([page:todo type], [page:todo listener]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo removeEventListener]([page:todo type], [page:todo listener])</h3>
type -- todo <br />
listener -- todo
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<h3>.addEventListener([page:todo type], [page:todo listener]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addEventListener]([page:todo type], [page:todo listener])</h3>
type -- todo <br />
listener -- todo
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
<h3>[page:EventDispatcher EventDispatcher] methods are available on this class.</h3>
<h3>.clone([page:material material]) [page:Material]</h3>
<h3>[method:Material clone]([page:material material])</h3>
material -- this material gets the cloned information (optional).
......@@ -145,12 +145,12 @@
This clones the material in the optional parameter and returns it.
<h3>[method:todo dispose]()</h3>
This disposes the material.
<h3>.setValues([page:object values])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setValues]([page:object values])</h3>
values -- a container with parameters.
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
<h3>[method:todo clone]()</h3>
Generates a shallow copy of this material. Note that the vertexShader and fragmentShader are copied <emph>by reference</emph>, as are the definitions of the *attributes*; this means that clones of the material will share the same compiled [page:WebGLProgram]. However, the *uniforms* are copied <emph>by value</emph>, which allows you to have different sets of uniforms for different copies of the material.
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<h3>.program([page:todo context], [page:todo color]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo program]([page:todo context], [page:todo color])</h3>
context -- todo <br />
color -- todo
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<h3>.set([page:Vector2 min], [page:Vector2 max]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 set]([page:Vector2 min], [page:Vector2 max]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
min -- Lower (x, y) boundary of the box. <br />
max -- Upper (x, y) boundary of the box.
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Sets the lower and upper (x, y) boundaries of this box.
<h3>.expandByPoint([page:Vector2 point]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 expandByPoint]([page:Vector2 point]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
point -- Point that should be included in the box.
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
Expands the boundaries of this box to include *point*.
<h3>.clampPoint([page:Vector2 point], [page:Vector2 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 clampPoint]([page:Vector2 point], [page:Vector2 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- Position to clamp. <br />
optionalTarget -- If specified, the clamped result will be copied here.
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
Clamps *point* within the bounds of this box.
<h3>.isIntersectionBox([page:Box2 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean isIntersectionBox]([page:Box2 box])</h3>
box -- Box to check for intersection against.
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
Determines whether or not this box intersects *box*.
<h3>.setFromPoints([page:Array points]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 setFromPoints]([page:Array points]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
points -- Set of points that the resulting box will envelop.
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
Sets the upper and lower bounds of this box to include all of the points in *points*.
<h3>.size([page:Vector2 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 size]([page:Vector2 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- If specified, the result will be copied here.
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
Returns the width and height of this box.
<h3>.union([page:Box2 box]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 union]([page:Box2 box]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
box -- Box that will be unioned with this box.
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
lower bounds.
<h3>.getParameter([page:Vector2 point], [page:Vector2 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 getParameter]([page:Vector2 point], [page:Vector2 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector2]<br/>
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector2]<br/>
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
Returns a point as a proportion of this box's width and height.
<h3>.expandByScalar([page:float scalar]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 expandByScalar]([page:float scalar]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
scalar -- Distance to expand.
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
will be contracted.
<h3>.intersect([page:Box2 box]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 intersect]([page:Box2 box]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
box -- Box to intersect with.
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
lower bounds.
<h3>.containsBox([page:Box2 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean containsBox]([page:Box2 box])</h3>
box -- Box to test for inclusion.
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
this function also returns true.
<h3>.translate([page:Vector2 offset]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 translate]([page:Vector2 offset]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
offset -- Direction and distance of offset.
......@@ -150,19 +150,19 @@
*offset* units in 2D space.
<h3>.empty() [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean empty]()</h3>
Returns true if this box includes zero points within its bounds.</br>
Note that a box with equal lower and upper bounds still includes one point, the
one both bounds share.
<h3>.clone() [page:Box2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 clone]()</h3>
Returns a copy of this box.
<h3>.equals([page:Box2 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Box2 box])</h3>
box -- Box to compare.
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
Returns true if this box and *box* share the same lower and upper bounds.
<h3>.expandByVector([page:Vector2 vector]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 expandByVector]([page:Vector2 vector]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
vector -- Amount to expand this box in each dimension.
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
this box will be expanded by the y component of *vector* in both directions.
<h3>.copy([page:Box2 box]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 copy]([page:Box2 box]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
box -- Box to copy.
......@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@
Copies the values of *box* to this box.
<h3>.makeEmpty() [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 makeEmpty]() [page:Box2 this]</h3>
Makes this box empty.
<h3>.center([page:Vector2 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 center]([page:Vector2 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- If specified, the result will be copied here.
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
Returns the center point of this box.
<h3>.distanceToPoint([page:Vector2 point]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToPoint]([page:Vector2 point])</h3>
point -- Point to measure distance to.
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
If the point lies inside of this box, the distance will be 0.
<h3>.containsPoint([page:Vector2 point]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean containsPoint]([page:Vector2 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector2] to check for inclusion.
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
Returns true if the specified point lies within the boundaries of this box.
<h3>.setFromCenterAndSize([page:Vector2 center], [page:Vector2 size]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box2 setFromCenterAndSize]([page:Vector2 center], [page:Vector2 size]) [page:Box2 this]</h3>
center -- Desired center position of the box. <br />
size -- Desired x and y dimensions of the box.
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<h3>.set([page:Vector3 min], [page:Vector3 max]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 set]([page:Vector3 min], [page:Vector3 max]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
min -- Lower (x, y, z) boundary of the box. <br />
max -- Upper (x, y, z) boundary of the box.
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
Sets the lower and upper (x, y, z) boundaries of this box.
<h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
matrix -- The [page:Matrix4] to apply
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Transforms this Box3 with the supplied matrix.
<h3>.clampPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 clampPoint]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- Position to clamp. <br />
optionalTarget -- If specified, the clamped result will be copied here.
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
Clamps *point* within the bounds of this box.
<h3>.isIntersectionBox([page:Box3 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean isIntersectionBox]([page:Box3 box])</h3>
box -- Box to check for intersection against.
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
Determines whether or not this box intersects *box*.
<h3>.setFromPoints([page:Array points]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 setFromPoints]([page:Array points]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
points -- Set of points that the resulting box will envelop.
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
Sets the upper and lower bounds of this box to include all of the points in *points*.
<h3>.setFromObject([page:Object3D object]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 setFromObject]([page:Object3D object]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
object -- [page:Object3D] to compute the bounding box for.
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
<h3>.size([page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 size]([page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- If specified, the result will be copied here.
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
Returns the width, height, and depth of this box.
<h3>.union([page:Box3 box]) [page:Box3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 union]([page:Box3 box])</h3>
box -- Box that will be unioned with this box.
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
lower bounds.
<h3>.getParameter([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 getParameter]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- Point to parametrize.
optionalTarget -- If specified, the result will be copied here.
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
Returns point as a proportion of this box's width and height.
<h3>.intersect([page:Box3 box]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 intersect]([page:Box3 box]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
box -- Box to intersect with.
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
lower bounds.
<h3>.containsBox([page:Box3 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean containsBox]([page:Box3 box])</h3>
box -- Box to test for inclusion.
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
this function also returns true.
<h3>.containsPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean containsPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] to check for inclusion.
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
Returns true if the specified point lies within the boundaries of this box.
<h3>.translate([page:Vector3 offset]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 translate]([page:Vector3 offset]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
offset -- Direction and distance of offset.
......@@ -158,19 +158,19 @@
*offset* units in 3D space.
<h3>.empty() [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean empty]()</h3>
Returns true if this box includes zero points within its bounds.</br>
Note that a box with equal lower and upper bounds still includes one point, the
one both bounds share.
<h3>.clone() [page:Box3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 clone]()</h3>
Returns a copy of this box.
<h3>.equals([page:Box3 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Box3 box])</h3>
box -- Box to compare.
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
Returns true if this box and *box* share the same lower and upper bounds.
<h3>.expandByPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 expandByPoint]([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
point -- Point that should be included in the box.
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
Expands the boundaries of this box to include *point*.
<h3>.expandByScalar([page:float scalar]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 expandByScalar]([page:float scalar]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
scalar -- Distance to expand.
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
will be contracted.
<h3>.expandByVector([page:Vector3 vector]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 expandByVector]([page:Vector3 vector]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
vector -- Amount to expand this box in each dimension.
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
both directions.
<h3>.copy([page:Box3 box]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 copy]([page:Box3 box]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
box -- Box to copy.
......@@ -215,12 +215,12 @@
Copies the values of *box* to this box.
<h3>.makeEmpty() [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 makeEmpty]() [page:Box3 this]</h3>
Makes this box empty.
<h3>.center([page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 center]([page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- If specified, the result will be copied here.
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
Returns the center point of this box.
<h3>.getBoundingSphere([page:Sphere optionalTarget]) [page:Sphere]</h3>
<h3>[method:Sphere getBoundingSphere]([page:Sphere optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- [page:Sphere] to optionally set the result to.
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
Gets a sphere that bounds the box.
<h3>.distanceToPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- Point to measure distance to.
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
If the point lies inside of this box, the distance will be 0.
<h3>.setFromCenterAndSize([page:Vector3 center], [page:Vector3 size]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box3 setFromCenterAndSize]([page:Vector3 center], [page:Vector3 size]) [page:Box3 this]</h3>
center -- Desired center position of the box. <br />
size -- Desired x and y dimensions of the box.
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<h3>.copy( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color copy]( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
color — Color to copy.
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Copies given color.
<h3>.copyGammaToLinear( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color copyGammaToLinear]( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
color — Color to copy.
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
Copies given color making conversion from gamma to linear space.
<h3>.copyLinearToGamma( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color copyLinearToGamma]( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
color — Color to copy.
......@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@
Copies given color making conversion from linear to gamma space.
<h3>.convertGammaToLinear() [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color convertGammaToLinear]() [page:Color this]</h3>
Converts this color from gamma to linear space.
<h3>.convertLinearToGamma() [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color convertLinearToGamma]() [page:Color this]</h3>
Converts this color from linear to gamma space.
<h3>.setRGB( [page:Float r], [page:Float g], [page:Float b] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color setRGB]( [page:Float r], [page:Float g], [page:Float b] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
r — Red channel value between 0 and 1.<br />
g — Green channel value between 0 and 1.<br />
......@@ -92,17 +92,17 @@
Sets this color from RGB values.
<h3>.getHex() [page:Integer]</h3>
<h3>[method:Integer getHex]()</h3>
Returns the hexadecimal value of this color.
<h3>.getHexString() [page:String]</h3>
<h3>[method:String getHexString]()</h3>
Returns the string formated hexadecimal value of this color.
<h3>.setHex( [page:Integer hex] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color setHex]( [page:Integer hex] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
hex — Color in hexadecimal.<br />
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
Sets this color from a hexadecimal value.
<h3>.setStyle( [page:String style] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color setStyle]( [page:String style] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
style — color as a CSS-style string, for example, "rgb(250, 0,0)", "rgb(100%,0%,0%)", "#ff0000", "#f00", or "red"
......@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@
Sets this color from a CSS-style string.
<h3>.getStyle() [page:String]</h3>
<h3>[method:String getStyle]()</h3>
Returns the value of this color as a CSS-style string. Example: rgb(255,0,0)
<h3>.setHSL( [page:Float h], [page:Float s], [page:Float l] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color setHSL]( [page:Float h], [page:Float s], [page:Float l] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
h — hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 <br />
s — saturation value between 0.0 and 1.0 <br />
......@@ -138,37 +138,37 @@
Returns an object with properties h, s, and l.
<h3>.offsetHSL( [page:Float h], [page:Float s], [page:Float l] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color offsetHSL]( [page:Float h], [page:Float s], [page:Float l] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
Adds given h, s, and l to this color's existing h, s, and l values.
<h3>.add ( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color add]( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
Adds rgb values of given color to rgb values of this color
<h3>.addColors( [page:Color color1], [page:Color color2] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color addColors]( [page:Color color1], [page:Color color2] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
Sets this color to the sum of color1 and color2
<h3>.addScalar( [page:Number s] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color addScalar]( [page:Number s] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
Adds s to the rgb values of this color
<h3>.multiply( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color multiply]( [page:Color color] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
Multiplies this color's rgb values by given color's rgb values
<h3>.multiplyScalar( [page:Number s] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color multiplyScalar]( [page:Number s] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
Multiplies this color's rgb values by s
<h3>.lerp( [page:Color color], alpha ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color lerp]( [page:Color color], alpha ) [page:Color this]</h3>
alpha -- a number between 0 and 1.
......@@ -176,17 +176,17 @@
Linear interpolation of this colors rgb values and the rgb values of the first argument. The alpha argument can be thought of as the percent between the two colors, where 0 is this color and 1 is the first argument.
<h3>.equals( [page:Color c] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color equals]( [page:Color c] ) [page:Color this]</h3>
Compares this color and c and returns true if they are the same, false otherwise.
<h3>.clone() [page:Color]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color clone]()</h3>
Clones this color.
<h3>.set( value ) [page:Color this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color set]( value ) [page:Color this]</h3>
value -- either an instance of [page:Color], a [page:Integer hexadecimal] value, or a css style [page:String string]
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<h3>.set( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:String order] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Euler set]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:String order] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
x -- [page:Float] Angle in x axis in radians<br />
y -- [page:Float] Angle in y axis in radians<br />
......@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
Sets the angles of this euler transform.
<h3>.copy( [page:Euler euler] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Euler copy]( [page:Euler euler] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
Copies value of *euler* to this euler.
<h3>.setFromRotationMatrix( [page:Matrix4 m], [page:String order] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Euler setFromRotationMatrix]( [page:Matrix4 m], [page:String order] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4] assumes upper 3x3 of matrix is a pure rotation matrix (i.e. unscaled)<br />
order -- [page:string] Order of axes, defaults to 'XYZ' (must be upper case)
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
Sets the angles of this euler transform from a pure rotation matrix based on the orientation specified by order.
<h3>.setFromQuaternion( [page:Quaternion q], [page:String order] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Euler setFromQuaternion]( [page:Quaternion q], [page:String order] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
q -- [page:Quaternion] quaternion must be normalized<br />
order -- [page:string] Order of axes, defaults to 'XYZ' (must be upper case)
......@@ -85,13 +85,13 @@
Sets the angles of this euler transform from a normalized quaternion based on the orientation specified by order.
<h3>.reorder( [page:String newOrder] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Euler reorder]( [page:String newOrder] ) [page:Euler this]</h3>
Resets the euler angle with a new order by creating a quaternion from this euler angle and then setting this euler angle with the quaternion and the new order. <br />
WARNING: this discards revolution information.
<h3>.fromArray([page:Array array]) [page:Euler this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Euler fromArray]([page:Array array]) [page:Euler this]</h3>
array -- [page:Array] of length 3 or 4. array[3] is an optional order argument.
......@@ -102,17 +102,17 @@
Optionally assigns this euler's order to array[3].
<h3>.toArray() [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array toArray]()</h3>
Returns an array [x, y, z, order].
<h3>.equals( [page:Euler euler] ) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]( [page:Euler euler] )</h3>
Checks for strict equality of this euler and *euler*.
<h3>.clone() [page:Euler]</h3>
<h3>[method:Euler clone]()</h3>
Returns a new euler created from this euler.
......@@ -39,19 +39,19 @@
<h3>.setFromMatrix( [page:Matrix4 matrix] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setFromMatrix]( [page:Matrix4 matrix] )</h3>
<h3>.intersectsObject( [page:Object3D object] ) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean intersectsObject]( [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
Checks whether the object's bounding sphere is intersecting the Frustum.
<h3>.clone() [page:Frustum]</h3>
<h3>[method:Frustum clone]()</h3>
Return a copy of this Frustum
<h3>.set([page:Plane p0], [page:Plane p1], [page:Plane p2], [page:Plane p3], [page:Plane p4], [page:Plane p5]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean set]([page:Plane p0], [page:Plane p1], [page:Plane p2], [page:Plane p3], [page:Plane p4], [page:Plane p5])</h3>
p0 -- [page:Plane] <br />
p1 -- [page:Plane] <br />
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
Sets the current frustum from the passed planes. No plane order is implicitely implied.
<h3>.copy([page:Frustum frustum]) [page:Frustum this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Frustum copy]([page:Frustum frustum]) [page:Frustum this]</h3>
frustum -- The frustum to copy
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
Copies the values of the passed frustum.
<h3>.containsPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean containsPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] to test
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
Checks to see if the frustum contains the point.
<h3>.intersectsSphere([page:Sphere sphere]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean intersectsSphere]([page:Sphere sphere])</h3>
sphere -- [page:Sphere]
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<h3>.set([page:Vector3 start], [page:Vector3 end]) [page:Line3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Line3 set]([page:Vector3 start], [page:Vector3 end])</h3>
start -- [page:Vector3] <br />
end -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
Sets the start and end values by copying the provided vectors.
<h3>.copy([page:Line3 line]) [page:Line3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Line3 copy]([page:Line3 line])</h3>
line -- [page:Line3]
......@@ -54,30 +54,30 @@
Copies the passed line's start and end vectors to this line.
<h3>.clone() [page:Line3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Line3 clone]()</h3>
Return a new copy of this [page:Line3].
<h3>.equals([page:Line3 line]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Line3 line])</h3>
line -- [page:Line3]
<h3>.distance() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distance]()</h3>
Returns the length of the line segment.
Returns true if both line's start and end points are equal.
<h3>.distanceSq() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceSq]()</h3>
Returns the line segment's length squared.
<h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Line3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Line3 applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Line3 this]</h3>
matrix -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
Apply a matrix transform to the line segment.
<h3>.at([page:Float t], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector at]([page:Float t], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
t -- [page:Float] Use values 0-1 to return a result on the line segment. <br />
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector] Optional target to set the result.
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
Return a vector at a certain position along the line. When t = 0, it returns the start vector, and when t=1 it returns the end vector.
<h3>.center([page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 center]([page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] Optional target to set the result.
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
Return the center of the line segment.
<h3>.delta([page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 delta]([page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] Optional target to set the result.
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
Returns the delta vector of the line segment, or the end vector minus the start vector.
<h3>.closestPointToPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Boolean clampToLine], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 closestPointToPoint]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Boolean clampToLine], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] <br />
clampToLine -- [page:Boolean] <br />
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
Returns the closets point on the line. If clamp to line is true, then the returned value will be clamped to the line segment.
<h3>.closestPointToPointParameter([page:Vector3 point], [page:Boolean clampToLine]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float closestPointToPointParameter]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Boolean clampToLine])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] <br />
clampToLine -- [page:Boolean]
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<h3>.clamp( [page:Float x], [page:Float a], [page:Float b] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float clamp]( [page:Float x], [page:Float a], [page:Float b] )</h3>
x — Value to be clamped.<br />
a — Minimum value<br />
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
Clamps the *x* to be between *a* and *b*.
<h3>.clampBottom( [page:Float x], [page:Float a] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float clampBottom]( [page:Float x], [page:Float a] )</h3>
x — Value to be clamped.<br />
a — Minimum value
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
Clamps the *x* to be larger than *a*.
<h3>.mapLinear( [page:Float x], [page:Float a1], [page:Float a2], [page:Float b1], [page:Float b2] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float mapLinear]( [page:Float x], [page:Float a1], [page:Float a2], [page:Float b1], [page:Float b2] )</h3>
x — Value to be mapped.<br />
a1 — Minimum value for range A.<br />
......@@ -46,33 +46,33 @@
Linear mapping of *x* from range [*a1*, *a2*] to range [*b1*, *b2*].
<h3>.random16() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float random16]()</h3>
Random float from 0 to 1 with 16 bits of randomness.<br />
Standard Math.random() creates repetitive patterns when applied over larger space.
<h3>.randInt( [page:Integer low], [page:Integer high] ) [page:Integer]</h3>
<h3>[method:Integer randInt]( [page:Integer low], [page:Integer high] )</h3>
Random integer from *low* to *high* interval.
<h3>.randFloat( [page:Float low], [page:Float high] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float randFloat]( [page:Float low], [page:Float high] )</h3>
Random float from *low* to *high* interval.
<h3>.randFloatSpread( [page:Float range] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float randFloatSpread]( [page:Float range] )</h3>
Random float from *- range / 2* to *range / 2* interval.
<h3>.sign( [page:Float x] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float sign]( [page:Float x] )</h3>
Returns -1 if *x* is less than 0, 1 if *x* is greater than 0, and 0 if *x* is zero.
<h3>.degToRad([page:Float degrees]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float degToRad]([page:Float degrees])</h3>
degrees -- [page:Float]
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
Converts degrees to radians.
<h3>.radToDeg([page:Float radians]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float radToDeg]([page:Float radians])</h3>
radians -- [page:Float]
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
Converts radians to degrees
<h3>.smoothstep([page:Float x], [page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float smoothstep]([page:Float x], [page:Float min], [page:Float max])</h3>
x -- The value to evaluate based on its position between min and max. <br />
min -- Any x value below min will be 0 <br />
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
[link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothstep Wikipedia]
<h3>.smootherstep([page:Float x], [page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float smootherstep]([page:Float x], [page:Float min], [page:Float max])</h3>
x -- The value to evaluate based on its position between min and max. <br />
min -- Any x value below min will be 0 <br />
......@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
<h3>.transpose() [page:Matrix3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 transpose]()</h3>
Transposes this matrix in place.
<h3>.transposeIntoArray( [page:Array array] ) [page:Matrix3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 transposeIntoArray]( [page:Array array] )</h3>
array -- [page:Array] <br />
......@@ -63,12 +63,12 @@
<h3>.determinant() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float determinant]()</h3>
Returns the matrix's determinant.
<h3>.set([page:Float n11], [page:Float n12], [page:Float n13], [page:Float n21], [page:Float n22], [page:Float n23], [page:Float n31], [page:Float n32], [page:Float n33]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 set]([page:Float n11], [page:Float n12], [page:Float n13], [page:Float n21], [page:Float n22], [page:Float n23], [page:Float n31], [page:Float n32], [page:Float n33]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
n11 -- [page:Float] <br />
n12 -- [page:Float] <br />
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
Set the 3x3 matrix values to the given row-major sequence of values.
<h3>.multiplyScalar([page:Float scalar]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 multiplyScalar]([page:Float scalar]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
scalar -- [page:Float]
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
Multiply every component of the matrix by a scalar value.
<h3>.applyToVector3Array([page:Array array]) [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array applyToVector3Array]([page:Array array])</h3>
array -- An array in the form [vector1x, vector1y, vector1z, vector2x, vector2y, vector2z, ...]
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
Multiply (apply) this matrix to every vector3 in the array.
<h3>.getNormalMatrix([page:Matrix4 matrix4]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 getNormalMatrix]([page:Matrix4 matrix4]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
matrix4 -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
Set this matrix as the normal matrix of the passed [page:Matrix4 matrix4]. The normal matrix is the inverse transpose of the matrix.
<h3>.getInverse([page:Matrix4 matrix4], [page:Boolean throwOnInvertible]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 getInverse]([page:Matrix4 matrix4], [page:Boolean throwOnInvertible]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
matrix4 -- [page:Matrix4] <br />
throwOnInvertible -- [Page:Boolean] If true, throw an error if the matrix is invertible.
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
Set this matrix to the inverse of the passed matrix.
<h3>.copy([page:Matrix3 matrix]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 copy]([page:Matrix3 matrix]) [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
matrix -- [page:Matrix3]
......@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
Copy the values of the passed matrix.
<h3>.clone() [page:Matrix3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 clone]()</h3>
Create a copy of the matrix.
<h3>.identity() [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix3 identity]() [page:Matrix3 this]</h3>
Set as an identity matrix.<br/><br/>
......@@ -51,85 +51,85 @@
<h3>.set( [page:Float n11], [page:Float n12], [page:Float n13], [page:Float n14], [page:Float n21], [page:Float n22], [page:Float n23], [page:Float n24], [page:Float n31], [page:Float n32], [page:Float n33], [page:Float n34], [page:Float n41], [page:Float n42], [page:Float n43], [page:Float n44] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 set]( [page:Float n11], [page:Float n12], [page:Float n13], [page:Float n14], [page:Float n21], [page:Float n22], [page:Float n23], [page:Float n24], [page:Float n31], [page:Float n32], [page:Float n33], [page:Float n34], [page:Float n41], [page:Float n42], [page:Float n43], [page:Float n44] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets all fields of this matrix to the supplied row-major values n11..n44.
<h3>.identity() [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 identity]() [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Resets this matrix to identity.
<h3>.copy( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 copy]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Copies a matrix *m* into this matrix.
<h3>.copyPosition( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 copyPosition]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Copies the translation component of the supplied matrix *m* into this matrix translation component.
<h3>.extractRotation( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 extractRotation]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Extracts the rotation of the supplied matrix *m* into this matrix rotation component.
<h3>.lookAt( [page:Vector3 eye], [page:Vector3 center], [page:Vector3 up], ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 lookAt]( [page:Vector3 eye], [page:Vector3 center], [page:Vector3 up], ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Constructs a rotation matrix, looking from *eye* towards *center* with defined *up* vector.
<h3>.multiply( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 multiply]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Multiplies this matrix by *m*.
<h3>.multiplyMatrices( [page:Matrix4 a], [page:Matrix4 b] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 multiplyMatrices]( [page:Matrix4 a], [page:Matrix4 b] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets this matrix to *a x b*.
<h3>.multiplyToArray( [page:Matrix4 a], [page:Matrix4 b], [page:Array r] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 multiplyToArray]( [page:Matrix4 a], [page:Matrix4 b], [page:Array r] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets this matrix to *a x b* and stores the result into the flat array *r*.<br />
*r* can be either a regular Array or a TypedArray.
<h3>.multiplyScalar( [page:Float s] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 multiplyScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Multiplies this matrix by *s*.
<h3>.determinant() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float determinant]()</h3>
Computes determinant of this matrix.<br />
Based on [link:http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm]
<h3>.transpose() [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 transpose]() [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Transposes this matrix.
<h3>.flattenToArrayOffset( [page:Array flat], [page:Integer offset] ) [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array flattenToArrayOffset]( [page:Array flat], [page:Integer offset] )</h3>
Flattens this matrix into supplied *flat* array starting from *offset* position in the array.
<h3>.setPosition( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 setPosition]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets the position component for this matrix from vector *v*.
<h3>.getInverse( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 getInverse]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets this matrix to the inverse of matrix *m*.<br />
Based on [link:http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/matrix/functions/inverse/fourD/index.htm].
<h3>.makeRotationFromEuler( [page:Euler euler] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeRotationFromEuler]( [page:Euler euler] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
euler — Rotation vector followed by order of rotations. Eg. "XYZ".
......@@ -138,33 +138,33 @@
Default order is *"XYZ"*.
<h3>.makeRotationFromQuaternion( [page:Quaternion q] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeRotationFromQuaternion]( [page:Quaternion q] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets the rotation submatrix of this matrix to the rotation specified by *q*. The rest of the matrix is identity.
<h3>.scale( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 scale]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Multiplies the columns of this matrix by vector *v*.
<h3>.compose( [page:Vector3 translation], [page:Quaternion quaternion], [page:Vector3 scale] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 compose]( [page:Vector3 translation], [page:Quaternion quaternion], [page:Vector3 scale] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets this matrix to the transformation composed of *translation*, *quaternion* and *scale*.
<h3>.decompose( [page:Vector3 translation], [page:Quaternion quaternion], [page:Vector3 scale] ) [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array decompose]( [page:Vector3 translation], [page:Quaternion quaternion], [page:Vector3 scale] )</h3>
Decomposes this matrix into the *translation*, *quaternion* and *scale* components.<br />
If parameters are not passed, new instances will be created.
<h3>.makeTranslation( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeTranslation]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets this matrix as translation transform.
<h3>.makeRotationX( [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeRotationX]( [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
theta — Rotation angle in radians.
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around x axis by *theta* radians.
<h3>.makeRotationY( [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeRotationY]( [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
theta — Rotation angle in radians.
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around y axis by *theta* radians.
<h3>.makeRotationZ( [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeRotationZ]( [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
theta — Rotation angle in radians.
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
Sets this matrix as rotation transform around z axis by *theta* radians.
<h3>.makeRotationAxis( [page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeRotationAxis]( [page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float theta] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
axis — Rotation axis, should be normalized.
theta — Rotation angle in radians.
......@@ -198,32 +198,32 @@
Based on [link:http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1199.asp].
<h3>.makeScale( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeScale]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Sets this matrix as scale transform.
<h3>.makeFrustum( [page:Float left], [page:Float right], [page:Float bottom], [page:Float top], [page:Float near], [page:Float far] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeFrustum]( [page:Float left], [page:Float right], [page:Float bottom], [page:Float top], [page:Float near], [page:Float far] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Creates a [page:Frustum frustum] matrix.
<h3>.makePerspective( [page:Float fov], [page:Float aspect], [page:Float near], [page:Float far] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makePerspective]( [page:Float fov], [page:Float aspect], [page:Float near], [page:Float far] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Creates a perspective projection matrix.
<h3>.makeOrthographic( [page:Float left], [page:Float right], [page:Float bottom], [page:Float top], [page:Float near], [page:Float far] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 makeOrthographic]( [page:Float left], [page:Float right], [page:Float bottom], [page:Float top], [page:Float near], [page:Float far] ) [page:Matrix4 this]</h3>
Creates an orthographic projection matrix.
<h3>.clone() [page:Matrix4]</h3>
<h3>[method:Matrix4 clone]()</h3>
Clones this matrix.
<h3>.applyToVector3Array([page:Array a]) [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array applyToVector3Array]([page:Array a])</h3>
array -- An array in the form [vector1x, vector1y, vector1z, vector2x, vector2y, vector2z, ...]
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
Multiply (apply) this matrix to every vector3 in the array.
<h3>.getMaxScaleOnAxis() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float getMaxScaleOnAxis]()</h3>
Gets the max scale value of the 3 axes.
......@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@
<h3>.normalize() [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane normalize]() [page:Plane this]</h3>
Normalizes the normal vector, and adjusts the constant value accordingly.
<h3>.set([page:Vector3 normal], [page:Float constant]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane set]([page:Vector3 normal], [page:Float constant]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
normal -- [Page:Vector3] <br />
constant -- [Page:Float]
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
Sets the plane's values.
<h3>.copy([page:Plane plane]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane copy]([page:Plane plane]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
plane -- [page:Plane] to copy
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Copies the values of the passed plane to this plane.
<h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix4 matrix], [page:Matrix3 optionalNormalMatrix]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix4 matrix], [page:Matrix3 optionalNormalMatrix]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
matrix -- [Page:Matrix4] to apply <br />
optionalNormalMatrix -- (optional) pre-computed normal [Page:Matrix3] of the Matrix4 to apply
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
<h3>.orthoPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 orthoPoint]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] <br />
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
Returns a vector in the same direction as the Plane's normal, but the magnitude is passed point's original distance to the plane.
<h3>.isIntersectionLine([page:Line3 line]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean isIntersectionLine]([page:Line3 line])</h3>
line -- [page:Line3]
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
Tests whether a line segment intersects with the plane. (Do not mistake this for a collinear check.)
<h3>.intersectLine([page:Line3 line], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3] or [page:undefined]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 intersectLine]([page:Line3 line], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) or [page:undefined]</h3>
line -- [page:Line3] <br />
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
Returns the intersection point of the passed line and the plane. Returns undefined if the line does not intersect. Returns the line's starting point if the line is coplanar with the plane.
<h3>.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint([page:Vector3 normal], [page:Vector3 point]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint]([page:Vector3 normal], [page:Vector3 point]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
normal -- [page:Vector3] <br />
point -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@
Sets the plane's values as defined by a normal and arbitrary coplanar point.
<h3>.clone() [page:Plane]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane clone]()</h3>
Returns a new copy of this plane.
<h3>.distanceToPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
Returns the smallest distance from the point to the plane.
<h3>.equals([page:Plane plane]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Plane plane])</h3>
plane -- [page:Planen]
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
Checks to see if two planes are equal (their normals and constants match)
<h3>.setComponents([page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane setComponents]([page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
x -- [page:Float] x of the normal vector <br />
y -- [page:Float] y of the normal vector<br />
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
Set the individual components that make up the plane.
<h3>.distanceToSphere([page:Sphere sphere]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToSphere]([page:Sphere sphere])</h3>
sphere -- [Page:Sphere]
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
Returns the smallest distance from an edge of the sphere to the plane.
<h3>.setFromCoplanarPoints([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b], [page:Vector3 c]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane setFromCoplanarPoints]([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b], [page:Vector3 c]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
a -- [page:Vector3] <br />
b -- [page:Vector3] <br />
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
Defines the plane based on the 3 provided points. The winding order is counter clockwise, and determines which direction the normal will point.
<h3>.projectPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 projectPoint]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] <br />
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@
Projects a point onto the plane. The projected point is the closest point on the plane to the passed point, so a line drawn from the projected point and the passed point would be orthogonal to the plane.
<h3>.negate() [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane negate]() [page:Plane this]</h3>
Negates both the normal vector and constant, effectively mirroring the plane across the origin.
<h3>.translate([page:Vector3 offset]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane translate]([page:Vector3 offset]) [page:Plane this]</h3>
offset -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
Translates the plane the distance defined by the vector. Note that this only affects the constant (distance from origin) and will not affect the normal vector.
<h3>.coplanarPoint([page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 coplanarPoint]([page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -47,74 +47,74 @@
<h3>.set( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion set]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w] )</h3>
Sets values of this quaternion.
<h3>.copy( [page:Quaternion q] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion copy]( [page:Quaternion q] )</h3>
Copies values of *q* to this quaternion.
<h3>.setFromEuler( [page:Euler euler] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion setFromEuler]( [page:Euler euler] )</h3>
Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by Euler angle.
<h3>.setFromAxisAngle( [page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float angle] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion setFromAxisAngle]( [page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float angle] )</h3>
Sets this quaternion from rotation specified by axis and angle.<br />
Adapted from [link:http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/angleToQuaternion/index.htm].<br />
*Axis* is asumed to be normalized, *angle* is in radians.
<h3>.setFromRotationMatrix( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion setFromRotationMatrix]( [page:Matrix4 m] )</h3>
Sets this quaternion from rotation component of *m*.<br />
Adapted from [link:http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/matrixToQuaternion/index.htm].
<h3>.setFromUnitVectors( [page:Vector3 vFrom], [page:Vector3 vTo] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion setFromUnitVectors]( [page:Vector3 vFrom], [page:Vector3 vTo] )</h3>
Sets this quaternion to the rotation required to rotate direction vector *vFrom* to direction vector *vTo*.<br />
Adapted from [link:http://lolengine.net/blog/2013/09/18/beautiful-maths-quaternion-from-vectors].<br />
*vFrom* and *vTo* are assumed to be normalized.
<h3>.inverse() [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion inverse]()</h3>
Inverts this quaternion.
<h3>.length() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float length]()</h3>
Computes length of this quaternion.
<h3>.normalize() [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion normalize]()</h3>
Normalizes this quaternion.
<h3>.multiply( [page:Quaternion b] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion multiply]( [page:Quaternion b] )</h3>
Multiplies this quaternion by *b*.
<h3>.multiplyQuaternions( [page:Quaternion a], [page:Quaternion b] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion multiplyQuaternions]( [page:Quaternion a], [page:Quaternion b] )</h3>
Sets this quaternion to *a x b*<br />
Adapted from [link:http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/code/index.htm].
<h3>.multiplyVector3( [page:Vector3 vector], [page:Vector3 dest] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion multiplyVector3]( [page:Vector3 vector], [page:Vector3 dest] )</h3>
Rotates *vector* by this quaternion into *dest*.<br />
If *dest* is not specified, result goes to *vec*.
<h3>.clone() [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion clone]()</h3>
Clones this quaternion.
......@@ -122,13 +122,13 @@
<h2>Static methods</h2>
<h3>.slerp( [page:Quaternion qa], [page:Quaternion qb], [page:Quaternion qm], [page:Float t] ) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion slerp]( [page:Quaternion qa], [page:Quaternion qb], [page:Quaternion qm], [page:Float t] )</h3>
Adapted from [link:http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/algebra/realNormedAlgebra/quaternions/slerp/].
<h3>.slerp([page:Quaternion qb], [page:float t]) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion slerp]([page:Quaternion qb], [page:float t])</h3>
qb -- Target quaternion rotation.<br />
t -- Normalized [0..1] interpolation factor.
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
Returns the numerical elements of this quaternion in an array of format (x, y, z, w).
<h3>.equals([page:Quaternion v]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Quaternion v])</h3>
v -- Quaternion that this quaternion will be compared to.
......@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@
represent the same rotation.
<h3>.lengthSq() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float lengthSq]()</h3>
Calculates the squared length of the quaternion.
<h3>.fromArray([page:Array array]) [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion fromArray]([page:Array array])</h3>
array -- Array of format (x, y, z, w) used to construct the quaternion.
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
Sets this quaternion's component values from an array.
<h3>.conjugate() [page:Quaternion]</h3>
<h3>[method:Quaternion conjugate]()</h3>
Returns the rotational conjugate of this quaternion. The conjugate of a quaternion
represents the same rotation in the opposite direction about the rotational axis.
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix4 matrix4]) [page:Ray]</h3>
<h3>[method:Ray applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix4 matrix4])</h3>
matrix4 -- [page:Matrix4] The [page:Matrix4] to transform this [page:Ray] by.
......@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@
Get a [page:Vector3] that is a given distance along this [page:Ray].
<h3>.clone() [page:Ray]</h3>
<h3>[method:Ray clone]()</h3>
Create a clone of this [page:Ray].
<h3>.closestPointToPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 closestPointToPoint]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] The point to get the closest approach to. <br />
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] Receives the return value if passed; otherwise a new [page:Vector3] is created.
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
Get the point along this [page:Ray] that is closest to the [page:Vector3] provided.
<h3>.copy([page:Ray ray]) [page:Ray]</h3>
<h3>[method:Ray copy]([page:Ray ray])</h3>
ray -- [page:Ray] The [page:Ray] to copy values from.
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
Get the squared distance between this [page:Ray] and a line segment.
<h3>.distanceToPlane([page:Plane plane]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToPlane]([page:Plane plane])</h3>
plane -- [page:Plane] The [page:Plane] to get the distance to.
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
Get the distance from the origin to the [page:Plane], or *null* if the [page:Ray] doesn't intersect the [page:Plane].
<h3>.distanceToPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] The [page:Vector3] to compute a distance to.
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
Get the distance of the closest approach between the [page:Ray] and the [page:Vector3].
<h3>.equals([page:Ray ray]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Ray ray])</h3>
ray -- [page:Ray] The [page:Ray] to compare to.
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
Intersect this [page:Ray] with a triangle, returning the intersection point or *null* if there is no intersection.
<h3>.isIntersectionBox([page:Box3 box]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean isIntersectionBox]([page:Box3 box])</h3>
box -- [page:Box3] The [page:Box3] to intersect with.
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
Return whether or not this [page:Ray] intersects with the [page:Box3].
<h3>.isIntersectionPlane([page:Plane plane]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean isIntersectionPlane]([page:Plane plane])</h3>
plane -- [page:Plane] The [page:Plane] to intersect with.
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
Return whether or not this [page:Ray] intersects with the [page:Plane].
<h3>.isIntersectionSphere([page:Sphere sphere]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean isIntersectionSphere]([page:Sphere sphere])</h3>
sphere -- [page:Sphere] The [page:Sphere] to intersect with.
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
Return whether or not this [page:Ray] intersects with the [page:Sphere].
<h3>.recast([page:Float t])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo recast]([page:Float t])</h3>
t -- The distance along the [page:Ray] to interpolate.
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
Shift the origin of this [page:Ray] along its direction by the distance given.
<h3>.set([page:Vector3 origin], [page:Vector3 direction]) [page:Ray]</h3>
<h3>[method:Ray set]([page:Vector3 origin], [page:Vector3 direction])</h3>
origin -- [page:Vector3] The origin of the [page:Ray].<br />
direction -- [page:Vector3] The direction of the [page:Ray]. This must be normalized (with [page:Vector3].normalize) for the methods to operate properly.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
Sets the center and radius.
<h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Sphere this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Sphere applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Sphere this]</h3>
matrix -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
Transforms this sphere with the provided [page:Matrix4].
<h3>.clampPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 clampPoint]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] The point to clamp <br />
optionalTarget -- [page:Vector3] The optional target point to return
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
Clamps a point within the sphere. If the point is is outside the sphere, it will clamp it to the closets point on the edge of the sphere.
<h3>.translate([page:Vector3 offset]) [page:Sphere this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Sphere translate]([page:Vector3 offset]) [page:Sphere this]</h3>
offset -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@
Translate the sphere's center by the provided offset vector.
<h3>.clone() [page:Sphere]</h3>
<h3>[method:Sphere clone]()</h3>
Provides a new copy of the sphere.
<h3>.equals([page:Sphere sphere]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Sphere sphere])</h3>
sphere -- [page:Sphere]
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
Checks to see if the two spheres' centers and radii are equal.
<h3>.setFromPoints([page:Array points], [page:Vector3 optionalCenter]) [page:Sphere this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Sphere setFromPoints]([page:Array points], [page:Vector3 optionalCenter]) [page:Sphere this]</h3>
points -- [page:Array] of [page:Vector3] positions.<br />
optionalCenter -- Optional [page:Vector3] position for the sphere's center.<br />
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
Computes the minimum bounding sphere for *points*. If *optionalCenter* is given, it is used as the sphere's center. Otherwise, the center of the axis-aligned bounding box encompassing *points* is calculated.
<h3>.distanceToPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
Returns the closest distance from the boundary of the sphere to the point. If the sphere contains the point, the distance will be negative.
<h3>.getBoundingBox([page:Box optionalTarget]) [page:Box]</h3>
<h3>[method:Box getBoundingBox]([page:Box optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- [page:Box]
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
Returns a bounding box for the sphere, optionally setting a provided box target.
<h3>.containsPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean containsPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
Checks to see if the sphere contains the provided point inclusive of the edge of the sphere.
<h3>.copy([page:Sphere sphere]) [page:Sphere]</h3>
<h3>[method:Sphere copy]([page:Sphere sphere])</h3>
sphere -- [page:Sphere] to copy
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
Copies the values of the passed sphere to this sphere.
<h3>.intersectsSphere([page:Sphere sphere]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean intersectsSphere]([page:Sphere sphere])</h3>
sphere -- [page:Sphere]
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
Checks to see if two spheres intersect.
<h3>.empty() [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean empty]()</h3>
Checks to see if the sphere is empty (the radius set to 0).
......@@ -27,30 +27,30 @@
<h3>.initFromArray( [page:Array a] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo initFromArray]( [page:Array a] )</h3>
a — array of triplets containing x, y, z coordinates<br />
<div>Initialises using the data in the array as a series of points. Each value in *a* must be another array with three values, where a[n] is v, the value for the *nth* point, and v[0], v[1] and v[2] are the x, y and z coordinates of that point n, respectively.
<h3>.getPoint( [page:Integer k] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getPoint]( [page:Integer k] )</h3>
k — point index
<div>Return the interpolated point at *k*.</div>
<h3>.getControlPointsArray( )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getControlPointsArray]( )</h3>
<div>Returns an array with triplets of x, y, z coordinates that correspond to the current control points.
<h3>.getLength( [page:Integer nSubDivisions] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getLength]( [page:Integer nSubDivisions] )</h3>
nSubDivisions — number of subdivisions between control points. Default is *100*.
<div>Returns the length of the spline when using nSubDivisions.</div>
<h3>.reparametrizeByArcLength( [page:Float samplingCoef] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo reparametrizeByArcLength]( [page:Float samplingCoef] )</h3>
samplingCoef — how many intermediate values to use between spline points
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<h3>.setFromPointsAndIndices([page:Array points], [page:Integer i0], [page:Integer i1], [page:Integer i2]) [page:Triangle this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Triangle setFromPointsAndIndices]([page:Array points], [page:Integer i0], [page:Integer i1], [page:Integer i2]) [page:Triangle this]</h3>
points -- [page:Array] of [page:Vector3]s <br />
i0 -- [page:Integer] index <br />
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
Sets the triangle's vectors to the vectors in the array.
<h3>.set([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b], [page:Vector3 c]) [page:Triangle this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Triangle set]([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b], [page:Vector3 c]) [page:Triangle this]</h3>
a -- [page:Vector3] <br />
b -- [page:Vector3] <br />
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
Sets the triangle's vectors to the passed vectors.
<h3>.normal([page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 normal]([page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- Optional [page:Vector3] target to set the result.
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
Return the calculated normal of the triangle.
<h3>.barycoordFromPoint([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 barycoordFromPoint]([page:Vector3 point], [page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3] <br />
optionalTarget -- Optional [page:Vector3] target to set the result.
......@@ -88,17 +88,17 @@
[link:http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Barycentric_coordinates_1.png](Picture of barycentric coordinates)
<h3>.clone() [page:Triangle]</h3>
<h3>[method:Triangle clone]()</h3>
Return a new copy of this triangle.
<h3>.area() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float area]()</h3>
Return the area of the triangle.
<h3>.midpoint([page:Vector3 optionalTarget]) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 midpoint]([page:Vector3 optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- Optional [page:Vector3] target to set the result.
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
Return the midpoint of the triangle. Optionally sets a target vector.
<h3>.equals([page:Triangle triangle]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Triangle triangle])</h3>
triangle -- [page:Triangle]
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
Checks to see if two triangles are equal (share the same vectors).
<h3>.plane([page:Plane optionalTarget]) [page:Plane]</h3>
<h3>[method:Plane plane]([page:Plane optionalTarget])</h3>
optionalTarget -- Optional [page:Plane] target to set the result.
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
Return a [page:Plane plane] based on the triangle. Optionally sets a target plane.
<h3>.containsPoint([page:Vector3 point]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean containsPoint]([page:Vector3 point])</h3>
point -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
Checks to see if the passed vector is within the triangle.
<h3>.copy([page:Triangle triangle]) [page:Triangle]</h3>
<h3>[method:Triangle copy]([page:Triangle triangle])</h3>
triangle -- [page:Triangle]
......@@ -42,99 +42,99 @@
<h3>.set( [page:Float x], [page:Float y] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 set]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Sets value of this vector.
<h3>.copy( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 copy]( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Copies value of *v* to this vector.
<h3>.add( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 add]( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Adds *v* to this vector.
<h3>.addVectors( [page:Vector2 a], [page:Vector2 b] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 addVectors]( [page:Vector2 a], [page:Vector2 b] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a + b*.
<h3>.sub( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 sub]( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Subtracts *v* from this vector.
<h3>.subVectors( [page:Vector2 a], [page:Vector2 b] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 subVectors]( [page:Vector2 a], [page:Vector2 b] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a - b*.
<h3>.multiplyScalar( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 multiplyScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Multiplies this vector by scalar *s*.
<h3>.divideScalar( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 divideScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Divides this vector by scalar *s*.<br />
Set vector to *( 0, 0 )* if *s == 0*.
<h3>.negate() [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 negate]() [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Inverts this vector.
<h3>.dot( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float dot]( [page:Vector2 v] )</h3>
Computes dot product of this vector and *v*.
<h3>.lengthSq() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float lengthSq]()</h3>
Computes squared length of this vector.
<h3>.length() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float length]()</h3>
Computes length of this vector.
<h3>.normalize() [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 normalize]() [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector.
<h3>.distanceTo( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceTo]( [page:Vector2 v] )</h3>
Computes distance of this vector to *v*.
<h3>.distanceToSquared( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToSquared]( [page:Vector2 v] )</h3>
Computes squared distance of this vector to *v*.
<h3>.setLength( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 setLength]( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by *l*.
<h3>.equals( [page:Vector2 v] ) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]( [page:Vector2 v] )</h3>
Checks for strict equality of this vector and *v*.
<h3>.clone() [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 clone]()</h3>
Clones this vector.
<h3>.clamp([page:Vector2 min], [page:Vector2 max]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 clamp]([page:Vector2 min], [page:Vector2 max]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Vector2] containing the min x and y values in the desired range <br />
max -- [page:Vector2] containing the max x and y values in the desired range
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
If this vector's x or y value is greater than the max vector's x or y value, it is replaced by the corresponding value. <br /> If this vector's x or y value is less than the min vector's x or y value, it is replace by the corresponding value.
<h3>.clampScalar([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 clampScalar]([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Float] the minimum value the components will be clamped to <br />
max -- [page:Float] the maximum value the components will be clamped to
......@@ -152,27 +152,27 @@
If this vector's x or y values are greater than the max value, they are replaced by the max value. <br /> If this vector's x or y values are less than the min value, they are replace by the min value.
<h3>.floor() [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 floor]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded downwards (towards negative infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>.ceil() [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 ceil]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded upwards (towards positive infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>.round() [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 round]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards the nearest integer value.
<h3>.roundToZero() [page:Vector2]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 roundToZero]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.
<h3>.lerp([page:Vector2 v], [page:Float alpha]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 lerp]([page:Vector2 v], [page:Float alpha]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector2] <br />
alpha -- [page:Float] between 0 and 1;
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
Linear interpolation between this vector and v, where alpha is the percent along the line.
<h3>.setComponent([page:Integer index], [page:Float value]) [page:undefined]</h3>
<h3>[method:undefined setComponent]([page:Integer index], [page:Float value])</h3>
index -- 0 or 1 <br />
value -- [page:Float]
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
if index equals 1 method replaces this.y with value.
<h3>.addScalar([page:Float s]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 addScalar]([page:Float s]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
s -- [page:Float]
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
Add the scalar value s to this vector's x and y values.
<h3>.getComponent([page:Integer index]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float getComponent]([page:Integer index])</h3>
index -- 0 or 1
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
if index equals 1 returns the y value.
<h3>.fromArray([page:Array array]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 fromArray]([page:Array array]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
array -- [page:Array] of length 2
......@@ -216,12 +216,12 @@
Sets this vector's x value to be array[0] and y value to be array[1].
<h3>.toArray() [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array toArray]()</h3>
Returns an array [x, y].
<h3>.min([page:Vector2 v]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 min]([page:Vector2 v]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector2]
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
If this vector's x or y value is less than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding min value.
<h3>.max([page:Vector2 v]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 max]([page:Vector2 v]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector2]
......@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
If this vector's x or y value is greater than v's x or y value, replace that value with the corresponding max value.
<h3>.setX([page:Float x]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 setX]([page:Float x]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
x -- [page:Float]
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
replace this vector's x value with x.
<h3>.setY([page:Float y]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector2 setY]([page:Float y]) [page:Vector2 this]</h3>
y -- [page:Float]
......@@ -47,140 +47,140 @@
<h3>.set( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 set]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets value of this vector.
<h3>.setX( [page:Float x] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setX]( [page:Float x] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets x value of this vector.
<h3>.setY( [page:Float y] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setY]( [page:Float y] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets y value of this vector.
<h3>.setZ( [page:Float z] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setZ]( [page:Float z] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets z value of this vector.
<h3>.copy( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 copy]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Copies value of *v* to this vector.
<h3>.add( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 add]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Adds *v* to this vector.
<h3>.addVectors( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 addVectors]( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a + b*.
<h3>.sub( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 sub]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Subtracts *v* from this vector.
<h3>.subVectors( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 subVectors]( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a - b*.
<h3>.multiplyScalar( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 multiplyScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Multiplies this vector by scalar *s*.
<h3>.divideScalar( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 divideScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Divides this vector by scalar *s*.<br />
Set vector to *( 0, 0, 0 )* if *s == 0*.
<h3>.negate() [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 negate]() [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Inverts this vector.
<h3>.dot( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float dot]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Computes dot product of this vector and *v*.
<h3>.lengthSq() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float lengthSq]()</h3>
Computes squared length of this vector.
<h3>.length() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float length]()</h3>
Computes length of this vector.
<h3>.lengthManhattan() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float lengthManhattan]()</h3>
Computes Manhattan length of this vector.<br />
<h3>.normalize() [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 normalize]() [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector. Transforms this Vector into a Unit vector by dividing the vector by it's length.
<h3>.distanceTo( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceTo]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Computes distance of this vector to *v*.
<h3>.distanceToSquared( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float distanceToSquared]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Computes squared distance of this vector to *v*.
<h3>.setLength( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setLength]( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by *l*.
<h3>.cross( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 cross]( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to cross product of itself and *v*.
<h3>.crossVectors( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 crossVectors]( [page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to cross product of *a* and *b*.
<h3>.setFromMatrixPosition( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setFromMatrixPosition]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector extracting position from matrix transform.
<h3>.setFromMatrixScale( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setFromMatrixScale]( [page:Matrix4 m] ) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
Sets this vector extracting scale from matrix transform.
<h3>.equals( [page:Vector3 v] ) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]( [page:Vector3 v] )</h3>
Checks for strict equality of this vector and *v*.
<h3>.clone() [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 clone]()</h3>
Clones this vector.
<h3>.clamp([page:Vector3 min], [page:Vector3 max]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 clamp]([page:Vector3 min], [page:Vector3 max]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Vector3] <br />
max -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
If this vector's x, y or z value is less than the min vector's x, y or z value, it is replace by the corresponding value.
<h3>.clampScalar([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 clampScalar]([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Float] the minimum value the components will be clamped to <br />
max -- [page:Float] the maximum value the components will be clamped to
......@@ -199,27 +199,27 @@
If this vector's x, y or z values are greater than the max value, they are replaced by the max value. <br /> If this vector's x, y or z values are less than the min value, they are replace by the min value.
<h3>.floor() [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 floor]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded downwards (towards negative infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>.ceil() [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 ceil]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded upwards (towards positive infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>.round() [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 round]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards the nearest integer value.
<h3>.roundToZero() [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 roundToZero]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.
<h3>.applyMatrix3([page:Matrix3 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyMatrix3]([page:Matrix3 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix3]
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
Multiplies this vector times a 3 x 3 matrix.
<h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix3 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix3 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
Multiplies this vector by 4 x 3 subset of a Matrix4.
<h3>.projectOnPlane([page:Vector3 planeNormal]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 projectOnPlane]([page:Vector3 planeNormal]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
planeNormal -- [page:Vector3 planeNormal] A vector representing a plane normal.
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
Projects this vector onto a plane by subtracting this vector projected onto the plane's normal from this vector.
<h3>.projectOnVector([page:Vector3]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 projectOnVector]([page:Vector3]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
vector -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
Projects this vector onto another vector.
<h3>.addScalar([page:Float]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 addScalar]([page:Float]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
s -- [page:Float]
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
Adds a s to this vector.
<h3>.divide([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 divide]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
Divides this vector by vector v.
<h3>.min([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 min]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
If this vector's x, y, or z value is less than vector v's x, y, or z value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.
<h3>.max([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 max]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
If this vector's x, y, or z value is greater than vector v's x, y, or z value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.
<h3>.setComponent([page:Integer index], [page:Float value]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setComponent]([page:Integer index], [page:Float value]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
index -- 0, 1, or 2 <br />
value -- [page:Float]
......@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
If index equals 2 the method sets this vector's z value to value
<h3>.transformDirection([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 transformDirection]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
Transforms the direction of this vector by a matrix (a 3 x 3 subset of a Matrix4) and then normalizes the result.
<h3>.multiplyVectors([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 multiplyVectors]([page:Vector3 a], [page:Vector3 b]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
a -- [page:Vector3] <br />
b -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
Sets this vector equal to the result of multiplying vector a by vector b.
<h3>.getComponent([page:Integer index]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float getComponent]([page:Integer index])</h3>
index -- [page:Integer] 0, 1, or 2
......@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
Index 2: z <br />
<h3>.applyAxisAngle([page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float angle]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyAxisAngle]([page:Vector3 axis], [page:Float angle]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
axis -- A normalized [page:Vector3] <br />
angle -- An angle in radians
......@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
Applies a rotation specified by an axis and an angle to this vector.
<h3>.lerp([page:Vector3 v], [page:Float alpha]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 lerp]([page:Vector3 v], [page:Float alpha]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3] <br />
alpha -- [page:Float] between 0 and 1.
......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
Linear Interpolation between this vector and vector v, where alpha is the percent along the line.
<h3>.angleTo([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float angleTo]([page:Vector3 v])</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3]
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
Returns the angle between this vector and vector v in radians.
<h3>.setFromMatrixColumn([page:Integer index], [page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 setFromMatrixColumn]([page:Integer index], [page:Matrix4 matrix]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
index -- 0, 1, 2, or 3 <br />
matrix -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
Sets this vector's x, y, and z equal to the column of the matrix specified by the index.
<h3>.reflect([page:Vector3 normal]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 reflect]([page:Vector3 normal]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
normal -- [page:Vector3] the normal to the reflecting plane
......@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
Reflect incident vector off of plane orthogonal to normal. normal is assumed to have unit length.
<h3>.fromArray([page:Array array]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 fromArray]([page:Array array]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
array -- [page:Array] [x, y, z]
......@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
Sets the vector's components based on an array formatted like [x, y, z]
<h3>.multiply([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 multiply]([page:Vector3 v]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector3] <br />
......@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
Multipies this vector by vector v.
<h3>.applyProjection([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyProjection]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4] projection matrix.
......@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
Multiplies this vector and m, and divides by perspective.
<h3>.toArray() [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array toArray]()</h3>
Assigns this vector's x value to array[0]. <br />
Assigns this vector's y value to array[1]. <br />
......@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
Returns the created array.
<h3>.applyEuler([page:Euler euler]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyEuler]([page:Euler euler]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
euler -- [page:Euler]
......@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
Applies euler transform to this vector by converting the [page:Euler] obect to a [page:Quaternion] and applying.
<h3>.applyQuaternion([page:Quaternion quaternion]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 applyQuaternion]([page:Quaternion quaternion]) [page:Vector3 this]</h3>
quaternion -- [page:Quaternion]
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
Applies a [page:Quaternion] transform to this vector.
<h3>.project( [page:Camera camera] ) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 project]( [page:Camera camera] )</h3>
[page:Camera camera] — camera to use in the projection.<br />
......@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
Projects the vector with the camera.
<h3>.unproject( [page:Camera camera] ) [page:Vector3]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector3 unproject]( [page:Camera camera] )</h3>
[page:Camera camera] — camera to use in the projection.<br />
......@@ -37,89 +37,89 @@
<h3>.set( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 set]( [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float z], [page:Float w] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Sets value of this vector.
<h3>.copy( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 copy]( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Copies value of *v* to this vector.
<h3>.add( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 add]( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Adds *v* to this vector.
<h3>.addVectors( [page:Vector4 a], [page:Vector4 b] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 addVectors]( [page:Vector4 a], [page:Vector4 b] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a + b*.
<h3>.sub( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Vector4]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 sub]( [page:Vector4 v] )</h3>
Subtracts *v* from this vector.
<h3>.subVectors( [page:Vector4 a], [page:Vector4 b] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 subVectors]( [page:Vector4 a], [page:Vector4 b] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Sets this vector to *a - b*.
<h3>.multiplyScalar( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 multiplyScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Multiplies this vector by scalar *s*.
<h3>.divideScalar( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 divideScalar]( [page:Float s] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Divides this vector by scalar *s*.<br />
Set vector to *( 0, 0, 0 )* if *s == 0*.
<h3>.negate() [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 negate]() [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Inverts this vector.
<h3>.dot( [page:Vector4 v] ) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float dot]( [page:Vector4 v] )</h3>
Computes dot product of this vector and *v*.
<h3>.lengthSq() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float lengthSq]()</h3>
Computes squared length of this vector.
<h3>.length() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float length]()</h3>
Computes length of this vector.
<h3>.normalize() [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 normalize]() [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector.
<h3>.setLength( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 setLength]( [page:Float l] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by *l*.
<h3>.lerp( [page:Vector4 v], [page:Float alpha] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 lerp]( [page:Vector4 v], [page:Float alpha] ) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
Linearly interpolate between this vector and *v* with *alpha* factor.
<h3>.clone() [page:Vector4]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 clone]()</h3>
Clones this vector.
<h3>.clamp([page:Vector4 min], [page:Vector4 max]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 clamp]([page:Vector4 min], [page:Vector4 max]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Vector4] <br />
max -- [page:Vector4]
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
If this vector's x, y, z, or w value is less than the min vector's x, y, z, or w value, it is replace by the corresponding value.
<h3>.clampScalar([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 clampScalar]([page:Float min], [page:Float max]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
min -- [page:Float] the minimum value the components will be clamped to <br />
max -- [page:Float] the maximum value the components will be clamped to
......@@ -140,27 +140,27 @@
If this vector's x, y, z or w values are less than the min value, they are replace by the min value.
<h3>.floor() [page:Vector4]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 floor]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded downwards (towards negative infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>.ceil() [page:Vector4]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 ceil]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded upwards (towards positive infinity) to an integer value.
<h3>.round() [page:Vector4]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 round]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards the nearest integer value.
<h3>.roundToZero() [page:Vector4]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 roundToZero]()</h3>
The components of the vector are rounded towards zero (up if negative, down if positive) to an integer value.
<h3>.applyMatrix4([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 applyMatrix4]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
Transforms the vector by the matrix.
<h3>.min([page:Vector4 v]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 min]([page:Vector4 v]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector4]
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
If this vector's x, y, z, or w value is less than vector v's x, y, z, or w value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.
<h3>.max([page:Vector4 v]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 max]([page:Vector4 v]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
v -- [page:Vector4]
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
If this vector's x, y, z, or w value is greater than vector v's x, y, z, or w value, that value is replaced by the corresponding vector v value.
<h3>.addScalar([page:Float s]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 addScalar]([page:Float s]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
s -- [page:Float]
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
Adds a scalar value to all of the vector's components.
<h3>.equals([page:Vector4 v]) [page:Boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:Boolean equals]([page:Vector4 v])</h3>
v -- [page:Vector4]
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
Checks to see if this vector matches vector v.
<h3>.setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix]([page:Matrix4 m]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
m -- [page:Matrix4]
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
The axis is stored in components (x, y, z) of the vector, and the rotation in radians is stored in component w
<h3>.setAxisAngleFromQuaternion([page:Quaternion q]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 setAxisAngleFromQuaternion]([page:Quaternion q]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
q -- [page:Quaternion]
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
The axis is stored in components (x, y, z) of the vector, and the rotation in radians is stored in component w
<h3>.getComponent([page:Integer index]) [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float getComponent]([page:Integer index])</h3>
index -- [page:Integer] 0, 1, 2, or 3
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
<h3>.setComponent([page:Integer index], [page:Float value])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setComponent]([page:Integer index], [page:Float value])</h3>
index -- [page:Integer] 0 - 3 <br />
value -- [page:Float]
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
Index 3: w<br/>
<h3>.fromArray([page:Array array]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 fromArray]([page:Array array]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
array -- [page:Array] An array formatted [x, y, z, w]
......@@ -256,19 +256,19 @@
Sets the vector's components based on an array formatted like [x, y, z, w]
<h3>.toArray() [page:Array]</h3>
<h3>[method:Array toArray]()</h3>
Returns an array in the format [x, y, z, w]
<h3>.lengthManhattan() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float lengthManhattan]()</h3>
Computes Manhattan length of this vector.<br />
<h3>.setX([page:Float x]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 setX]([page:Float x]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
x -- [page:Float]
......@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
Sets the x component of the vector.
<h3>.setY([page:Float y]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 setY]([page:Float y]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
y -- [page:Float]
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
Sets the y component of the vector.
<h3>.setZ([page:Float z]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 setZ]([page:Float z]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
z -- [page:Float]
......@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
Sets the z component of the vector.
<h3>.setW([page:Float w]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
<h3>[method:Vector4 setW]([page:Float w]) [page:Vector4 this]</h3>
w -- [page:Float]
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<h3>.update([page:Matrix4 parentSkinMatrix], [page:boolean forceUpdate])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:Matrix4 parentSkinMatrix], [page:boolean forceUpdate])</h3>
parentSkinMatrix -- the matrix of the parent bone.<br />
forceUpdate -- force the update of the skinmatrix.
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<h3>.addLevel([page:todo object], [page:todo distance]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addLevel]([page:todo object], [page:todo distance])</h3>
object -- todo <br />
distance -- todo
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<h3>.getObjectForDistance([page:todo distance]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getObjectForDistance]([page:todo distance])</h3>
distance -- todo
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<h3>.update([page:todo camera]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo update]([page:todo camera])</h3>
camera -- todo
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<h3>.getMorphTargetIndexByName( [page:String name] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo getMorphTargetIndexByName]( [page:String name] )</h3>
name — a morph target name<br />
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
<h3>[method:todo updateMorphTargets]()</h3>
Updates the morphtargets to have no influence on the object.
......@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@
<h3>.setDirectionForward() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setDirectionForward]()</h3>
<h3>.playAnimation([page:todo label], [page:todo fps]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo playAnimation]([page:todo label], [page:todo fps])</h3>
label -- todo <br />
fps -- todo
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<h3>.setFrameRange([page:todo start], [page:todo end]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setFrameRange]([page:todo start], [page:todo end])</h3>
start -- todo <br />
end -- todo
......@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@
<h3>.setDirectionBackward() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setDirectionBackward]()</h3>
<h3>.parseAnimations() [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo parseAnimations]()</h3>
<h3>.updateAnimation([page:todo delta]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo updateAnimation]([page:todo delta])</h3>
delta -- todo
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
<h3>.setAnimationLabel([page:todo label], [page:todo start], [page:todo end]) [page:todo]</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setAnimationLabel]([page:todo label], [page:todo start], [page:todo end])</h3>
label -- todo <br />
start -- todo <br />
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<h3>[method:todo clone]()</h3>
This creates a clone of the particle system.
......@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@
<h3>[method:todo pose]()</h3>
This method sets the skinnedmesh in the rest pose.
<h3>.addBone([page:Bone bone]) [page:Bone]</h3>
<h3>[method:Bone addBone]([page:Bone bone])</h3>
bone -- This is the bone that needs to be added. (optional)
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<h3>[method:todo clone]()</h3>
This creates a new clone of the sprite.
......@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@
<h3>.getMaxAnisotropy() [page:number]</h3>
<h3>[method:number getMaxAnisotropy]()</h3>
This returns the anisotropy level of the textures.
<h3>.render( [page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo render]( [page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera])</h3>
scene -- The scene to render. <br />
camera -- the camera to view the scene.
......@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@
Render a scene using a camera.
<h3>[method:todo clear]()</h3>
Tells the renderer to clear its color drawing buffer with the clearcolor.
<h3>.setClearColor([page:Color color], [page:number alpha])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setClearColor]([page:Color color], [page:number alpha])</h3>
color -- The color to clear the canvas with. <br />
alpha -- The alpha channel to clear the canvas with.
......@@ -113,17 +113,17 @@
This set the clearColor and the clearAlpha.
<h3>.setFaceCulling() </h3>
<h3>[method:todo setFaceCulling]()</h3>
Empty function to keep compability with [page:WebglRenderer].
<h3>[method:todo supportsVertexTextures]()</h3>
Empty function to keep compability with [page:WebglRenderer].
<h3>.setSize([page:Number width], [page:Number height], [page:boolean updateStyle])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setSize]([page:Number width], [page:Number height], [page:boolean updateStyle])</h3>
width -- The width of the drawing canvas. <br />
height -- The height of the drawing canvas. <br />
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
This set the size of the drawing canvas and if updateStyle is set, then the css of the canvas is updated too.
<h3>.setClearColorHex([page:number hex], [page:number alpha])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setClearColorHex]([page:number hex], [page:number alpha])</h3>
hex -- The the hexadecimal value of the color to clear the canvas with. <br />
alpha -- The alpha channel to clear the canvas with.
......@@ -177,31 +177,31 @@
<h3>[method:todo getContext]()</h3>
Return the WebGL context.
<h3>[method:todo supportsVertexTextures]()</h3>
Return a [page:Boolean] true if the context supports vertex textures.
<h3>.setSize( [page:Integer width], [page:Integer height] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setSize]( [page:Integer width], [page:Integer height] )</h3>
<div>Resizes the output canvas to (width, height), and also sets the viewport to fit that size, starting in (0, 0).</div>
<h3>.setViewport( [page:Integer x], [page:Integer y], [page:Integer width], [page:Integer height] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setViewport]( [page:Integer x], [page:Integer y], [page:Integer width], [page:Integer height] )</h3>
<div>Sets the viewport to render from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height).</div>
<h3>.setScissor( [page:Integer x], [page:Integer y], [page:Integer width], [page:Integer height] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setScissor]( [page:Integer x], [page:Integer y], [page:Integer width], [page:Integer height] )</h3>
<div>Sets the scissor area from (x, y) to (x + width, y + height).</div>
<h3>.enableScissorTest( [page:Boolean enable] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo enableScissorTest]( [page:Boolean enable] )</h3>
<div>Enable the scissor test. When this is enabled, only the pixels within the defined scissor area will be affected by further renderer actions.</div>
<h3>.setClearColor( [page:Color color], [page:Float alpha] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setClearColor]( [page:Color color], [page:Float alpha] )</h3>
<div>Sets the clear color and opacity.</div>
<code>// Creates a renderer with red background
......@@ -210,29 +210,29 @@
renderer.setClearColor(0xff0000, 1);
<h3>.getClearColor() [page:Color]</h3>
<h3>[method:Color getClearColor]()</h3>
<div>Returns a [page:Color THREE.Color] instance with the current clear color.</div>
<h3>.getClearAlpha() [page:Float]</h3>
<h3>[method:Float getClearAlpha]()</h3>
<div>Returns a [page:Float float] with the current clear alpha. Ranges from 0 to 1.</div>
<h3>.clear( [page:Boolean color], [page:Boolean depth], [page:Boolean stencil] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo clear]( [page:Boolean color], [page:Boolean depth], [page:Boolean stencil] )</h3>
<div>Tells the renderer to clear its color, depth or stencil drawing buffer(s).</div>
<div>Arguments default to true.</div>
<h3>.addPostPlugin( plugin )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addPostPlugin]( plugin )</h3>
<div>Initialises the postprocessing plugin, and adds it to the renderPluginsPost array.</div>
<h3>.addPrePlugin( plugin )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo addPrePlugin]( plugin )</h3>
<div>Initialises the preprocessing plugin, and adds it to the renderPluginsPre array.</div>
<h3>.updateShadowMap( [page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo updateShadowMap]( [page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera] )</h3>
<div>scene — an instance of [page:Scene]<br />
camera — an instance of [page:Camera]</div>
<div>Tells the shadow map plugin to update using the passed scene and camera parameters.</div>
<h3>.renderBufferImmediate( [page:Object3D object], [page:shaderprogram program], [page:Material shading] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo renderBufferImmediate]( [page:Object3D object], [page:shaderprogram program], [page:Material shading] )</h3>
<div>object — an instance of [page:Object3D]]<br />
program — an instance of shaderProgram<br />
shading — an instance of Material<br />
......@@ -242,25 +242,25 @@
<h3>.renderBufferDirect( [page:Camera camera], [page:Array lights], [page:Fog fog], [page:Material material], [page:Object geometryGroup], [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo renderBufferDirect]( [page:Camera camera], [page:Array lights], [page:Fog fog], [page:Material material], [page:Object geometryGroup], [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
<div>Render a buffer geometry group using the camera and with the correct material.</div>
<h3>.renderBuffer( [page:Camera camera], [page:Array lights], [page:Fog fog], [page:Material material], [page:Object geometryGroup], [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo renderBuffer]( [page:Camera camera], [page:Array lights], [page:Fog fog], [page:Material material], [page:Object geometryGroup], [page:Object3D object] )</h3>
<div>Render a geometry group using the camera and with the correct material.</div>
<h3>.render( [page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera], [page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget], [page:Boolean forceClear] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo render]( [page:Scene scene], [page:Camera camera], [page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget], [page:Boolean forceClear] )</h3>
<div>Render a scene using a camera.</div>
<div>The render is done to the renderTarget (if specified) or to the canvas as usual.</div>
<div>If forceClear is true, the depth, stencil and color buffers will be cleared before rendering even if the renderer's autoClear property is false.</div>
<div>Even with forceClear set to true you can prevent certain buffers being cleared by setting either the .autoClearColor, .autoClearStencil or .autoClearDepth properties to false.</div>
<h3>.renderImmediateObject( camera, lights, fog, material, object )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo renderImmediateObject]( camera, lights, fog, material, object )</h3>
<div>Renders an immediate Object using a camera.</div>
<h3>.initWebGLObjects( [page:Scene scene] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo initWebGLObjects]( [page:Scene scene] )</h3>
[page:Scene scene] -- The scene to initialize.
......@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
<h3>.initMaterial( [page:Material material], [page:Array lights], [page:Fog fog], [page:Object3D object])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo initMaterial]( [page:Material material], [page:Array lights], [page:Fog fog], [page:Object3D object])</h3>
[page:Material material] -- The material to initialize.<br />
[page:Array lights] -- An array of lights that influence the material.<br />
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
This method initializes the material as a webgl program to be used.
<h3>.setFaceCulling( cullFace, frontFace )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setFaceCulling]( cullFace, frontFace )</h3>
[page:String cullFace] —- "back", "front", "front_and_back", or false.<br />
[page:String frontFace] —- "ccw" or "cw<br />
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
<div>If cullFace is false, culling will be disabled.</div>
<h3>.setDepthTest( [page:boolean depthTest] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setDepthTest]( [page:boolean depthTest] )</h3>
depthTest -- The boolean to decide if depth of a fragment needs to be tested against the depth buffer . <br />
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
This sets, based on depthTest, whether or not the depth data needs to be tested against the depth buffer.
<h3>.setDepthWrite( [page:boolean depthWrite] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setDepthWrite]( [page:boolean depthWrite] )</h3>
depthWrite -- The boolean to decide if depth of a fragment needs to be kept. <br />
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
<h3>.setBlending( [page:number blending], [page:number blendEquation], [page:number blendSrc], [page:number blendDst] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setBlending]( [page:number blending], [page:number blendEquation], [page:number blendSrc], [page:number blendDst] )</h3>
blending -- A number indicating the blending mode. Possible value are THREE.NoBlending, THREE.NormalBlending, THREE.AdditiveBlending, THREE.SubtractiveBlending, THREE.MultiplyBlending or THREE.CustomBlending <br />
blendEquation -- When blending is THREE.CustomBlending, then you can set the blendEquation. Possible values are THREE.AddEquation, THREE.SubtractEquation or THREE.ReverseSubtractEquation.<br />
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
This method sets the correct blending.
<h3>.setTexture( [page:Texture texture], [page:number slot] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setTexture]( [page:Texture texture], [page:number slot] )</h3>
texture -- The [page:Texture texture] that needs to be set.<br />
slot -- The number indicating which slot should be used by the texture.
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
This method sets the correct texture to the correct slot for the wegl shader. The slot number can be found as a value of the uniform of the sampler.
<h3>.setRenderTarget( [page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget] )</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setRenderTarget]( [page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget] )</h3>
renderTarget -- The [page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget] that needs to be activated.<br />
......@@ -334,22 +334,22 @@
This method sets the active rendertarget.
<h3>.supportsCompressedTextureS3TC() [page:boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:boolean supportsCompressedTextureS3TC]()</h3>
This method returns true if the webgl implementation supports compressed textures of the format S3TC.
<h3>.getMaxAnisotropy() [page:number]</h3>
<h3>[method:number getMaxAnisotropy]()</h3>
This returns the anisotropy level of the textures.
<h3>.getPrecision() [page:string]</h3>
<h3>[method:string getPrecision]()</h3>
This gets the precision used by the shaders. It returns "highp","mediump" or "lowp".
<h3>.setMaterialFaces([page:Material material])</h3>
<h3>[method:todo setMaterialFaces]([page:Material material])</h3>
material -- The [page:Material material] with side that shouldn't be culled.
......@@ -357,17 +357,17 @@
This sets which side needs to be culled in the webgl renderer.
<h3>.supportsStandardDerivatives() [page:boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:boolean supportsStandardDerivatives]()</h3>
This method returns true if the webgl implementation supports standard derivatives.
<h3>.supportsFloatTextures() [page:boolean]</h3>
<h3>[method:boolean supportsFloatTextures]()</h3>
This method returns true if the webgl implementation supports float textures.
<h3>.clearTarget([page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget], [page:boolean color], [page:boolean depth], [page:boolean stencil]) </h3>
<h3>[method:todo clearTarget]([page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget], [page:boolean color], [page:boolean depth], [page:boolean stencil])</h3>
renderTarget -- The [page:WebGLRenderTarget renderTarget] that needs to be cleared.<br />
color -- If set, then the color gets cleared. <br />
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<h3>.clone() [page:Fog]</h3>
<h3>[method:Fog clone]()</h3>
<div>Returns a copy of this.</div>
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<h3>.clone() [page:FogExp2]</h3>
<h3>[method:FogExp2 clone]()</h3>
<div>Returns a copy of this.</div>
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